






1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……



破,透:~透。揭~。~窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。~凿。通过,连通:~过。~行(xíng )。着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:~衣。~鞋。……



汉语拼音:wàng yǎn jiāng chuān







  • 【解释】:眼睛都要望穿了。形容盼望殷切。同“望眼欲穿”。


  1. 网络

  1. 他们将穿山打隧道。

    They will hole a tunnel through the mountain.

  2. 今年,我将穿一身老虎服。

    This year, I will wear a tiger costume.

  3. 我将穿着珊瑚色的连衣裙。

    I was going to wear a coral dress.

  4. 我将穿着珊瑚色的连衣裙。

    I was going to wear a coral dress.

  5. 我将穿红衣服参加那个仪式。

    I shall wear red for the ceremony.

  6. 我将穿上长裤, 裤管卷起。

    I shall wear the bottoms of trousers rolled.

  7. 你要是参加宴会,你将穿什么衣服?

    If you are to attend the banquet, what will you wear?

  8. 您将穿医院的袍子,靠左侧卧。

    You will wear a hospital gown and lie on your left side.

  9. 如果我是你的话,我将穿衬衫系领带。

    If I were you, I would a shirt and tie.

  10. 你要是去参加会议, 你将穿什么衣服?

    If you were to attend the conference, what would you wear ?

  11. 所以不用说, 部分制动系统将穿破了。

    So it goes without saying that parts of the braking system will wear out.

  12. 是否有什么你将穿着与你当你的配件。

    Yes have what you will be wearing with you when you go for fittings.

  13. 我将穿上白色法兰绒长裤,漫步于沙滩上。

    I shall wear white flannel trousers and walk upon beach.

  14. 我将穿着白色法兰绒裤子,漫步在海滩上。

    I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.

  15. 明天将穿上新的草鞋, 好似获得重生一般。

    Tomorrow will be wearing new sandals, as if reborn general.

  16. 这是个工作原型。我将穿着它进行所有的跳伞。

    It's a working prototype. I will use it for all the jumps.

  17. 再晚些时候,劳拉将穿着平纹皱衬衣式连衣裙。

    Again later on, laura knits dress tabby shirt style dress.

  18. 那个难以安排得瑞士人到来得时候将穿上便衣。

    The nondescript Swiss, on arrival, was to have plain clothes.

  19. 那个难以安排的瑞士人到来的时候将穿上便衣。

    The nondescript Swiss, on arrival, was to have plain clothes.

  20. 纸上的兽, 一颗清澈的行星, 我将穿墙而过

    The beast on paper, a limpid planet, I will pass through the wall and leave

  21. 纸上得兽, 一颗清澈得行星, 我将穿墙而过

    The beast on paper, a limpid planet, I will pass through the wall and leave

  22. 奋进号的两名宇航员将穿上太空服进行太空行走。

    Two members of Endeavour's crew will suit up for a space walk.

  23. 将衣服穿好。

    Wear it well.

  24. 他们将打穿墙。

    They're going to hole through the wall.

  25. 他们将打穿墙。

    They're going to hole through the wall.

  26. 火车将要穿过一个隧洞。

    The train will pass through a tunnel.

  27. 你将会穿上他们都穿的衣服。

    Matron Herndon Youll wear what they all wear.

  28. 我只好将就穿这件小外套了。

    I have to make do with the small coat.

  29. 我将成为穿黑色衣服一族了,拜拜!

    I'll be the one in black. Bye!

  30. 方法将猴子穿上人的衣服,是人吗?

    Method ut on the persons clothes the monkey, is person.