







汉语拼音:xiā huà








  1. 假话;谎言。

    《红楼梦》第九七回:“姑娘不信,只拿 寳玉 的身子説起,这样大病,怎么做得亲呢?姑娘别听瞎话,自己安心保重才好。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“我跟我的亲生女儿说瞎话是王八蛋!” 赵树理 《登记》三:“你没有见过人家,怎么知道人家能劳动?小孩子家尽说瞎话!不准你们两个登记!”

  2. 说书底本中的话语。古代说书人多瞎子,故称。

    姚华 《曲海一勺·述志》:“猥谈琐记,尚目録于縹緗;瞎话盲词,亦皋比于妇孺。”



  1. You're lying through your teeth, I know how much it costs, it's right on the price tag, it's ten not twenty, you thought I wouldn't know.


  2. He was lying through his teeth when he said he'd never seen her before; they've known each other for years.


  3. I said it was a blind lie said, the fact that there is no purely fabrications.


  4. He wanted to stay at the Volga until tragedy befell , and Goring's transparent lie helped him to do it .


  5. You are capable of lying under broad daylight without the slightest sense of guilt.


  6. Well, he had taken the bait, the newspaper lies about writers and their pay, and he had wasted two years over it.


  7. Their Chinese interrogators caught them out and made subsequent interrogations more intensive and confrontational.


  8. B: Get out of here. You don't expect me to belie, ve that, do you?


  9. When he cluelessly swallowed the whole story, she realized she had a new talent.


  1. 一些人到处传瞎话。

    Some people go about telling untrue stories.

  2. 你开始编瞎话了吧

    Okay, now you're making stuff up.

  3. 这套瞎话对我没用。

    That story is not good enough for me.

  4. 我和他说那是瞎话。

    I tell him it's crap.

  5. 但是你睁眼说瞎话啊

    But your insensitivity lies in the fact

  6. 瞎话无关紧要的或幼稚的谎言

    An insignificant or childish lie.

  7. 她编 造瞎话以掩盖事实。

    She manufactured a false story to hide the facts.

  8. 他是否在讲实话还是在讲瞎话。

    Whether he's telling the truth or faking it.

  9. 你可别听那些下流的瞎话。

    You won't believe that vile nonsense.

  10. 你似乎有本事睁眼说瞎话。

    You seem to have a knack for underrestimating the exceptional.

  11. 他只会认为这是酒后瞎话。

    He'll just think it's the alcohol talking.

  12. 你的瞎话使我陷入很大麻烦。

    Your gossip led me a pretty dance.

  13. 瞎话编得再圆,也会有漏子。

    Lies, no matter how well invented, cannot cover up the facts.

  14. 他善于颠倒黑白,睁着眼睛说瞎话。

    He is good at confounding black and white and telling lies.

  15. 你就要再编个瞎话来遮掩这个。

    Then you gotta lie again to cover that lie.

  16. 川口最后干脆睁着眼睛说瞎话。

    Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outright lie.

  17. 我真的不想听你编的瞎话了。

    I don't really give a damn what your side of the story is.

  18. 那是瞎话。事实上,权威是自由的关键。

    It's not true. Authority, in fact, is essential to freedom.

  19. 靠着直觉,我们可能更容易发现瞎话。

    People may be better at detecting lies with their intuition.

  20. 要是她那麽说的,她就是说了个大瞎话。

    If she had said that, she told a real whopper.

  21. 那证人分明是在睁着眼睛说瞎话。

    The witness was clearly lying through his teeth.

  22. 要是她那么说的,她就是说了个大瞎话。

    If she said that, she was telling a real whopper.

  23. 然后还睁眼说瞎话,所以我们要走了。

    And then you lie about it. So now we're leaving.

  24. 他们说他们没结婚,但那是在睁着眼说瞎话。

    They say they're not married but they're lying through their teeth.

  25. 他是家里最傻气、最轻信别人瞎话的男孩子。

    He was the fool of the family and the one who listened to tales.

  26. 我后来还是决定把那句话看作了瞎话儿。

    I decided that was nonsense.

  27. 如果警察抓住我们,我们能编出一套瞎话来吗?

    If the police catch us, shall we be able to cook up a story?

  28. 他们感到震惊的是他竟睁着眼睛说瞎话。

    They were shocked by the transparency of his lies.

  29. 那样美好闪光得东西,难道是人们编造得瞎话吗?

    So fine and blinking thing, difficult a lie for is people drawing up?

  30. 那样美好闪光的东西,难道是人们编造的瞎话吗?

    So fine and blinking thing, difficult a lie for is people drawing up?


  1. 问:瞎话拼音怎么拼?瞎话的读音是什么?瞎话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞎话的读音是xiāhuà,瞎话翻译成英文是 lie