


1. 折 [zhē]2. 折 [zhé]3. 折 [shé]折 [zhē]翻转,倒腾:~腾。~跟头。~个儿。折 [zhé]断,弄断:~断。~桂(喻科举及第)。~戟沉沙(形容惨重的失败)。幼年死亡:夭~。弯转,屈曲:曲~。转~。周~。~中(对……





汉语拼音:zhé yè







  1. Let me leave one of our folders with you. You'll find most of our products advertised here.


  2. We use this kind of leaflets fold features to easily be able to give readers a sense of atrraction people.


  3. One of the MBO folding machine is to help you get rid of the economic crisis in one device.


  4. Co-irradiated-folding machine work, diagonal roller guide rails along the side of the paper, the orientation to origami.


  5. Bulletin One of a sequence of reports issued at intervals , or a one-time- only notice printed as a single leaf, folder, or booklet .


  6. Another way is to use similar methods for the sewing line in the last folds, and sewing begins heating until the fold.


  7. Of course, on the cards and membership cards for making up the paper covered with plastic film can avoid printing leaflets in the crack.


  8. As a result of impact with the fold structure is simple, easy, and is widely used in the paper Web.


  9. The paper was side retaining syndiospecific shield off, the hinge-knife vertically move the paper card-in two-fold rotation of the roll.


  1. 折子式折页

    accordion fold.

  2. 卧铺隔板折页

    berth partition board hinge

  3. 折页上胶机

    folder gluer machine.

  4. 推拉折页窗

    sliding folding window.

  5. 折页滚筒叼牙

    folding jaws

  6. 旋转式折页刀

    flying tuck.

  7. 漏斗底门折页

    hopper door hinge.

  8. 滚筒式折页装置

    nip and tuck folder

  9. 折页三角板夹纸辊

    bending rollers

  10. 折页印件的集合

    length fold collection

  11. 对开折页机

    folio folding machine.

  12. 刀式折页机

    knife folding machine.

  13. 栅栏式折页机

    pocket folder

  14. 铡刀式折页机

    knife folding machine

  15. 这是不是门柱的折页?

    Is this a hinge of a gate post?

  16. 广泛用于各种印刷品的折页。

    It is broadly used for folding various kinds of presswork.

  17. 木匠把折页装在了门上。

    The carpenter screwed the hinges to the door.

  18. 不同的折页方式适合于不同的印件。

    Different methods are appropriate for different folding.

  19. 栅栏式和侧刀式联合折页机

    Combined buckle and knife folding machine

  20. 折页门饰有竖直木条,内部有抽屉。

    Leaf doors with vertical staves and inner drawer.

  21. 模块装入齐纸台和折页装置之间。

    Module shebang paper and mounted hinges from the device.

  22. 而不必重新把纸张装载到折页机上。

    Rather than having to load the paper folding machine.

  23. 楼书, 折页销售道具与现场导视系统

    Brochures, leaflets and other sales tools as well as signs in site

  24. 吊牌样本不干胶宣传单折页联单名片

    Clothing label and rubber gum has, samples, DM, memo

  25. 你把那些折页纸都堆到墙边好吧?

    Put those folios in a stack against the wall, will you?

  26. 基于单片机的折页机卡纸检测系统的设计

    The design of paperboard detect system of folding machine base on mcu

  27. 栅栏式折页用金属栅栏把纸张弯曲屈折的方法。

    Buckle folding Method of folding sheets of paper where the sheet is bent or buckled by a metal plate.

  28. 在折页时半透明纸易产生裂痕, 打孔时不易打通。

    In the book fold is a translucent paper into the chasm between, when that cannot be easily get through.

  29. 足大部分数码制卡和会员卡制作者得折页要求。

    Foot most of the digital business card printing and membership card makers folding requirements.

  30. 这栽办法合用于不小幅背得折页机用。

    This method applies to large format of folding machine available.


  1. 问:折页拼音怎么拼?折页的读音是什么?折页翻译成英文是什么?

    答:折页的读音是zhéyè,折页翻译成英文是 fold; folding

  2. 问:折页顶针拼音怎么拼?折页顶针的读音是什么?折页顶针翻译成英文是什么?

    答:折页顶针的读音是,折页顶针翻译成英文是 needles



【注音】:zhé yè 折页是印刷工业的一道必要工序,印刷机印出的大幅面纸张必须经过折页才能形成产品,如报纸,书籍,杂志,样本广告等等。 折页就是将印张按照页码顺序折叠成书刊开本尺寸的书贴,或将大幅面印张按照要求折成一定规格幅面的工作过程。