


1. 棍 [gùn]2. 棍 [hùn]棍 [gùn]棒:~子。~术。~棒。木~。铁~。称坏人:恶~。赌~。棍 [hùn]捆扎:“~申椒与菌桂兮,赴江湖而沤之”。古同“混”,混成。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:gùn zi






  1. 用竹、木或金属制成的圆长条。

    《西游记》第三六回:“ 行者 将棍子变得盆来粗细,直壁壁的竪在天井里。”如:他用一根柳木棍子当扁担,挑着行李卷。

  2. 比喻在政治等方面打击他人或他方的口实。

    巴金 《要不要制订“文艺法”》:“宪法上并没有规定还有一种拿着棍子和帽子的人可以自由干涉别人的文艺创作活动。”

  3. 指在政治等方面给予的打击。如:抓辫子,打棍子。



  1. The kid found a stick. We put it through the gills and pushed until the fish was in the middle of the stick.


  2. First, he took a stick from his shoulder, and blew into it, and then something flew into my face which tickled me terribly.


  3. She said the teacher hit her using a stick because she had not finished the works of last time.


  4. He took his hands off stick and raised them high.


  5. I think it was the year I saw two costumed schoolchildren being chased down the road by a grown man armed with a stick.


  6. It seemed to him as though a hard stick was swung full at him by some soldier near, dealing him a violent blow on the head.


  7. Avery put one leg over the fence of the pigpen. He was just about to raise his stick to hit Charlotte when he lost his balance.


  8. And as they continued to fall upon him, the spark of life within flickered and went down. It was nearly out.


  9. On the 41st day, a young man walked up to the giant with nothing but a stick and some rocks.


  1. 一棍子打死

    finish somebody off with a single blow.

  2. 捱一顿棍子

    take a beating.

  3. 法式棍子面包

    French bread.

  4. 用棍子打人

    give sb. the stick.

  5. 有尖头的棍子

    a pointed stick.

  6. 用棍子打某人

    prang sb. with a stick

  7. 他用棍子打我。

    He struck me with a stick.

  8. 他用棍子打狗。

    He struck at the dog with his stick.

  9. 用棍子殴打某人

    to whale someone with a stick

  10. 用棍子碰天花板

    to touch the ceiling with a stick

  11. 如果我投掷棍子,

    If I throw a stick, will you leave?

  12. 他用棍子打儿子。

    He threshed his son with a stick.

  13. 他用棍子打毛毯。

    He beats the carpet with a stick.

  14. 他用棍子戳青蛙。

    He poked at the frog with a stick.

  15. 绰起一根棍子

    grab a stick

  16. 比利和粗棍子

    Billy and the big stick.

  17. 打破棍子, 关于水桶

    break in the staves, as of a cask

  18. 棍子断成两截。

    The stick broke in two.

  19. 棍子断成两段。

    The stick broke in two.

  20. 他用棍子碰天花板。

    He touched the ceiling with a stick.

  21. 一根纤细的棍子

    a slender rod.

  22. 当面一棍子。当头一棒

    A slap in the face

  23. 约翰用棍子打他。

    John beat him with a stick.

  24. 拿根棍子当武器

    Carry a stick by way of weapon

  25. 这小棍子3英寸长。

    The stick is three inches long.

  26. 棍子和牙齿的法则

    The Law of Club and Fang

  27. 被棍子禁锢在里面

    Packaged up with inscent sticks

  28. 她用棍子拍打地毯。

    She beats the carpet with a stick.

  29. 用手指/ 棍子戳某人

    to jab one's finger/ stick at somebody

  30. 桩标桩或尖的棍子。

    To post as a picket.


  1. 问:棍子拼音怎么拼?棍子的读音是什么?棍子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棍子的读音是gùnzi,棍子翻译成英文是 stick; rod; truncheon

