


1. 含 [hán]含 [hán]衔在嘴里,不吐出也不咽下:~一口水。~漱剂。~英咀(jǔ)华(喻反复琢磨体味文章的妙处)。~饴弄孙(含着糖逗小孙子,形容老年人的乐趣)。藏在里面,包容在里面:包~。~义。~量。~苞。~蕴。~混。~垢纳污(指……


1. 糊 [hū]2. 糊 [hú]3. 糊 [hù]糊 [hū]涂抹或粘合使封闭起来:~了一层泥。糊 [hú]粘合,涂附:裱~。~墙。~窗户。粥类:~口。〔~涂〕a.不明事理;认识模糊混乱,如“他太~~了”;b.内容混乱的,如“~~账”。……



汉语拼音:hán hu










  1. 亦作“ 含胡 ”。形容声音、言语或意思等不清晰、不明确。

    唐 刘禹锡 《与柳子厚书》:“弦张柱差,枵然貌存。中有至音,含糊弗闻。”《新唐书·忠义传中·颜杲卿》:“贼鉤断其舌,曰:‘復能駡否?’ 杲卿 含胡而絶。” 金 王若虚 《论语辨惑三》:“而 龟山 、 晦庵 、 无垢 之徒,皆以为兼仁智而言,其意含糊,了不可晓。”《儒林外史》第三七回:“ 张铁臂 红了脸道:‘是小时有这个名字。’别的事含糊説不出来。 杜少卿 也不再问了。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第二章:“只有 刘戡 显得特别:他象发热发冷,时而大声说什么,时而含糊地嘟囔。”

  2. 形容办事敷衍马虎;苟且,不认真。

    《旧唐书·陆贽传》:“既相执证,理合辨明,朝廷每为含糊,未尝穷究曲直。” 宋 欧阳修 《再乞根究蒋之奇弹疏札子》:“臣若有之,万死不足以塞责;臣若无之,岂得含胡隐忍,不乞辨明?”《京本通俗小说·错斩崔宁》:“问官不肯推详,含糊了事。”《醒世恒言·李玉英狱中讼冤》:“遇着这般泼妇,难道终日廝闹不成?少不得闹过几次,奈何他不下,到只得诈瞎装聋,含糊忍痛。” 毛泽东 《学习和时局》:“对于人的处理问题取慎重态度,既不含糊敷衍,又不损害同志,这是我们党兴旺发达的标志之一。”

  3. 示弱;差劲;无能。常与“不”字连用,表示反义。

    老舍 《茶馆》第二幕:“我卖菜呢!自食其力,不含糊!” 郭澄清 《大刀记》开篇十:“真是出类拔萃的人物呀!不含糊!” 骆宾基 《东战场别动队》一:“人倒是不含胡,就是脾气暴躁点。”



  1. That sort of lofty vagueness can earn you a reputation for great wisdom if you happen to be a Chinese revolutionary leader.


  2. 'I'm a mess, ' she mumbles out of the side of her mouth, which she can barely move due to the anaesthetic cream smeared all over her face.


  3. He said the "socio-economic criteria are problematic, " adding that EU rules needed clarification on this point.


  4. Chinese people sometimes ambiguous words, the comparison is often said : "It is not clear, it is hard to say. look at the repeat. "


  5. The Vice President is vague in her answer, telling Kellerman that her agenda and that of the Company just happened to be the same.


  6. must you be so indefinite? ; amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges; he would not answer so indefinite a proposal.


  7. Curiousness also opens you up to gain understanding of something. And with understanding vague, fog-like fears disappear.


  8. When he spoke the maimed form of his mouth meant that what he said was virtually incomprehensible. It took Camille to translate it.


  9. Obscure allusions to chess are fine; but it troubles me that anonymous oracles know more of my business than i do.


  1. 含糊的托辞

    a shadowy excuse.

  2. 毫不含糊地

    in no uncertain terms

  3. 含糊的答覆

    indefinite answer.

  4. 措辞含糊的声明

    a vaguely worded statement

  5. 尽可能不含糊的。

    as unambiguous as possible.

