


1. 嗑 [kē]2. 嗑 [kè]嗑 [kē]方言,话:唠~儿。嗑 [kè]用上下门牙咬有壳的或硬的东西:~瓜子儿。闲谈,多话:~牙。……


1. 嗑 [kē]2. 嗑 [kè]嗑 [kē]方言,话:唠~儿。嗑 [kè]用上下门牙咬有壳的或硬的东西:~瓜子儿。闲谈,多话:~牙。……



汉语拼音:kè kè







  1. 多言貌。

    《孔丛子·儒服》:“ 平原君 与 子高 饮,强 子高 酒,曰:‘昔有遗谚, 尧 舜 千钟, 孔子 百觚, 子路 嗑嗑,尚饮十榼。古之贤圣无不能饮也。’” 清 曹寅 《饮浭酒》诗:“名理迥未辨,众醒醉岂宜,所以寄末世,嗑嗑尤恐迟。”

  2. 象声词。

    清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·赐冰》:“编氓卖者,手二铜盏叠之,其声嗑嗑。”



  1. On my trip home, I spent a lot of time sitting around with family eating or just snacking on sunflower seeds.


  1. 她嗑嗑巴巴地唱完了这首歌。

    She floundered through the song.

  2. 他用那削尖的铅笔敲敲椅子边,嗑了嗑牙。

    He drummed the edge of his seat with his sharpened pencil, and clicked his teeth.

  3. 他轻轻地嗑了嗑他的手表,然后伸出五个手指来。

    He tapped his wrist watch, then held up five fingers.

  4. 有没有嗑药

    No, I don't take drugs.

  5. 他常常嗑药

    He's always getting stoned.

  6. 嗑了生活的药

    On life.

  7. 你嗑药了么,什么?

    Are you doing drugs?What?

  8. 你嗑了多少药丸?

    How many pills did you take?

  9. 跟你丫的死嗑

    Root you duck dead knock.

  10. 就在上班前嗑药

    you get loaded before you come to work.

  11. 我们才没有要嗑药

    We are not getting high.

  12. 仿嗑噬文件

    fabricated nibbled document.

  13. 老鼠把箱子嗑破了。

    A rat has eaten a hole in the box.

  14. 洗衣机会嗑药之后。

    Since we found out the washing machine.

  15. 你说你嗑药的,你是谁

    You told me you were an addict. Who are you?

  16. 是嗑了药才觉得美好。

    The drugs made us beautiful.

  17. 是嗑了药才觉得美好。

    The drugs made us beautiful.

  18. 所以他认为我嗑了药。

    So now he thought I was on drugs.

  19. 因为你不肯嗑药,蠢货

    That's because you're sober, dummy.

  20. 你嗑药了吗

    Are you high?

  21. 他开始嗑药来化解压力。

    He started popping pills in order to handle pressure.

  22. 我不知道我是否要继续嗑药

    I don't know if I should keep getting loaded.

  23. 你没嗑药吧,伊迪讨厌我。

    Are you high? Edie hates me.

  24. 你没嗑药吧,伊迪讨厌我。

    Are you high? Edie hates me.

  25. 永远都不要去嗑药,好吗?

    And don't ever do drugs, OK?

  26. 我不在乎你是不是要嗑药

    I don't care if you get high.

  27. 你嗑药了吗 孩子?

    Are you high,son?

  28. 你嗑药了吗? 孩子?

    Are you high, son?

  29. 她正津津有味地嗑着葵瓜子儿。

    She was eating away at sunflower seeds

  30. 听说你因为嗑药过量住院了。

    I, I heard you were in the hospital because of an overdose.