


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……





汉语拼音:zhèng quán








  1. 政治上的统治权力。

    《汉书·杜周传》:“或夷狄侵中国,或政权在臣下,或妇乘夫,或臣子背君父,事虽不同,其类一也。”《新唐书·王铎传》:“虽窃政权,将大斥不附者,病 鐸 持其事,不得肆,搢绅赖焉。” 清 方苞 《书<孙文正传>后》:“外则政权不一,分操割裂,以乱公之成谋。” 老舍 《四世同堂》五十:“以特务支持政权,等于把房子建筑在沙滩上。”

  2. 指行政机关。

    丁玲 《粮秣主任》:“村子只有五十来户人家,都是好人,所以八路军没来多久就建立了村政权和发展了党员。” 赵树理 《实干家潘永福》:“ 嘉峰村 建立了地方政权,第一任村长是 王思让 同志, 潘永福 同志是供销社干部。”



  1. He has continued to pursue a policy of engagement with a terrorist-sponsored regime, which is just not the direction we need to go.


  2. The United States is trying to disrupt the Assad regime's "ability to finance its campaign of violence, " Clinton said.


  3. Succession in each Arab state seems to follow its own rules and, after Mr Mubarak dies, a power-grabbing junta cannot be ruled out.


  4. Wild optimism about economic growth is at the heart of the Obama administration's plans to shrink the federal budget deficit.


  5. Since the beginning of Syrian unrest, we have intensely pursued targeted financial measures to increase pressure on the Syrian regime.


  6. Even in defeat he may, like Samson, be ready to pull down the pillars of his rickety regime on his hapless people.


  7. Did the sudden collapse of most of the Libyan regime's defenses in and around Tripoli cause Assad to feel a heightened sense of anxiety?


  8. Saleh's autocratic regime has been a U. S. ally in the fight against al-Qaida, but the U. S. has been pressing him to negotiate his exit.


  9. Yet both travelled abroad when this was all but impossible for those who did not co-operate with the regime.


  1. 国民党政权

    Kuomintang s regime.

  2. 政权稳固。

    The Government is quite settled in power.

  3. 东突厥政权

    East Tujue Regime.

  4. 稳固的政权

    a stable government.

  5. 政权合法性

    Political Legitimacy.

  6. 推翻军政权。

    overturn the military regime

  7. 政权的削弱

    the diminution of political power.

  8. 地方政权机关

    local state organs

  9. 扶植傀儡政权

    prop up a puppet regime.

  10. 推翻傀儡政权

    overturn a puppet regime

  11. 赶走外来政权

    drive out the foreign regime

  12. 赶走外来政权

    drive out the foreign regime.

  13. 陆荣廷政权

    regime of Lu Rongting

  14. 伪蒙疆政权

    Association of false Mongolia autonomous government.

  15. 政权的傀儡木偶?

    Puppets of the state

  16. 政权得傀儡木偶?

    Puppets of the state

  17. 倒台与政权更迭

    breakdown and regime change

  18. 他们拥立新政权。

    They put in a new regime.

  19. 军队夺取了政权。

    The army has seized power.

  20. 历代中央政权

    central governments of all dynasties.

  21. 枪杆子里出政权。

    The political power come form guns.

  22. 他们谋求更迭政权。

    They seek regime change.

  23. 掌握政权。掌握国家大权

    At the helm of a state

  24. 这一政权大势已去。

    The regime is now in its death throes.

  25. 枪杆子里面出政权。

    Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

  26. 贵族们试图独占政权。

    Patricians tried to set up a political monopoly.

  27. 他对那政权卑躬屈膝

    He kowtowed to the regime.

  28. 他呼吁进行政权更迭。

    He calls for regime change.

  29. 他们极力拥护新政权。

    They beat the drums for the new regime.

  30. 加强军队和政权建设

    strengthen army building and the organs of political power


  1. 问:政权拼音怎么拼?政权的读音是什么?政权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:政权的读音是zhèngquán,政权翻译成英文是 political power

  2. 问:政权平等拼音怎么拼?政权平等的读音是什么?政权平等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:政权平等的读音是zhèng quán píng děng,政权平等翻译成英文是 isonomy

  3. 问:政权和平过渡拼音怎么拼?政权和平过渡的读音是什么?政权和平过渡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:政权和平过渡的读音是zhèng quán hé píng guò dù,政权和平过渡翻译成英文是 peaceful transition of political power

  4. 问:政权归还俗人主义拼音怎么拼?政权归还俗人主义的读音是什么?政权归还俗人主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:政权归还俗人主义的读音是,政权归还俗人主义翻译成英文是 laicism