


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 乘 [chéng]2. 乘 [shèng]乘 [chéng]骑,坐:~马。~车。~客。~警。趁着,就着:~便。~机(趁着机会)。~势。~兴(xìng)。因利~便。算术中指一个数使另一个数变成若干倍:~法。~幂(mì)。~数。佛教的教派……



汉语拼音:dà chéng




佛教的一派。认为 人皆可以成佛,强调解救他人,普度众生。自比作发大心者所乘的大车,故名,以区别于强调自我解脱 的小乘。乘(chéng)。



  1. 梵文Mahāyāna(摩诃衍那)的意译。公元一世纪左右逐步形成的佛教派别。在 印度 经历了中观学派、瑜伽行派和密教这三个发展时期。北传 中国 以后,又有所发展。“大乘”强调利他,普度一切众生,提倡以“六度”为主的“菩萨行”,如发大心者所乘的大车,故名“大乘”。

    《法华经·譬喻品》:“初説三乘引导众生,然后但以大乘而度脱之。” 唐 张祜 《题画僧》诗之二:“终年不语看如意,似证禪心入大乘。” 苏曼殊 《遁迹记》:“大乘,正理也。宜改先执,务从圣旨。”



  1. It has no interior. Thousands of bas -reliefs illustrate the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, particularly the lives of the Buddha .

  2. If you are here because you think that probably some of these mahayana teachings might act as a therapeutic help then.

  3. This scripture has always been held in the greatest veneration in Mahayana countries.

  4. The Sky burial once existed in the Southeast Asia region and exists in the Tibet today both reflect the Indian Indic Mahayana Buddhism.

  5. By the way, this is something that you might want to note down, that this Parting From the Four Desire has a complete mahayana teachings.

  6. And in this case, we're talking about how the mahayana view would require you to respond.

  7. And to have merit, according to mahayana, you must have compassion and bodhichitta, the wish to establish beings in the state of freedom.

  8. Warder has attempted to trace them in different Mahayana texts and their relationship with the original teaching as found in the Pali canon.

  9. Some Mahayana sutras go further and attempt to characterize the nature of Nirvana itself.


  1. 大乘菩萨思想研究

    The Study of Mahayana Bodhisattva Thought

  2. 大乘佛教自利利他思想述评

    On Egoism and Altruism of Mahayana

  3. 大乘佛教本体论的演化轨迹

    The Evolution of the Mahayana Ontology

  4. 禅宗和密宗都属于大乘佛教。

    Zen and Mi both belong to Mahayana Buddhism.

  5. 儒道思想与大乘佛教的弘传

    Confucianism, Taoism and the Propagation of Mahayanist

  6. 对涅盘的理解写在大乘经典上。

    Writing on this Mahayana understanding of Nirvana.

  7. 对涅槃的理解写在大乘经典上。

    Writing on this Mahayana understanding of Nirvana.

  8. 自利利他思想是大乘佛教的精髓。

    Egoism and altruism are the essence of Mahayana.

  9. 自利利他思想是大乘佛教得精髓。

    Egoism and altruism are the essence of Mahayana.

  10. 小乘佛教和大乘佛教中都有的人物是哪些?

    Theravada Buddhism in mahayana Buddhism and some character is what.

  11. 菩提心是大乘佛法最重要的法教。

    Bodhicitta is the most important teaching of Mahayana.

  12. 属于大乘佛教的佛典,在印度是完全消失的。

    Books on Mahayana Buddhism were completely lost in India.

  13. 从原始佛教窥探大乘菩萨道思想的萌芽

    Origination of the Mahayana way of Bodhisattva explored in the primitive Buddhism

  14. 观世音是佛教的一个女神,指的是大乘菩萨。

    Guan Shi Yin is one of the Buddhist Goddess, referring to the Mahayana bodhisattva.

  15. 但在大乘佛教中, 并没有所谓的目标存在。

    But in the Mahayana there is no goal.

  16. 大乘佛教现在不是, 也从来不是一个单一的现象。

    Mahayana is not, and never was, a single unitary phenomenon.

  17. 这经文一直关押在大乘佛教国家的最大的尊敬。

    This scripture has always been held in the greatest veneration in Mahayana countries.

  18. 随着大乘佛教的兴起,这一思想逐渐得以发展。

    With the prosperity of Mahayana, this thinking developed gradually.

  19. 探索大乘佛法的金刚乘的内容及其不可思议的微妙之处。

    Ritual, explores the spectacular world of Vajrayana preparatory practices.

  20. 从此, 全寺和尚不再吃肉并改信大乘佛教。

    Ever since then, the monks of the temple became vegetarians and began to believe in Mahayana Buddhism.

  21. 事实上, 很多小乘和大乘都不相信金刚乘是佛教。

    In fact, many Hinayana and Mahayana, they don't think Vajrayana is Buddhism.

  22. 在大乘佛教的中文版本之中也发现了许多韵诗。

    In Mahayana Chinese version also has find some stanzas.

  23. 这些大乘佛教得文献都是用梵文与混合梵文写程。

    Mahayana literature was written mostly in Sanskrit and mixed Sanskrit.

  24. 这些大乘佛教的文献都是用梵文与混合梵文写程。

    Mahayana literature was written mostly in Sanskrit and mixed Sanskrit.

  25. 有些大乘经典更进一步并试图描述了涅槃自身的性质。

    Some Mahayana sutras go further and attempt to characterize the nature of Nirvana itself.

  26. 这是叫小乘,你们印心的弟子就是师父大乘的徒弟。

    This is called Hinayana. But you initiated disciples are my Mahayana disciples.

  27. 大乘佛教中的两大派别在这一问题上时常发生争论。

    The two main schools of Mahayana Buddhism often debate this problem.

  28. 这是叫小乘, 你们印心得弟子就是师父大乘得徒弟。

    This is called Hinayana. But you initiated disciples are my Mahayana disciples.

  29. 没有学者能够声称自己是大乘佛教所有领域里的专家。

    No scholar can claim expertise in all areas of Mahayana Buddhism.

  30. 这种意见分歧是上座部和大乘佛教之间的基本差异之一。

    This divergence of opinion is one of the fundamental differences between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.


  1. 问:大乘寺拼音怎么拼?大乘寺的读音是什么?大乘寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大乘寺的读音是Dàchéngsì,大乘寺翻译成英文是 Daijōji

  2. 问:大乘院拼音怎么拼?大乘院的读音是什么?大乘院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大乘院的读音是Dàchéngyuàn,大乘院翻译成英文是 Daijōin

  3. 问:大乘佛教拼音怎么拼?大乘佛教的读音是什么?大乘佛教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大乘佛教的读音是,大乘佛教翻译成英文是 Mahayana

  4. 问:大乘瀑布拼音怎么拼?大乘瀑布的读音是什么?大乘瀑布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大乘瀑布的读音是dàchéng pùbù,大乘瀑布翻译成英文是 Daeseung Falls

  5. 问:大乘起信论拼音怎么拼?大乘起信论的读音是什么?大乘起信论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大乘起信论的读音是,大乘起信论翻译成英文是 Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana

  6. 问:大乘阿毘达磨集论拼音怎么拼?大乘阿毘达磨集论的读音是什么?大乘阿毘达磨集论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大乘阿毘达磨集论的读音是,大乘阿毘达磨集论翻译成英文是 Abhidharma samuccaya



大:含有广大、崇高、无量之含义; 乘:运载、运乘之含义。

大乘佛教谓之 诸大菩萨众 将无量无边众生从生、老、病、死的苦难中度化到西方极乐世界,故名“大乘”。