







汉语拼音:dīng dōng







  1. 象声词。形容金属、玉石等撞击的声音。

    明 唐寅 《绮疏遗恨·砧杵》诗:“忍抛砧杵谢芳菲,敲断叮咚梦不归。”《红楼梦》第八七回:“走近 瀟湘馆 ,忽听得叮咚之声。” 张天翼 《最后列车》:“身上悬灯似地挂着那些捞什子叮咚叮咚响。” 碧野 《山泉水暖》:“在一个深谷里,山风送来铁马的叮咚。”



  1. Judging by buzz alone, the Palm Pre seems to be current the hot smartphone among developers.


  2. Ding dong it sound like a mountain stream in the spring as ? like the sky is as pure white clouds, which is unparalleled Haichao.


  3. Thoughts of you as the light smoke times, curl wish for you is bubbling brook ding-dong.


  4. The guard, marvelling, ushered him through the great gate of the castle, and across a spacious court where fountains sang mellifluously.


  5. Cheng phoned Spring followed the number which Spring told him, then he listened her voice, it is like melted water.


  6. If the roof drops beads, drops deep pool ding-dong sound, it is called "supernatural spring. "


  7. There's going to be a real ding-dong when the bell goes.


  8. There is a pause between letters and a longer one between words, a longer buzz indicates the end of the message.


  9. Suddenly, "ding-dong ding-dong ~ ~" the door bell rang.


  1. 叮咚, 叮咚, 叮咚, 叮咚。

    Dingadong, dingadong, dingadong, ding dong.

  2. 叮咚!叮咚!门铃响了。

    Dingdong! Dingdong! Rang the doorbell.

  3. 叮咚!凯文在家吗?

    Bied One Dingdong ! Is Kevin home

  4. 叮咚, 坏女巫已死。

    Dingding, the Wicked Witch is dead.

  5. 叮咚,坏女巫已死。

    Dingding, the Wicked Witch is dead.

  6. 雪橇声铃悠扬叮咚

    To hear sleigh bells in the snow

  7. 水深无声, 流浅叮咚。

    Shallow stream make most din.

  8. 水深无声,流浅叮咚。

    Shallow stream make most din .

  9. 像钟一样发出叮咚声。

    go ding dong, like a bell.

  10. 山中叮咚的清泉愿意

    Tinkling springs in the hills will

  11. 叮咚!小狐狸跑去开门。

    Ding! Fox ran to open the door.

  12. 鹦鹉2叮咚!凯文在家吗

    Parrot B Dingdong! Is Kevin home

  13. 叮咚铃, 小猫咪在井里。

    Ding dong bell, Pussys in the well.

  14. 水之湾泉水叮咚,喷泉激涌。

    Water springs Dingdong Bay, fountain dramatic Chung.

  15. 护士是小溪, 清彻明艳, 脚步叮咚。

    A nurse is a clear creek, running glisteningly forward with trickling footsteps.

  16. 泉水叮咚, 弹一曲心中舒缓的歌。

    The spring water comes out gently and euphoniously.

  17. 当铃响的时候,就真的是叮咚一下。

    Theres going to be a real dingdong when the bell goes.

  18. 泉水叮咚,从洞顶不停地滴下来。

    The spring water is tinkling and keeps dropping from the ceiling of the cave.

  19. 泉水叮咚,从洞顶不停地滴下来。

    The spring water is tinkling and keeps dropping from the ceiling of the cave.

  20. 一次万圣节我们的门铃响了。叮咚。

    One Halloween our doorbell rang. Ding Dong.

  21. 听到叮咚声后,便可开始说出指令。

    After the tone, just speak a command.

  22. 丛林里到处都有清澈的溪流和叮咚的泉水。

    In the forest, there are clear streams and tinkling spring water everywhere.

  23. 瑶池树木参天, 绿树成荫, 泉水叮咚, 流向氵内河。

    Yao Chi towering trees, trees, spring ding dong, Rui river flows.

  24. 赞歌回荡于舒暖得客厅, 叮咚得钢琴是我们得向导。

    And hymns in the cozy parlor, the tinkling piano our guide.

  25. 赞歌回荡于舒暖的客厅,叮咚的钢琴是我们的向导。

    And hymns in the cozy parlor, the tinkling piano our guide.

  26. 如叮咚清泉,以水的柔情和滋养象征优质服务。

    If Ding Dong Qing, a symbol of nourishment and gentleness water quality.

  27. 我们漫步经过泉水叮咚的喷泉和芬芳四溢的花园。

    We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens.

  28. 叮咚一直是由雅虎提供的最令人期待的服务之一。

    Buzz has been one of the most anticipated service offered by Yahoo.

  29. 终于可以放下行囊,去聆听那叮咚的山泉和心跳的声音!

    Finally, we can put off the bags to listen to the sound of hill spring and heart beating.

  30. 雨水打在卡费广场旁她的花园住宅的屋檐上叮咚作响。

    The rain drummed on the eaves of her garden flat at Cuffe Parade.


  1. 问:叮咚拼音怎么拼?叮咚的读音是什么?叮咚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叮咚的读音是dīngdōng,叮咚翻译成英文是 produced by collision of metal, jade, etc....



“叮咚”是个多义词,它可以指叮咚(中国大陆歌手杨幂演唱歌曲), 叮咚(体鸣乐器), 叮咚(中国台湾歌手徐怀钰演唱歌曲)。