如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……
汉语拼音:lǐ yǔ
唐 刘禹锡 《插田歌》:“但闻怨响音,不辨俚语词。”《新五代史·死节传·王彦章》:“ 彦章 武人,不知书,常为俚语谓人曰:‘豹死留皮,人死留名。’” 宋 陈善 《扪虱新话·彭乘批答之谬》:“又有 杨安国 者为侍讲,讲《论语》至‘一簞食,一瓢饮’,乃操俚语曰:‘官家, 颜回 甚穷,但有一箩粟米饭,一葫芦浆水。’” 清 王应奎 《柳南随笔》卷三:“按以水浸物曰涨膀,涨膀盖 吴 俗俚语也。”
Many Americans will regard it as an honor to help you learn to pronounce an English word correctly or explain the meaning of a slang term.
许多美国人都觉得帮助别人改正发音,解释某些俚语的意思是一种荣幸。The noun, Geek has been used for years as American slang, to describe bookish, socially awkward people.
名词,痴汉已被用来作为美国俚语里,来形容书生气十足,社交笨拙的人。"Something must be eating you, " he said--proud the way foreigners are when they've mastered a bit of American slang.
“一定有什么困扰着你,”他说——显得很得意,外国人掌握了一点美国俚语都会这样。usually have to speak a little elegant, are not allowed to say vulgar slang.
平时说话要文雅一点,不准说粗言俚语。During the course, the slang gradually formed its own style with the features of humor, vivid, easy to express and fast updates.
在发展的过程中美国俚语逐渐形成了自己的风格特点:幽默风趣、形象生动、易于表达情感、更新迅速等。Indeed, it is accepted wisdom among linguists that once a word actually shows up in a slang dictionary, it effectively ceases to be slang.
的确,我们也从语言学家哪里了解到,当一个词汇确定地出现在俚语词典里了,它也不再是俚语了。By sharing his own anecdotes behind English slang on his mini-blog, he's trying to make others laugh and learn.
在微博上,他同网友们分享自己接触英语俚语时发生的趣事,并努力做到寓教于乐。"Niubility" was the pinyin of Niubi (a slang to say excellent) plus a suffix to make it a noun.
“Niubility”(牛B)就是拼音Niubi(俚语,表示“极好的”)加上一个可成为名词的后缀。William: Exactly, and that's thanks to the influence of American slang. So the word can now be used to describe almost anything.