


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……





汉语拼音:jiǎ huà









  1. 隐瞒真情的话。

    《儿女英雄传》第十一回:“我这姐姐断不会説假话赚人的。” 茅盾 《子夜》十六:“你面前我没有半句假话!” 巴金 《探索集·纪念烈文》:“没有装饰,没有颂扬,似乎也没有假话,但是朴素的文字使我回想起我曾经认识的那个人。”



  1. I never claimed to be a good writer but I spoke from the heart and told the truth.


  2. It was no subterfuge on heR part. She just lied in heR throat and we all realized toe grossness of heR false utterance.


  3. She got to be so sincere in the deception that she ended up by consoling herself with her own lies.


  4. "It was sad to see Rafa go. I would be lying if I said otherwise or if I said I wasn't close to him, " he said.


  5. I had told him. He believed me. He no longer felt his mother had lied to him that day in June at the hospital.


  6. KNOW you to be of TRUTH and how you are helping so many . . . it wouldn't be right for you to say this and then not deliver the goods.


  7. I wanted them to be able to look me in the eye and judge whether I was telling the truth or telling a lie.


  8. People, just a long one mouth. It is to us: Shuoyibuer, nothing but the truth, do not tell lies.


  9. However, I have now is not what I said at the time that said what the truth lies, everything disrupt my life.


  1. 空话, 蠢话或假话

    Empty, foolish, or pretentious talk.

  2. 空话,蠢话或假话。

    Empty, foolish, or pretentious talk.

  3. 他对我说假话。

    He lied to me.

  4. 也不完全是假话

    That's not entirely untrue.

  5. 我断然拒绝说假话。

    I steadily refuse to tell an untruth.

  6. 不问就听不到假话.

    As no questions and be told no lies.

  7. 说假话是不对的。

    To say things that are untrue is wrong.

  8. 说假话是不对得。

    To say things that are untrue is wrong.

  9. 这不是假话, 是真话。

    These are sincere words, not just empty rhetoric.

  10. 这不是假话,是真话。

    These are sincere words, not just empty rhetoric.

  11. 大言我假, 假话常夸。

    A boaster and a liar are all one.

  12. 大言我假,假话常夸。

    A boaster and a liar are all one .

  13. 他指责玛丽说了假话。

    He gave Mary the lie.

  14. 我从未说过一句假话。

    I have never uttered one word of untruth.

  15. 无论你说真话还是假话。

    Whether you tell the truth or not.

  16. 假话似荨麻,轻薄会刺手。

    Falsehood like a meddle with it.

  17. 我不说假话,可能有智者

    I'm not gonna lie. One of the wise men

  18. 他昨天对你说的是假话。

    What he told you yesterday is false.

  19. 没有借口、假话,没有不兑现的诺言。

    No excuses, false words, no cash promise.

  20. 你是在作假话连篇的演说。

    You're making speeches full of bunk.

  21. 他编了一套假话来哄骗人。

    He made up a string of lies to hoodwink people.

  22. 因此, 我不会说假话欺骗他。

    So, I would not mess him about by telling him lies.

  23. 他们用假话骗取了他的权利。

    They beguiled him of his right by false pretence.

  24. 我从未想到你会对我说假话。

    I never thought you would lie to me.

  25. 他是个说谎的人。他一贯说假话。

    He is a liar; he tells stories.

  26. 这句假话使我暂时逃脱一难。

    With this lie Id temporarily saved my bacon.

  27. 她用一套假话把他瞒过去了。

    She palmed him off with some story or others.

  28. 说空话, 说大话, 说假话的恶习必须杜绝。

    Bad habits like empty talk, boasting and lying must be stamped out.

  29. 用这套假话骗你,是我不老实。

    It was crooked of me to palm off the tale on you.

  30. 全是假话,整个故事是凭空捏造出来的。

    There is nothing in it; the whole story is an absolute invention.


  1. 问:假话拼音怎么拼?假话的读音是什么?假话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假话的读音是jiǎhuà,假话翻译成英文是 lie; falsehood; untrue statement




【读音】jiǎ huà



【示例】茅盾《子夜》十六:“你面前我没有半句假话!” 巴金《探索集·纪念烈文》:“没有装饰,没有颂扬,似乎也没有假话,但是朴素的文字使我回想起我曾经认识的那个人。”