


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……






1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……



汉语拼音:bù wǎng cǐ xíng







  1. But theme parks also try to make sure that visitors leave knowing more about their theme.


  2. But because now visitors many, has the name, but going on it, and don't waste trip.


  3. Finally, we will go to a few western cities, I hope I will be more happy, worthwhile.


  1. 如果你能遇到下雪, 那么你一定会觉得不枉此行的!

    If you can meet snow, then you certainly will think not in vain line!

  2. 才不枉父亲的谆谆教诲。

    Then they would be able to follow their father's wishes.

  3. 他业绩这么好,也不枉你对他的培养。

    His outstanding performance makes him worthy of your cultivation.

  4. 他业绩这么好,也不枉你对他的培养。

    His outstanding performance makes him worthy of your cultivation.

  5. 平生葬花杀人, 我以落花剑葬你, 不枉你异人之名。

    Is lifetime to bury a bloom homicide, I bury you along fallen petal sword, dont consume an of your rare person.

  6. 即使纠缠终日,搭上生命,也不枉了无法回头的光阴。

    Even if pesters the day of death, Makes contact with the life, Also has been unable not in vain the time which turns head.

  7. 都说青春,要做几件傻事,才不枉我们也曾年轻过。

    All say youth, to do a foolish thing, don't waste our was once young.

  8. 倘若傍晚只是潮湿寒冷, 对她此行不会有所阻妨。

    An evening merely cold or damp would not have deterred her from her trip.

  9. 他说, 我们将向你们表明我们的承诺, 你此行不会白费。

    We want to show you our commitment, he said. The time you have taken to come here will not be in vain.

  10. 尼克松的随行记者团并不关心此行的深远意义。

    The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the longrange implications of the journey.

  11. 知恩不报恩,枉为世上人。

    As soon as you have drunk, you turn your back upon the spring.

  12. 比尔 她不是我们此行要解救的人。

    Bill, she is not who we're here to save.

  13. 我私下承认,此行是不可能了,因为我的钱几乎花光了。

    Privately I admitted that the trip was out of the question, for my money was almost gone.

  14. 若是光阴一直如此安谧宁和,此生也不枉度。

    If the time is prefer always accordingly peaceful and, the this present life doesn't garbage a degree as well.

  15. 目前还不清楚克林顿国务卿此行能达成多少进展。

    It is uncertain how much progress Secretary Clinton could make on this trip.

  16. 不过, 此行中我不能观看上海鲨鱼队的比赛, 有点遗憾。

    However, this line I can not watch Shanghai Sharks of the game was a little disappointed.

  17. 矫枉纠偏, 不啻双重补赎。

    Nor double penance, to correct correction.

  18. 矫枉必须过正, 不过正不能矫枉。

    Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong, or else the wrong cannot be righted.

  19. 夫妻不和分居十多年,早已名存实枉。

    Husband and wife do not and 10 of separation.

  20. 事情不是你想象的那样, 你不要屈枉我!

    Things aren't like that, do not treat me unfairly.

  21. 事情不是你想象的那样,你不要屈枉我!

    Things aren't like that, don't treat me unfairly.

  22. 不要诬枉好人, 否则你会遭到报应的。

    Do not calumniate good people, otherwise you will be punished.

  23. 不要诬枉好人,否则你会遭到报应的。

    Do not calumniate good people, otherwise you will be punished.

  24. 在审判时, 偏袒恶人, 屈枉义人, 是不对的。

    It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.

  25. 不到两个时辰,我早已意兴索然,颇悔此行了。

    In less than four hours my enthusiasm had waned and I rather reproached myself for coming.

  26. 提醒自己死亡随时会来临,就是策励自己不要枉过每一天。

    Remind us that death may dawn on us anytime, it is to propel us not to waste any single day.

  27. 不要上你们老板那些有言无实的许诺的当,枉自空希望一场。

    Don't be deluded into false hopes by your boss' meaningless promises.

  28. 我们活着不能与草木同腐,不能醉生梦死,枉度人生,要有所作为。

    We are living not to become putrid like vegetation, not to lead a befuddled life as if drunk or in a dream, not to fritter life away. We must amount to something.



“不枉此行”是个多义词,它可以指不枉此行(吕雯演唱歌曲), 不枉此行(定义)。