








1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:qíng shēn yì cháng



  1. No one managed to see the real and ever-lasting love to his daughter behind his seemingly rude behaviors.

  2. Deep feelings: Hope to put more pictures about flutists and performer.

  3. But ah, I Fly fly, but how the mother who can not get rid of the thin line that flexibility - it is as long.

  4. It finally occurred to Johnny that he and Jane were going steady, and he still didn't know why she wore the yellow ribbon around her neck.

  5. pure wild flowers, pure a long, pure as a clear spring, was pure charm tag.

  6. Speak sentiment listener long.


  1. 他对她情深意长。

    He is affectionate to her.

  2. 他对她情深意长, 永不离弃。

    He will bind her to his soul with hoops of steel.

  3. 没有人看到,他看似鲁莽的行为背后隐藏的情深意长。

    No one managed to see the real and everlasting love to his daughter behind his seemingly rude behaviors.

  4. 罗源湾湾, 情深长长

    Luo Yuan Wan and feelings deep long length

  5. 无疑是小儿的情太长。

    He's too deep in love.

  6. 纸短情长,情还在缘已尽。临笔涕零,空余泪痕。

    The paper is short, the love long. The love remains, you are gone. I wrote the letter only to see my tears blurring the words.

  7. 我们之间情长谊深。

    Our friendship is blooming.

  8. 他情深意切地谈论着往昔和他的年少时光。

    He talked romantically of the past and his youth.

  9. 纸短情长,我仅在这里敬祝你曼福。

    The letter can not carry my feelings. I just wish you long-lasting happiness.

  10. 这块土地滋养了我, 恋土之情长伴心间。

    This area of soil has nurtured me. I always feel reluctant to leave my hometown.

  11. 这块土地滋养了我,恋土之情长伴心间。

    This area of soil has nurtured me. I always feel reluctant to leave my hometown.

  12. 一丝惆怅叹长情!

    A disappointed sigh long feeling!

  13. 就是多情和长情, 专情与绝情之分。

    Is full of affection and the long sentiment, division of special sentiment and of the unfeeling.

  14. 曾经有人说过,男人是多情和长情的。

    It has been said that men are sentimental and long situation.

  15. 停在我心中还有我用长情暖着你的手。

    There is still me to warm your hands with my lasting love.

  16. 长毛地毯,冬日情暖之约

    Winter Carpet with Pliancy

  17. 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。

    Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.

  18. 读书足以怡情, 足以博采, 足以长才。

    Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.

  19. 懂事之前情动以后长不过一天

    It just lasts one day after the emotion is stired and the matureness is grown

  20. 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。

    If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day.

  21. 长醉方知卮酒浓,将别才懂情深重。

    Long drunk wine thick, could square knowWill don't know affection alot.

  22. 论长生殿的情爱主题与写情艺术

    Love Theme and Love Description in The Palace of Eternal Youth

  23. 前情天生一副长不到嘴角的胡子。

    Antecedents Being born with a moustache that does not extend to the corners of the mouth.

  24. 护士长在管理中应蕴七情祛六欲

    Head Nurses Should Contain Seven Emotions and to Get Rid of Six Passions in Nursing Administration

  25. 中情局长警告民众恐怖份子正在密谋更多攻击行动。

    The CIA chief warned the public that terrorist groups plotting more attacks.

  26. 伍尔西显然很聪明能干,对中情局局长一职也很感兴趣。

    Woolsey was clearly intelligent and interested in the job.

  27. 恩爱夫妻情似青山不老,幸福伴侣意如碧水长流。

    May the love of husband and wife last like ever green mountains. May the affection of each couple flow on and on like clear streams.

  28. 结伴四洞游,景美愿长留。飞瀑伴巨石,千载情悠悠。

    I visited Sidonggou with my friends Willing to stay forever for its beauty Swift waterfall accompanies huge stone Loving leisurely for a thousand years.





“情深意长”是个多义词,它可以指情深意长(祖海演唱的歌曲), 情深意长(吉克隽逸演唱歌曲)。