




驮,背(bèi ):~米。~疚。~重。如释重~。~荆请罪。担任:担~。~责。~累(lěi )。~罪。~荷。忍辱~重。身~重任。仗恃,依靠:~隅顽抗。自~(自以为了不起)。遭受:~伤。~屈。具有,享有:久~盛誉。欠(钱):~债。小于零的(数)……


1. 盛 [shèng]2. 盛 [chéng]盛 [shèng]兴旺:兴~。繁~。旺~。~世。~衰。茂~。全~时期。炽烈:年轻气~。~怒。~气凌人。丰富,华美:~产。~宴。~装。热烈,规模大:~大。~况。~典。~举。广泛,程度深:~传(c……


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:pō fù shèng míng








  1. The son of a wealthy, well-established family and the master of the great estate of Pemberley, Darcy is Elizabeth's male counterpart.


  2. Our body is a Cantonese, usually eats most is common is quite has the great reputation the Cantonese cuisine.


  3. The Incans also become had a prestigious educational system that extolled the benefits of Incan civilization.


  4. All this erodes America's famed flexibility.


  5. Produced "cattle" Apple's high quality, famous, is the main export fruit.


  6. The Lucullus taverna is a 100-year-old restaurant famous for the freshest grilled octopus in the region.


  7. Mr. Hua Wei, his representative work, is a long famed satirical piece in modern literary history of China.


  8. Hainan Province Dingan peanut oil quite well known in Hainan.


  1. 绵竹年画题材丰富, 久负盛名。

    Mianzhu pictures themes rich, long renowned.

  2. 藏狗的凶恶是极负盛名的。

    Tibetan dogs are renown for their viciousness.

  3. 公司产品不仅在波兰久负盛名。

    Kanlux products are known not only in Poland.

  4. 世界上最负盛名的管弦乐队之一

    Prestigious orchestras

  5. 这家百年老字号的烤鸭店久负盛名。

    This century-old roast duck shop is very famous.

  6. 巧克力对情绪的调节作用也久负盛名。

    Chocolate has long been renown for its remarkable effects on human mood.

  7. 余杭丝绵素以清水丝绵而负盛名。

    Yuhang silk floss silk floss which are renowned for their famous water.

  8. 詹姆斯以其前瞻性的思想而负盛名。

    James was renowned as a forward thinker.

  9. 由农家自已纺织的布依土布久负盛名。

    By the farmers themselves handwoven cloth weaving Buyi prestigious.

  10. 卤面是漳州著名的小吃之一, 漳州卤面, 久负盛名。

    The halogen surface is one of Zhangzhou famous snacks, Zhangzhou halogen surface, long standing reputation.

  11. 普陀山名扬国内外, 尤在东南亚久负盛名。

    Putuo Mountain is famous abroad, especially among Southeast Asian countries.

  12. 国家的首领是久负盛名的游击英雄,那一年是1993年。

    Its leader was a lionized guerilla hero. The year was 1993.

  13. 锦芳的书法和绘画也颇负时誉。

    Jinfang s calligraphy and painting are also quite a negative reputation when.

  14. 锦芳得书法和绘画也颇负时誉。

    Jinfang s calligraphy and painting are also quite a negative reputation when.

  15. 我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最先进的, 久负盛名。

    Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and wellknown in the world.

  16. 当然,久负盛名的咖啡厅也令维也纳闻名于世。

    Vienna is also worldrenown for its coffee houses.

  17. 其后又传至国外, 尤其在东南亚一带久负盛名。

    And then spread abroad, especially in Southeast Asia long enjoyed a good reputation.

  18. 在兰州众多的瓜品种中,出类拔萃,最负盛名。

    In Lanzhou many varieties of melon, the best, most famous.

  19. 事实上,久负盛名的黑莓目前处在了中间阶段。

    In fact, the venerable BlackBerry is currently in a tweener stage.

  20. 我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的, 久负盛名。

    Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well know in the world.

  21. 我的父亲也看了他已负盛名的儿子的劳作。

    My father, too, came to see the work of his now famous son.

  22. 玫瑰花被选作明星花是因为它极负盛名。

    The rose was chosen as the star flower because of its immense popularity.

  23. 分析本世纪最负盛名的诗歌荒原的结构方式。

    The Waste Land, the most famous andpoem of this century, has its own special structure.

  24. 英国似乎是我最好的选择, 其教育质量久负盛名。

    The UK seemed to be the best choice because of its reputation in terms of education quality.

  25. 她毕竟是旧金山最负盛名的婚礼策划人。

    After all, she's the most prestigious wedding planner in San Francisco.

  26. 科勒产品以其独特的设计色彩和线条久负盛名。

    Kohler products with unique design features and lines prestigious.

  27. 电声技术以其权威性,实用性,前瞻性在业内久负盛名。

    It bears high reputation in the industries for its authority, practicability and prefiguration.

  28. 久负盛名的福临门中餐厅因其海鲜闻名于香港。

    The renowned Fook Lam Moon is wellknown in Hong Kong for its seafood dishes.

  29. 也开始了他在当时也许是更负盛名的布道。

    He finally was ordained in 1615 and was named chaplain to the king.

  30. 玛丽。洛伊德。琼斯是威尔士久负盛名得艺术家。

    Mary Lloyd Jones is a established and popular artist in Wales.


