


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……









汉语拼音:bù gǎn hòu rén







  • 【解释】:不愿意落在别人后面。表示不敢懈怠,奋力前进。
  • 【出自】:邹韬奋《抗战以来·“生活”在抗战其间贡献了什么?》:“凡遇党政当局对抗战建国积极方面有所号召,亦无不竭诚响应,不敢后人。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. unwilling to fall behind others

  1. 许多人在这次二战以来最长的经济衰退后不敢轻易花钱。

    A lot of people about spending after the longest recession since World War 2 II.

  2. 许多人在这次二战以来最长得经济衰退后不敢轻易花钱。

    A lot of people about spending after the longest recession since World War 2 II.

  3. 两天后就要回到北京了,不敢相信这是在达拉斯最后一个周六了。在这里遇到的每一个特别的人我会想念你们的。

    In two days I’ll be on my way back to Seoul. I can’t believe this is my last Saturday in Dallas. I’m gonna miss this place and all the special people I’ve met here.

  4. 我讨厌独个儿呆在家,但天黑后我又不敢一个人出去。

    I hate to be alone in the house, but I dare not go out alone after dark.

  5. 她不敢一个人外出。

    She is scared of going out alone.

  6. 他不敢一个人去旅行。

    He dares not travel alone.

  7. 晚上我不敢一个人出去。

    I daren't go out at night.

  8. 这个小女孩晚间不敢一人外出。

    The little girl dare not go out alone at night.

  9. 在客人面前要落落大方, 不要畏惧退缩不敢见人。

    Hold natural and graceful, don't hold back before the guests.

  10. 让人不敢轻举妄动。

    People did not dare to act rashly.

  11. 不敢问的人不敢学。

    The one who is afraid to ask is afraid to learn.

  12. 一整天,人心惶惶,不敢跟人打招呼,迈半步回一下头。

    All day long, panic, dare not to greet people, Wallace half step back for a moment.

  13. 价格高得令人不敢问津

    The price is prohiBitive

  14. 价格高的令人不敢问津。

    The price was prohibitive.

  15. 费用高得使人不敢问津。

    The expense is prohibitive.

  16. 你的吃相教人不敢恭维。

    Your table manners are atrocious.

  17. 弗里吉亚人不敢抵抗他。

    The people of Phrygia had not the courage to oppose him.

  18. 而且差不多都座无虚席, 茶客满棚, 生意好得不敢让人相信。

    And theyall almost totally packed. Business is unbelievably good.

  19. 阴暗天色有时使人不敢启程。

    Sometimes cloudy sky may deter a man from undertaking a journey.

  20. 多数人不敢问津高档娱乐场所。

    Most people can't afford to go to the expensive entertainment places.

  21. 如此的巧合简直让人不敢相信。

    Such a coincidence seemed too good to be true.

  22. 有些人的英语水平让人不敢恭维。

    Some peoples knowledge of English is negligible.

  23. 杜洛埃的话总是让人不敢相信。

    There was never anything at all convincing about what Drouet said.

  24. 这真是好得令人不敢相信哦!

    It almost too good to be true.

  25. 吓人的价格。高得使人不敢买的价格

    prohibitive prices

  26. 于是亚兰人不敢再帮助亚扪人了。

    So the Arameans were not willing to help Ammonites anymore.

  27. 杜洛埃得话总是让人不敢相信。

    There was never anything at all convincing about what Drouet said.

  28. 他的脾气很火爆,一般人不敢惹他。

    He is very quick-tempered, so no-one dares to offend him.

  29. 我知道这太好了,让人不敢相信。

    I knew it was too good to be true.

  30. 这就是他的童悦, 不敢让人相信是已满二十八岁的熟女。

    This is his kid Yue, dont defiance to make people believe is a full 28yearold adult matron yet.


不敢后人,词语,拼音bù gan hòu rén,不愿意落在别人后面。