







汉语拼音:yìng shì








  1. 确实是;真正是。

    老舍 《不成问题的问题》:“你是 广元 人呀?乡亲!硬是要得!”

  2. 偏是;就是。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部三七:“是呀,我也这么说,他们硬是不往这上面想,你看气人不气人!”《花城》1981年第6期:“命运硬是捉弄人,它偏偏把埋藏在记忆深处的东西,一古脑儿给翻出来。”

  3. 勉强地。

    茹志鹃 《关大妈》:“硬是自己把自己从甜睡中扳醒过来,也不知自己睡了多久,一看灯熄了,院外没有一点动静,雨也不知什么时候停了,四周一片黑漆漆的静寂。”



  1. Now, she says, the frequent recalls have prompted her to switch to generic cold and cough medicines for her children.


  2. and such a gourmand - who became a master - had been haunting me for forty years as if a queer phantom.


  3. I wasn't planning on telling her what happened last night but she wormed it out of me .


  4. "My name is part of my personality. If they force me to change it, I'll change it to a Basque name and see what they say then, " she said.


  5. Once when I stole a candy bar, he made me take it back and tell the man I stole it and that I'd unpack boxes to pay for it.


  6. However, to do with the original breach, the small guy simply habitually sleep on the left side of his head towards.


  7. It continued to master the finest clothes, with the nose or master's voice, simply to drag him back to the height of nearby safe areas.


  8. Younger sister do not know, he just took the meat inside the folder.


  9. Examination hall before we literally played all day, do not want anything!


  1. 他硬是不听。

    He simply won't listen.

  2. 硬是不肯道歉

    be too stubborn to apologize.

  3. 硬是想闺女想的。

    Missing her daughter very much.

  4. 他硬是不认错。

    He just would not admit his fault.

  5. 他硬是加入了协会。

    He muscled into the union.

  6. 我硬是无力使自己起床。

    I just couldn't stir myself enough to get out of bed.

  7. 那位政客硬是要一意孤行。

    The politician was hard set on going his own way.

  8. 他的话硬是说不通。

    What he says simply doesnt jive.

  9. 他硬是不能放弃这个想法。

    He simply cannot divest himself of the idea

  10. 她眼睛微闭, 硬是把包合上。

    Her eyes narrowed as she forced the bag shut.

  11. 她眼睛微闭,硬是把包合上。

    Her eyes narrowed as she forced the bag shut.

  12. 你不应该硬是反对各种进步形式。

    You shouldn't set your face against all forms of progress.

  13. 他们硬是要我讲得更详细点。

    They were urgent with me for further particulars.

  14. 但是你伤透我心,你硬是要否认

    But you mush up my mind You walk to get declined.

  15. 她不顾朋友的忠告,硬是坚持错误。

    In spite of her friend's advice she persisted in her errors.

  16. 硬是把一起悲剧说成了谋杀案。

    Insisting we treat tragedy as murder.

  17. 如果硬是不肯承认, 就是瞧不起电影。

    To pretend otherwise is to trivialize movies.

  18. 那面墙硬是修到了田角上。

    The wall abuts against the corner of the field.

  19. 我咬紧牙关,硬是吞回了几句话。

    Gritting my teeth, I did my best to stifle one or two remarks.

  20. 他们硬是要我负责发邀请信的事。

    They've saddled me with sending out the invitations.

  21. 医生嘱咐他卧床休息,可他硬是不听。

    The doctor advised him to stay in bed, but he just wouldn't listen.

  22. 我得房东硬是不肯退回我得担保押金。

    My former landlord absolutely refuses to return my security deposit.

  23. 我的房东硬是不肯退回我的担保押金。

    My former landlord absolutely refuses to return my security deposit.

  24. 我试过挡住他,但是他硬是闯进来。

    I tried to stop him, but he just barged in.

  25. 他不顾朋友的劝告,硬是继续干他的蠢事。

    He persisted in his folly despite his friend's advice.

  26. 他不顾朋友们的劝告,硬是继续干他的蠢事。

    He persisted in his folly despite his friend's advice.

  27. 她耍脾气,硬是要留在原地不肯走。

    She Shuapi Qi, obstinately refused to go to stay in place.

  28. 特别是斯珀利奇硬是坚决反对这样做。

    Sperlich in particular was dead set against it.

  29. 年幼的妹妹不懂,硬是去里面夹肉吃。

    Younger sister do not know, he just took the meat inside the folder.

  30. 最终部队硬是拼刺刀把阵地拿了下来。

    Finally the troops carried the position at the point of the bayonet.


  1. 问:硬是拼音怎么拼?硬是的读音是什么?硬是翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硬是的读音是yìngshì,硬是翻译成英文是 literally; simply