




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:piē jiàn







  1. 看到;一眼看见。

    唐 罗虬 《比红儿》诗之十四:“若教瞥见 红儿 貌,不肯留情付 洛神 。” 宋 晁端礼 《水龙吟》词:“马上墙头,纵教瞥见,也难相认。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·青娥》:“一日,生於门外瞥见之。童子虽无知,祗觉爱之极,而不能言。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·藤野先生》:“每当夜间疲倦,正想偷懒时,仰面在灯光中瞥见他黑瘦的面貌,似乎正要说出抑扬顿挫的话来,便使我忽又良心发现,而且增加勇气了。”



  1. For the previous 30 minutes he had caught glimpses of a policeman peering through the door window. Now he hoped to give him a chance to act.


  2. One morning a woman is walking out of her front door, when she notices a strange little man at the bottom of her garden.


  3. Halfway through reciting the entrees, I glanced up and saw Mom looking at me, a wistful smile on her lips.


  4. my glance had fallen , but a few moments before , on the fragments of a broken sword , lying among the hay.


  5. There was one small barred window, too small to let very much air in or out, too high to afford more than a glimpse of the sky.


  6. He caught sight of his own face in the wall-mirror and was surprised to see that it wore an expression of eager friendliness.


  7. At random times I feel like I am falling back into my body, so to speak, and I also seem to get glimpses of the (possible? ) near future.


  8. I only caught a glimpse of him sitting in the car, so I can't tell exactly what he looked like.


  9. As she spoke she caught Mr. Arabin's eye and saw that he was looking pointedly at her with a severe expression.


  1. 瞥见,一见

    Get a glimpse of sth.

  2. 瞥见某人/ 某事

    to catch a glimpse of somebody/ something

  3. 瞥见简短地瞥见, 粗略地看见

    To obtain a brief, incomplete view of.

  4. 他瞥见了那个陌生人。

    He caught a glimpse of the stranger.

  5. 我们得以瞥见君王。

    We caught a glimpse of the monarch.

  6. 她瞥见他走了。

    She glimpsed him leaving.

  7. 蜂鸟可能很难瞥见。

    Hummingbirds can be hard to spot.

  8. 我瞥见她匆匆走了。

    I caught sight of her hurrying away.

  9. 我瞥见她在人群当中。

    I glimpsed her among the crowd.

  10. 他斜眼瞥见了点什么。

    He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision.

  11. 她一眼瞥见远处的汽车。

    She caught sight of a car in the distance.

  12. 有时我觉得, 我已瞥见永恒。

    Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity.

  13. 我在人群中瞥见了她。

    I glimpsed her in the crowd.

  14. 我在人群中瞥见了他。

    I caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.

  15. 她瞥见远处有一辆车。

    She caught sight of a car in the distance.

  16. 有时我们会短暂瞥见心性。

    Sometimes we have fleeting glimpses of the nature of mind.

  17. 胜利中瞥见的一个幻象?

    An illusion glimpsed in victory?

  18. 他一眼瞥见她在人群里。

    He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.

  19. 瞥见一个完整得椰子壳。

    Catch a glimpse of a complete shell of the coconut.

  20. 瞥见一个完整的椰子壳。

    Catch a glimpse of a complete shell of the coconut.

  21. 你是否瞥见过你的前生?

    Have you ever glimpsed your preexistence?

  22. 亲爱的主,我们曾瞥见祢的荣耀。

    Dear Lord, we have glimpsed your glory.

  23. 我一瞬间瞥见了我正在做什么。

    It was a fleeting glimpse at what I was doing then.

  24. 他那迟缓的头脑瞥见了它。

    His sluggish mind gropes for it.

  25. 那一刻,我想我瞥见了永恒。

    Sometimes,I think I am glimps eternity.

  26. 有时我们能瞥见远处的野马。

    In the distance we caught sight of the occasional wild horse.

  27. 在行船中我瞥见了那山。

    I got a glimpse of the mountain as the ship went by.

  28. 我只瞥见那部疾驰的车子。

    I only caught a glimpse of the speeding car.

  29. 我无意中在人群中瞥见了他。

    I caught a glimpse of him in the crowd.

  30. 她一眼就瞥见了远处的汽车。

    She catches a glimpse of a car in the distance.


  1. 问:瞥见拼音怎么拼?瞥见的读音是什么?瞥见翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞥见的读音是piējiàn,瞥见翻译成英文是 to get a glimpse of; to catch a glimpse of...


