




事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:jié jī






  1. 劫持飞机。

    《新民晚报》1984.8.11:“ 印度 一架班机的机组人员十日成功地阻止了一起劫机事件。”《解放日报》1984.9.1:“劫机是犯罪的行为。”



  1. The serial numbers matched those of the ransom money which had been noted to make it easier to track Cooper later.


  2. This is more like an air rage incident in which you land and get rid of the troublesome passengers and then continue on to your destination.


  3. In hindsight, all agreed that this was the obvious reason for the hiccup.


  4. It was a long shot, but maybe I could convince the hijacker to get off the plane with me in New Jersey.


  5. He allegedly was selected to be a hijacker and made a "martyr video" in preparation for the operation, but was unable to get a U.


  6. As I recited the Serenity Prayer, all the procedures I had learned during training to deal with a hijacking flooded back to me.


  7. One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijackers hand.


  8. In 1994, hijackers of an Air France jet reportedly considered crashing the aircraft into the Eiffel Tower.


  9. Michael lowered the automatic air stairs, and the hijacker and I walked alone down the stairs and across the airfield.


  1. 飞行员遭遇劫机。

    The pilot had his plane hijacked.

  2. 你为什么劫机呢?

    Why do you hijack

  3. 劫机犯死伤各5人。

    Skyjacking makes casualty each 5 person.

  4. 劫机者释放了人质。

    The hijackers set the hostages free, ie released them.

  5. 警察射中了劫机者。

    The police shot the hijacker.

  6. 劫机犯举枪瞄准了人质。

    The hijacker levelled a gun at the hostage.

  7. 劫机者向警察投降了。

    The hijackers surrendered to the police.

  8. 劫机者是杰克鲍尔。

    Jack Bauer is the hijacker.

  9. 劫机者身上带着手榴弹。

    The hijackers were armed with hand grenades.

  10. 他们与劫机者直接联系。

    They are in direct contact with the hijackers.

  11. 劫机成为航空公司的大问题。

    Skyjacking has become a major problem for the airlines.

  12. 我已听说了那次劫机事件。

    I have been told about the hijacking.

  13. 犯罪分子劫机并要求大笔赎金。

    Criminals hijacked an airplane and asked for a huge ransom.

  14. 两名乘客遭劫机者杀害。

    Two passengers were slain by the hijackers.

  15. 劫机者终於向警方投降了。

    The hijackers finally surrendered to the police.

  16. 劫机者终于向警方投降 了。

    The hijackers finally surrendered to the police.

  17. 他们拒绝把劫机犯人引渡到美国。

    They refused to extradite the hijackers to the U.S.

  18. 周六下午, 他挫败一劫机在宽松。

    Saturday afternoon he foiled a hijacking at LAX.

  19. 劫机者扣留两名妇女作人质。

    The highjackers held two women hostage.

  20. 劫机者释放了其中三名人质。

    The hijackers released three of the hostages.

  21. 机组人员被劫机犯们监禁在飞机里。

    The crew were imprisoned in the plane by the hijackers.

  22. 劫机者劫持了这架国内客机。

    The hijacker commandeered the plane on a domestic flight.

  23. 他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的要求。

    They refused to bend to the hijackers demands.

  24. 劫机者把我推进最近的建筑物。

    The hijacker pushed me into the nearest building with him.

  25. 劫机者扣押了三十人作人质。

    The hijackers held 30 hostages.

  26. 他们正采取措施防止劫机事件的发生。

    They are taking measures to guarantee against the occurrence of hijacking.

  27. 我与劫机者保持着直接的联系。

    I'm in direct contact with the hijackers.

  28. 劫机犯刚走下飞机就被捕了。

    The hijacker was lifted immediately after he stepped down the plane.

  29. 大多数国家拒绝对劫机者提供庇护。

    Most countries refuse to give sanctuary to people who hijack aeroplanes.

  30. 四名劫机者企图劫持我们的飞机。

    Four hijackers attempted to hijack our AC.


  1. 问:劫机拼音怎么拼?劫机的读音是什么?劫机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劫机的读音是jiéjī,劫机翻译成英文是 hijack a plane

  2. 问:劫机事件拼音怎么拼?劫机事件的读音是什么?劫机事件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劫机事件的读音是jié jī shì jiàn,劫机事件翻译成英文是 skyjack


