




1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……



汉语拼音:xīn jīng






  1. 注意,留心。

    清 方苞 《七思·伯姊》:“余鬌角兮未生齿,持负嘘呵兮属伯姊……姊俄瞬兮心经,食为吐兮櫛为停。”



  1. "It sounded As if you were praying, " she said bravely, but she felt herself inside to be withering and shrinking.


  2. The Prajna Paramita Heart Mantra at the end of the Heart Sutra looks like the conclusion of a scientific report.


  3. So the heart, though being in the body, is connected with the tongue by the heart-meridians.


  4. He commented that he basically relied on the "Heart Sutra" and the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva's compassion.


  5. The human beings who have studied, memorized, recited, and treasured the Heart Sutra probably number in the billions.


  6. Therefore, You may recite the Heart Sutra with the counter utility anytime, anywhere conveniently.


  7. When zong qi gets in the heart meridian, it may promote the movement of qi and blood.


  8. But in the Prajnaparamita, we understand that there is nothing to eliminate.


  9. 2- Some people wear as a talisman the Great Compassion Mantra, or Rebirth in Pureland Mantra, or the Heart Sutra.


  1. 手少阴心经, 手少阴, 心经

    heart meridian

  2. 痰火, 火痰, 心经热痰, 热痰

    pyretic phlegm

  3. 庄严菩提心经

    The Sutra of Glorifying the Enlightened Mind

  4. 心经实火移热小肠

    sthenic fire of the heart transferring heat to the small intestine

  5. 优势上臂和肩膀伸展,可以刺激心经和肺经。

    Sometimes the upper arms and shoulders are stressed, which stimulates the Heart and Lung meridians.

  6. 电针心经对家兔心脏及小肠功能的影响

    Effect of Electroacupuncture on Heart and Small Intestine Function s

  7. 这是心经里得句子, 但是这些话说得是什么呢?

    So says the Heart Sutra, but what do these lines really say

  8. 这是心经里的句子,但是这些话说的是什么呢?

    So says the Heart Sutra, but what do these lines really say

  9. 当宗气注入心经便可以促进气血的运行。

    When zong qi gets in the heart meridian, it may promote the movement of qi and blood.

  10. 越南的一行禅师,著有一本心经的很好的注释。

    The Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hanh has a very good commentary on the Heart Sutra.

  11. 心经经脉与心脏相关的差异表达基因的研究

    Research on the differentially expressed genes related to the relatively specific connection between the heart meridian and the heart

  12. 电针心经对心肌缺血性家兔心力环面积的影响

    Effect of Electroacupuncturing Heart Meridian on Area of Cardiac Force Loop ofMyocardial Ischemia in Rabbits

  13. 电针心经,小肠经对急性心肌缺血大鼠心功能的影响

    Effect of Electroacupuncturing the Heart Channel and the Small Intestine Channel on Cardiac Function in Acute Myocardial Ischemia Rats

  14. 电针心经不同经脉段对急性心肌缺血家兔心功能的影响

    Effects of Electroacupuncture Stimulation of Three Segments of the Heart Meridian on Cardiac Function in Rabbits with Acute Myocardial Ischemia

  15. 弟子王浩传来他手书的心经及我的心要作为我的生日贺礼。

    Disciple Wang Hao sent his calligraphy of Heart Sutra and my Heart Sastra as presents for my birthday.

  16. 但是, 由波若波罗蜜多心经, 我们了解到并无一物需要去除。

    But in the Prajnaparamita, we understand that there is nothing to eliminate.

  17. 电针心经不同节段对家兔心上交感神经丛放电活动的影响

    Effect of electroacupuncture at different segments of heart meridian on the electric discharge activities of the superior sympathetic plexus in rabbits