


1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……


1. 刷 [shuā]2. 刷 [shuà]刷 [shuā]用成束的毛棕等制成的清除或涂抹的用具:~子。毛~。板~。擦拭,涂抹,清洗:~牙。~墙。~洗。印~。~耻(洗雪耻辱)。剔除,淘汰:~选(剔除)。~掉。刷 [shuà]〔~白〕色白而略……



汉语拼音:máo shuā






  1. 用毛穿制在板上供刷洗用的刷子。



  1. Use a soft-bristled brush to whisk away the hairs and dirt that your rubbing has brought to the surface, taking care around the eyes.


  2. The condenser's extended surface shall be cleaned once or twice a week with compressed air blowing gun and dry brushes.


  3. The result shows that the worsted fabric is not easy to pill without brush effect.


  4. with a brush cleaning various parts of the best sports gear, plus the lubricating oil, do it once per week.


  5. If not, remove the laces, and wash the shoes with a little water and a stiff brush.


  6. Brush by an independent electrical transmission belt rotation, rotation smooth, noise.


  7. In the afternoon she took a little bag, with shears and sponge and a small scrubbing brush, and went out.


  8. Inside the cavity of the internal hammer handle, a needle column is provided with one end with a needle, the other end with a brush.


  9. Brush coating Method of coating a web of paper where the coating mix is distributed by a set of stationary and oscillating brushes.


  1. 毛刷仓上挡板

    brush housing upper baffle.

  2. 使用牙签和很细的毛刷。

    using dental picks and fine paintbrushes.

  3. 只需在水龙头下冲洗毛刷。

    Simply wash the brush under tap.

  4. 驼毛刷是用什么动物的毛做的?

    What is a camel's hair brush made of?

  5. 驼毛刷是用什么动物得毛做得?

    What is a camel's hair brush made of?

  6. 你可以使用毛刷或辊子进行涂抹。

    You may apply it with brush or roller.

  7. 二支主动毛刷轮刷毛及集尘器

    Two master brush gears and cleaners

  8. 次行硬毛刷, 马刷, 梳洗润饰手套。

    Next row dandy brush, body brushes , grooming mitt finisher.

  9. 旋下网刀, 用毛刷将胡须屑刷净。

    Spin net knife, brush with wool dropping net.

  10. 可调量洗版毛刷不张力和程量量。

    Adjustable pressure washing version brush and rotating.

  11. 无需加温, 用滚刷或毛刷直接涂刷即可。

    No heat, brushing with the Rolling Brush, or brush can be direct.

  12. 清洗速度和毛刷速度均能独立无极变速。

    Cleaning and brush speed can be independent speed CVT.

  13. 请对附图中两种规格的毛刷报价。

    Please quote the attached drawings in two different sizes of finished brush heights.

  14. 请对附图中两种规格得毛刷报价。

    Please quote the attached drawings in two different sizes of finished brush heights.

  15. 喷涂有困难之处可以使用毛刷和滚筒。

    Where the spray is difficult to be applied, brush or rollers may be used.

  16. 它至少包括外壳、播种轮、毛刷和插板。

    The sowing device at least comprises a casing, a sowing wheel, a hair brush and insert plates.

  17. 另外, 要注意清理书背纸屑毛刷的使用。

    In addition, bearing in mind that clean up litter on the backs of the brush.

  18. 用抹布或软毛刷去除起落架上的冰或雪。

    Remove collected ice or snow on the landing gear with a rag or a soft brush.

  19. 刷涂结束后, 毛刷应由指定的稀料清洗。

    After the painting work is finished, the brush should be well cleaned using specified thinners.

  20. 可使用毛刷和吸尘器清洗盘管上的灰尘。

    Can use the brush and vacuum cleaners, washing the dust on the coil.

  21. 胶淤积得地方, 用毛刷将胶抹匀, 直至胶凝。

    The rubber siltation place, wipes uniform with the hair brush the rubber, until gel gelation gelling.

  22. 使用软毛刷, 以吸引更多的闪光灯的中心亮点。

    Use soft brush to draw more highlights on center of the flash.

  23. 毛刷传动采用独立电机皮带转动,转动平稳、噪声小。

    Brush by an independent electrical transmission belt rotation, rotation smooth, noise.

  24. 平纸毛刷是被迫凹版制卡机的次要部件。

    Cardcard printing Flat paper brush is automatically card printing machine with important parts.

  25. 空压机冷却器,端盖打开,水面用毛刷清洁。

    Air cooler of air compressor, end cover opened, waterside surface cleaned with brush.

  26. 浸泡式处理方式,双毛刷显影,冲版更均匀细致。

    Immersion, double brush developing, the plate is meticulous.

  27. 用软毛刷擦净所有缝隙中看得见得残留碎屑。

    Scrub all crevices using a soft bristle brush to remove any visible debris from all crevices.

  28. 其经费来源由毛纺会员,毛刷会员和羊毛委员会赞助。

    Finance from industry is contributed by the woollen mill members, the wool scourer members, and the Wool Board.

  29. 左边滚筒安有毛刷,右边滚筒裹有吸水性较强的绒布。

    Left platen installs hairiness to brush, right platen is wrapped have the flannelette with stronger imbibition.

  30. 门柱密封采用特有的双层毛刷增加了更好的密封性。

    Brushes of high seal performance are installed om sides of door columns.


  1. 问:毛刷拼音怎么拼?毛刷的读音是什么?毛刷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛刷的读音是,毛刷翻译成英文是 brush