








汉语拼音:zhī shi







  1. 指使;调遣;命令人做事。

    元 无名氏 《货郎旦》第一折:“你蹅踏的我忒太过,这小娘子欺负得我没奈何;支使的大媳妇都随顺,偏不着小浑家先拜我。”《红楼梦》第二一回:“只是你从今别进这屋子了,横竖有人伏侍你,再别来支使我,我仍然还伏侍老太太去。” 茅盾 《子夜》十七:“ 吴荪甫 乘机会把姑奶奶支使开,就拉住了 杜竹斋 ,进行他的‘攻守同盟’的外交谈判。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第八章:“ 黑妮 七岁上就给一个小商人家里做童养媳。婆家拿她当牛马支使,还不断挨打受骂。”

  2. 捉弄;逗引。

    《红楼梦》第一○七回:“那知我福气薄,叫神鬼支使的失魂落魄。”《儿女英雄传》第二八回:“但觉洞房中欢声满耳,喜气扬眉,莫讲把 何玉凤 支使得眼花繚乱,连 张金凤 在 淮安 过门时正值那有事之秋,也不似者番热闹。” 老舍 《牺牲》:“秋光把人与蝶都支使得不知怎样了。”

  3. 支付使用。

    宋 苏舜钦 《上集贤文相书》:“此钱本由斥卖弃物,两曾奏闻本院,自来支使,不係诸处帐籍。”《元典章·户部二·为祇应钞事》:“各该祇应钞数,须令每月具报。元收已支,备细名项,并见在数目,随时照勘。若有支使不应,即勒当该之人赔偿。”

  4. 官名。

    唐 时节度使、观察使的属官。他官亦可设置。 宋 沿其制,位在判官之下,推官之上,小郡由推官兼,不另置。职掌略同掌书记。参阅《通典·职官七》、《新唐书·百官志四下》、《宋史·职官志七》及《选举志四》。



  1. The best plan will be for you to be sent somewhere by me, to make a real thing of the excuse.


  2. 'Everybody says "come on! " here, ' thought Alice, as she went slowly after it: 'I never was so ordered about in all my life, never! '


  3. His vanity had led him to cover up the facts with a true statement .


  4. "Putin has no ideological preference for state capitalism but the government knows that private companies are harder to boss around. "


  5. Mary bullies her little brother into running errands for her.


  6. If it's not picking up the kids or his dry cleaning, it will be something else.


  7. He expects his daughter to fetch and carry for him all day.


  8. You will fatigue your servant by sending notes to her twice or thrice in a day .


  9. While the base maintenance controller started inspecting the right engine parts, he told the fitter to 'start plugging up' the left engine.


  1. 不听他支使

    refuse to be ordered about by him.

  2. 把他们支使走

    send them away

  3. 她爱支使人。

    She likes to order people about.

  4. 习惯已经支使了你。

    The habit has got you.

  5. 他就喜欢支使别人。

    He gets his kicks bossing people around.

  6. 所以你当众支使我哥哥?

    Is that why you slapped my brother around in public?

  7. 苏能任意支使这些孩子。

    Sue can twist any of the boys around her little finger.

  8. 他希望女儿终日听他支使。

    He expects his daughter to fetch and carry for him all day.

  9. 他让我把孩子们支使走。

    He asked me to send the children away.

  10. 他让我把孩子们支使走。

    He asked me to send the children away.

  11. 很明显,他习惯了支使人。

    It was obvious he was used to ordering people around.

  12. 奶奶毫不客气地随意支使她。

    Grandmother felt free to order her about just as she wished.

  13. 约翰逊先生现在听我支使了。

    Mr. Johnson is now under my feet.

  14. 他想把我支使得团团转。

    He tried to boss me around.

  15. 怀特太太习惯于支使她的丈夫。

    White is used to ordering about her husband.

  16. 他们支使他日以继夜地工作。

    They make him working day and night.

  17. 他听他老婆支使,自己没有一点主张。

    He was his wife's man and not his own.

  18. 他老支使人,我都烦了。

    I'm tired of him ordering me about all the time.

  19. 我认为他想把我当走狗般支使。

    I think he hopes to use me as one of his stooges.

  20. 玛丽仗势支使她的弟弟替她跑腿。

    Mary bullies her little brother into running errands for her.

  21. 我想你没有权利支使我干这干那的。

    I think you have got no right to order me about.

  22. 他居然象百万富翁那样随便支使他们。

    He was bossing them around like he was a millionaire.

  23. 我们不喜欢他那种支使人的作风。

    We don't like the way he orders people about.

  24. 她举手投足就像个爱支使人的贵妇。

    She acts like a little madam.

  25. 她举手投足就像个爱支使人的贵妇。

    She acts like a little madam.

  26. 她总是不停地支使他去做这做那。

    She was perpetually telling him to do this and to do that.

  27. 还有布赖恩可以支使,他是新来的。

    I'll have Brian do it. he's new.

  28. 他不停地支使他们,仿佛他们是他的佣人似的。

    He ordered them about as if they were their servants.

  29. 贝里尔能随意支使她丈夫, 她完全控制了她。

    Beryl can get her husband to do whatever she wantsshes got him in the palm of her hand.

  30. 鸿渐的虚荣心支使他把真话来掩饰事实。

    His vanity had led him to cover up the facts with a true statement.


  1. 问:支使拼音怎么拼?支使的读音是什么?支使翻译成英文是什么?

    答:支使的读音是zhīshi,支使翻译成英文是 order … about; send … away


