


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……



汉语拼音:zì qiáng








  1. 亦作“ 自彊 ”。自己努力图强。

    《楚辞·九章·怀沙》:“惩连改忿兮,抑心而自强。”《史记·留侯世家》:“上虽苦,为妻子自彊。” 唐 李咸用 《送人》诗:“眼前多少难甘事,自古男儿当自强。”《宋史·董槐传》:“外有敌国,则其计先自强。自强者人畏我,我不畏人。” 鲁迅 《坟·文化偏至论》:“此亦赖夫勇猛无畏之人,独立自彊,去离尘垢,排舆言而弗沦於俗囿者也。”



  1. We have always been deeply moved and filled with admiration to hear the touching stories of our fellow citizens overcoming adversity.


  2. Indeed, in Pakistan, a woman could have risen to power very recently, had it not been for her assassination.


  3. The great peoples of Asia have had a fine tradition of self-strengthening in times of adversity.


  4. They faithful obedience, a strong sense of responsibility, strong, aspirant self-improvement utter.


  5. But this " stingy" paid is the two rich generation self-improvement, it is the rich can maintain generations continued to rich one secret.


  6. Wildflowers self self-reliant, conscientious and do not drag on, to live is to live life easily justify live.


  7. Women must learn on the victims, to self-improvement, self-reliance, not always being "remote control" with.


  8. Some said she was independent, others said her so-called art was just one step away from porn.


  9. Can treat difficult objectively, virtuous tolerant improve oneself , not content with one's lotting, principle that I conduct oneself.


  1. 自强拼搏精神

    the spirit of struggling

  2. 他得自励自强。

    He had to pull himself up by his own bootstraps.

  3. 珍妮独立自强,充满活力。

    Janie brims with independence and strength.

  4. 高级工程师王自强。

    Wang Ziqiang, a senior engineer.

  5. 这就是我自强的方式。

    This is how I stand up for myself.

  6. 知困,然后能自强也。

    Hence ,teaching and learning promote each other .

  7. 南京林业大学自强社。

    Welcome to China Forestry Publishing House.

  8. 医人当自强 第四季 第6集

    Grey's Anatomy, Season 4 Episode 4.

  9. 他出身寒微,但自立自强。

    He is of humble origins, but has a high level of self respect and support.

  10. 他出身寒微,但自立自强。

    He is of humble origins, but has a high level of self respect and support.

  11. 她是坚毅和自强的代表。

    She is a symbol of fortitude and selfreliance.

  12. 医人当自强 第三季 第23集

    Greys Anatomy Season 3 Episode 21.

  13. 自信加自强, 强者之脊梁。

    Self confidence and self reliance is the mainstay of a strong character.

  14. 只有国家自强, 才能对外称强。

    Our nation can be strong abroad only if it is strong at home.

  15. 只有自强,才能受到别人的尊重。

    Only through self-improvement can one be respected by others.

  16. 最后邹老师讲的是自强自立的道理。

    Last Zou teacher talking about the strong and independent reasoning.

  17. 最后邹老师讲得是自强自立得道理。

    Last Zou teacher talking about the strong and independent reasoning.

  18. 首先,北欧女孩经济独立,自强机智。

    Firstly, scandinavian girls are economically independent, strong, and witty.

  19. 做人要自立自强,不能靠寄食生活。

    A person should stand on his own legs rather than depend on others for life.

  20. 做人要自立自强,不能靠寄食生活。

    A person should stand on his own legs rather than depend on others for life.

  21. 我希望你可以有一天自强的活著!

    I suppose one day you would live by your own!

  22. 独立、自强、自信成为现代女性的基本特征。

    Independence, self reliance and self confidence have become the basic characteristics of modern women.

  23. 医人当自强,第四季 第7集 肉欲吸引。化学反应

    Grey's Anatomy Physicd Atraction. Chemical Reaction Season 4 Episode 5,.

  24. 伟大的亚洲人民有着逆境自强的优良传统。

    The great peoples of Asia have had a fine tradition of selfstrengthening in times of adversity.

  25. 他们忠诚服从, 责任心强, 坚奋努力, 上进自强。

    They faithful obedience, a strong sense of responsibility, strong, aspirant selfimprovement utter.

  26. 尽管失去了父母,年幼的他依然能够卓立自强。

    Though having lost his parents at a small age, he is still independent and strong in character.

  27. 尽管失去了父母,年幼的他依然能够卓立自强。

    Though having lost his parents at a small age, he is still independent and strong in character.

  28. 你瞧,我梦想着从一无所有到自立自强,我做到了。

    You see, I dreamed of pulling myself up from nothing, and I did.

  29. 他出身名门豪族,但自立自强,从不依赖家里。

    He is born into a wealthy and influential family, but he is independent and self-supportive.

  30. 我们认为,这是建设国家和谋求自强的最好办法。

    We believe that that is the best way to build a nation and to assert ourselves.


  1. 问:自强拼音怎么拼?自强的读音是什么?自强翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自强的读音是zìqiáng,自强翻译成英文是 To exert oneself.

  2. 问:自强不息拼音怎么拼?自强不息的读音是什么?自强不息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自强不息的读音是zìqiángbùxī,自强不息翻译成英文是 to strive to become stronger; to make unremi...

  3. 问:自强号列车拼音怎么拼?自强号列车的读音是什么?自强号列车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自强号列车的读音是,自强号列车翻译成英文是 Tze Chiang Train



亦作“ 自彊 ”。自己努力图强。《楚辞·九章·怀沙》:“惩连改忿兮,抑心而自强。”《史记·留侯世家》:“上虽苦,为妻子自彊。” 唐 李咸用《送人》诗:“眼前多少难甘事,自古男儿当自强。”《宋史·董槐传》:“外有敌国,则其计先自强。自强者人畏我,我不畏人。” 鲁迅《坟·文化偏至论》:“此亦赖夫勇猛无畏之人,独立自彊,去离尘垢,排舆言而弗沦於俗囿者也。”强是一种精神,是一种美好的品德,是一个人活出尊严、活出人生价值的必备品质;是一个人健康成长、努力学习、成就事业的强大动力。自强是在自爱、自信的基础上充分认识自己的有利因素,积极进取,努力向上,不甘落后,勇于克服困难,做生活的强者。树立自强的目标有助于克服意志消沉、性格软弱,从而振奋精神,担负起时代赋予的重任。