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汉语拼音:qīng zhào
She didn't seem to mind touching her mother's cold flesh-- she was too young to have learned to shudder at the touch of death.
清照似乎并不在意触碰母亲冰冷的肉躯——她太小,还不会在死亡面前感到战栗。These were the things that Qing-jao was giving to her mother to carry with her into heaven.
这些就是清照预备给她母亲带去天上的东西。The paper tried to analyze the artistic charm of her "melancholy" sense from her phrases in three different times.
本文试以李清照三个不同时期的词作来解析她的“愁情”的艺术魅力。Even Qing-jay had caught enough of the hush to walk softly when she was actually in the presence of her mother.
甚至是清照,在母亲的面前时,也保持安静步履轻柔。This article portrays Li Qingzhao s life consciousness from her existing experience , character experience and gender experience .
本文从生存体验、个性体验和性别体验三个方面论述了李清照的生命意识。At midnight he was the last to come to the pyre, carrying a sleepy Qing-jay in his arms.
午夜时他是最后来到火葬的木堆前的,怀里抱着困倦欲睡的小清照。Zhao "searching, desolate, sad desolately Can Can" , and Su Shi's "River, faded away, heroes through the ages" feeling is not the same.
李清照的“寻寻觅觅、冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚”,和苏轼的“大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物”感觉就不一样。Looking on her statue again when we leaved , I really admired that she lived in such a good place.
离开时再回望李清照清瘦的身影,倒真羡慕她住在如此好的地方。Li Qingzhao (No. Yian Buddhist) and Xin Qiji (characters David Simon) and referred to as the "two Jinan security. "