









汉语拼音:hòu nǎo sháo






  1. 脑袋后面突出的部分。

    孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·邢兰》:“正对我后脑勺,一个鼠洞,冷森森的风从那里吹着我的脖颈。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十九章:“ 卢嘉川 转回身来躺在竹榻上,双手抱住后脑勺,半天才回答。”



  1. Hooper sat in a chair while a few snips were made at the back of his head.


  2. He leaned back, laced his hands behind his head, and directed his gaze out the window.


  3. He lay on his back, his hands behind his head.


  4. 11 pm yesterday, the small light of the back of the head, do not know the kid was three.


  5. He was standing at the gate , his peaked cap pushed back on his head and his hair tumbled forward over a face of bronze .


  6. Shelton glanced at him; he wore his hat rather far back on his head, his eyes haunted the street in front.


  7. She was the first day, sitting in the front row, to those who pursue the vision of a relentless back of the head.


  8. With a pistol pointing at the back of his head, he could do nothing but toe the line.


  9. It hit the president in the upper right rear of his head, and blood was everywhere.


  1. 前额有皱纹, 后脑勺明显。

    The forehead furrow and occiput are palpable.

  2. 后脑勺撞到了石头上。

    Cracked his skull on a rock.

  3. 后脑勺撞到了石头上。

    Cracked his skull on a rock.

  4. 他猛击她的后脑勺。

    He inflicted a heavy blow on the back of her head.

  5. 他仰卧着, 双手扣着后脑勺。

    He lay on his back, his hands behind his head.

  6. 你砸着我的后脑勺啦。

    You hit me on the back of the head.

  7. 我只能看见他的后脑勺。

    I could only see the back of his head.

  8. 为什么我偶尔总是后脑勺疼?

    Why am I always afterbrain spoon now and then ache ?

  9. 幼儿摔着后脑勺要不要紧啊?

    Is cheeper throwing afterbrain spoon otherwise to matter ?

  10. 她的后脑勺被猛撞了一下。

    She got a nasty bang on the back of her head.

  11. 我不是来这看你的后脑勺的。

    I didn't come here to see the back of your head.

  12. 他的后脑勺被人打了一拳。

    He was fetched a blow across the back of the head.

  13. 塔特尔叉起手指抱着后脑勺。

    Tuttle laced his fingers behind his head.

  14. 最后她弹了起来,又砸到了后脑勺。

    And then she bounced on her occipital bone.

  15. 一个雪球砸在了他的后脑勺上。

    A snowball struck him on the back of the head.

  16. 你真能从后脑勺看出这么多东西?

    You got all that from the back of her head?

  17. 波特用双手抱住后脑勺,咧嘴笑了。

    Porter clasped his hands behind his head and grinned.

  18. 人人都会用拇指来揉擦自己的后脑勺。

    Each one would rub his thumb on the back of his head.

  19. 他的后脑勺上依然有着当时留下的伤疤。

    He still bears the scars on the back of his head.

  20. 她都用后脑勺冲着他有一分钟光景。

    And gave him the back of her head for the space of a minute.

  21. 原来他是把他的眼睛倒戴在后脑勺上了。

    Turns out he was wearing his sunglasses on the back of his head.

  22. 你的手指滑过他们的头发,温柔地抚摸后脑勺。

    Run your fingers through their hair and gently caress the back of the head.

  23. 他开始在后脑勺剃出有苹果标识的发型。

    He began shaving an Apple logo into the back of his head.

  24. 我的后脑勺一如往常我想到那些钱般抽痛。

    The back of my head throbbed, as usual, when I remembered that money.

  25. 我的后脑勺一如往常我想到那些钱般抽痛。

    The back of my head throbbed, as usual, when I remembered that money.

  26. 某个人用一件重物猛击了他的后脑勺。

    Someone bashed him on the back of the head with a heavy object.

  27. 某个人用一件重物猛击了他的后脑勺。

    Someone bashed him on the back of the head with a heavy object.

  28. 它击中了总统的后脑勺的右上方, 血溅四处。

    It hit the president in the upper right rear of his head, and blood was everywhere.

  29. 朗尼感觉得到克莱姆亨利的目光正穿透他的后脑勺。

    Lonnie could feel Clem henry's eyes boring into the back of his head.

  30. 昨天晚上11点时, 小亮的后脑勺, 被三个不认识的小子。

    11 pm yesterday, the small light of the back of the head, do not know the kid was three.


  1. 问:后脑勺儿拼音怎么拼?后脑勺儿的读音是什么?后脑勺儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后脑勺儿的读音是hòunǎosháor,后脑勺儿翻译成英文是 the back of the head; the bulge in the back of t...