  6. 这些词语太含糊了。

    There words are too vague.

  7. 急促地说出,含糊地说出

    To utter rapidly or unintelligibly.

  8. 你的叙述非常含糊。

    You description was of the vaguest.

  9. 她的回答毫不含糊。

    Her answer was above all ambiguity.

  10. 他的叙述十分含糊。

    His description was of the vaguest.

  11. 含糊地说, 咕哝着说,

    When the old lady speaks she often mumbles her words.

  12. 含糊不清的措词

    imprecise wording

  13. 关键之处不可含糊。

    Make sure not to overlook the key points.

  14. 关键之处不可含糊。

    Make sure not to overlook the key points.

  15. 含糊不清的喊声

    an inarticulate cry

  16. 含糊地说,咕哝着说,

    When the old lady speaks she often mumbles her words.

  17. 数目字是含糊不得的。

    There must be no fudging the figures.

  18. 含糊的语用学研究

    Vagueness from a Pragmatic Perspective

  19. 法律文书往往含糊冗长。

    Legal writing is often unclear and verbose.

  20. 他的答复有点含糊。

    There was something of uncertainty in his reply.

  21. 那醉汉说话含糊不清。

    The drunk man slurred his words.

  22. 糊涂, 愤怒, 笨拙, 说话含糊。

    Confusion, irritation, clumsiness, slurred speech.

  23. 这事一点不能含糊。

    We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.

  24. 他昨天说的话很含糊。

    What he said yesterday was dubious.

  25. 你为什么含糊其辞?

    What are you being so coy about?

  26. 以直接的、不含糊的方式。

    In a direct and unequivocal manner.

  27. 故意的含糊暧昧不明确。

    Intentionally vague or ambiguous.

  28. 这个答案很明了, 不含糊。

    The answer was clear and unambiguous.

  29. 对未来合作的含糊的保证

    Nebulous assurances of future cooperation.

  30. 含糊其辞的推脱话

    weasel word


  1. 问:含糊拼音怎么拼?含糊的读音是什么?含糊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊的读音是hánhu,含糊翻译成英文是 vague; careless

  2. 问:含糊其词拼音怎么拼?含糊其词的读音是什么?含糊其词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊其词的读音是hánhuqící,含糊其词翻译成英文是 talk ambiguously; ambiguous equivocation; in...

  3. 问:含糊地拼音怎么拼?含糊地的读音是什么?含糊地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊地的读音是,含糊地翻译成英文是 equivocally

  4. 问:含糊度拼音怎么拼?含糊度的读音是什么?含糊度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊度的读音是,含糊度翻译成英文是 ambiguity

  5. 问:含糊的拼音怎么拼?含糊的的读音是什么?含糊的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊的的读音是,含糊的翻译成英文是 darksome

  6. 问:含糊话拼音怎么拼?含糊话的读音是什么?含糊话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊话的读音是,含糊话翻译成英文是 equivocation

  7. 问:含糊其辞拼音怎么拼?含糊其辞的读音是什么?含糊其辞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊其辞的读音是hánhú-qící,含糊其辞翻译成英文是 Now generally written as "含糊其词".

  8. 问:含糊函数拼音怎么拼?含糊函数的读音是什么?含糊函数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊函数的读音是hán hū hán shù,含糊函数翻译成英文是 ambiguity function

  9. 问:含糊措辞拼音怎么拼?含糊措辞的读音是什么?含糊措辞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊措辞的读音是,含糊措辞翻译成英文是 equivoke

  10. 问:含糊蕨藻拼音怎么拼?含糊蕨藻的读音是什么?含糊蕨藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊蕨藻的读音是hánhujuézǎo,含糊蕨藻翻译成英文是 Caulerpa ambigua

  11. 问:含糊语法拼音怎么拼?含糊语法的读音是什么?含糊语法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊语法的读音是hán hú yǔ fǎ,含糊语法翻译成英文是 ambiguous grammar

  12. 问:含糊读数拼音怎么拼?含糊读数的读音是什么?含糊读数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含糊读数的读音是hán hú dú shù,含糊读数翻译成英文是 ambiguous reading


