







汉语拼音:zhì liào








  1. 品质;质量。

    蔡锷 《致袁世凯及国务院电》:“查 滇 产紫铜,质料不亚 日本 ,惟因交通不便,购运较难。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“此间生活费颇贵,然一人月用小洋百元足够,食物虽较贵而质料殊佳。”

  2. 指物品所用的材料。

    叶圣陶 《倪焕之》十八:“给他穿的须是十分温软的质料,裁剪又要讲究。”



  1. Understand well what happens either to thee or to another. Divide and distribute every object into the causal (formal) and the material.


  2. Use appropriate solvent cleaning off the surface of the ink, glue grease and underlay material particles, clear all clears away the rest.


  3. The Foundation is often affected by the erosion of oil, it is necessary to do anti-salt ground sill oil-resistant material.


  4. As she stood still under that golden shower , she found that she was covered from head to foot with warm and fine clothes.


  5. The soft and elastic blue glial innovation of material, tactility gentleness, the biggest advantage is not easy to be damaged.


  6. The scanner of the incident light irradiation in different materials and colors for the bar code on the surface, the reflection effect.


  7. Known as " tunnel " phenomenon, generally refers to a composite good lateral stripe product, especially at the ends of the material.


  8. It "s impossible. You may notice that the cost of raw materials has gone up in recent years. "


  9. Second, the structure as a layered, easy to use as a channel of central China.


  1. 是用什麽质料做的?

    What is the material made of?

  2. 是用什麽质料做得?

    What is the material made of?

  3. 铝是最常用的质料。

    Aluminum is the most commonly used materials.

  4. 铝是最常用得质料。

    Aluminum is the most commonly used materials.

  5. 这套衣服的质料很好。

    This suit is made of very good material.

  6. 这套衣服得质料很好。

    This suit is made of very good material.

  7. 这塑胶得质料比玻璃差。

    This plastic is inferior in quality to glass.

  8. 这塑胶的质料比玻璃差。

    This plastic is inferior in quality to glass.

  9. 售货员这双鞋的质料非常好。

    Salesperson These are topquality shoes.

  10. 这件成品做工差, 而且质料单薄。

    The work was done cheaply and flimsily.

  11. 因此一个人有两种基本的质料。

    So a person has two basic building blocks.

  12. 得当在透明质料上丝印套色图形。

    Suitable for transparent materials color graphics on the screen printing.

  13. 质料以针织,棉料,防水料及弹性料等。

    Materials such as knit, cotton, waterproofs and stretch fabric, etc.

  14. 这个床单的质料是亚麻布和棉花的混纺。

    The sheet's fabric is a blend of linen and cotton.

  15. 为什么?它的颜色很漂亮, 质料也不错啊。

    Why? The color's nice and the quality's good.

  16. 火斗凡是拔存铜合金质料制成。

    Bucket generally use copper alloy material.

  17. 含氯漂白剂会损坏质料及使其变黄。

    Chloride bleaching agent can damage material and make it yellow.

  18. 现在有时很难分辨人造纤维质料和天然纤维质料。

    It's sometimes hard to tell artificial from natural fibre these days.

  19. 计算机绘出管道空视图,并打印出质料明细表。

    The computer generates isometric drawings and prints out bill of materials.

  20. 论文中应该搜罗哪些质料以撑持我得论点?

    What information should I include in paper to support my argument?

  21. 论文中应该搜罗哪些质料以撑持我的论点?

    What information should I include in paper to support my argument ?

  22. 我不喜欢它的质料,使我的腿看起来金光闪闪的。

    I don't like it's material. It makes my legs sparkle and shine.

  23. 质料以真丝,色丁,雪纺,棉料及弹性料等。

    Materials such as silk, satin, chiffon, cotton and stretch fabric, etc.

  24. 他们的原质料出处,出格是颜料出处是否安定。

    The source of their raw materials, in particular the stability of the source of the pigments.

  25. 屋内墙壁之底部,其颜色或质料与墙壁上部者不同。

    lower part of an interior wall when it is finished differently from the rest.

  26. 该编制可以用于纪录质料得补偿和堆纸台得场所。

    The system can be used for recording material consumption and heaps of paper.

  27. 该编制可以用于纪录质料的补偿和堆纸台的场所。

    The system can be used for recording material consumption and heaps of paper.

  28. 愿望能力的质料是指某个对象被欲求方可实现。

    By the matter of the faculty of desire I mean an object the realization of which is desired.

  29. 万万必要在汽锅室不亡不收任何一栽易燃质料。

    Never in the boiler room storage of flammable materials of any kind.

  30. 因为火能不兵焚烧质料的温度降矮到燃点以上。

    Because water can be burning material temperature opacity till the existence.


  1. 问:质料拼音怎么拼?质料的读音是什么?质料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:质料的读音是zhìliào,质料翻译成英文是 material; matter

