


对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……









汉语拼音:xiàng bì xū zào








  • 【解释】:向壁:对着墙壁;虚造:虚构。。即对着墙壁,凭空造出来的。比喻无事实根据,凭空捏造。
  • 【出自】:汉·许慎《说文解字·序》:“乡壁虚造不可知之书,变乱常行,以耀于世。”
  • 【示例】:~,顺非而泽,持之似有故,言之若成理。


  1. na.
  2. fabricate;create groundless rumors;create [

  3. fabricate] out of nothing;make up out of one'

  4. s head;trump up

  1. 那是货真价实的诗, 还是你自己向壁虚造?

    Is that a real poem or did you just make it up yourself ?

  2. 那是货真价实得诗,还是你自己向壁虚造?

    Is that a real poem or did you just make it up yourself ?

  3. 这样的消息,向壁虚构,无非是要打击敌方士气。

    Stories like these were invented to damage enemy morale.

  4. 眼球壁向后膨隆

    eyecoat palinal bulged

  5. 然后, 导管前端的气囊充气将斑块压向动脉壁。

    Then the balloon is inflated to push the plaque against the wall of the artery.

  6. 当针尖受到组织的反作用力,这机构会向外撑向内壁。

    When the tip of the device is pressed against tissue, the mechanism expands outwards, and wedges in place against the wall.

  7. 装牛奶得硬纸盒壁常常向外弯曲。

    The sides of a cardboard carton of milk will often curve outwards.

  8. 上下表皮外切向壁上均有角质膜。

    The outer tangential wall of both surfaces had cuticle.

  9. 环状流条件下水平蒸发管周向壁温变化特性研究

    Research on the circumferential distribution of wall temperature for horizontal evaporating tubes under annular flow

  10. 壁凹。墙洞墙上向内凹或向外凸的部分或孔隙

    An opening or recess in a wall.

  11. 轴向薄壁组织

    longitudinal parenchyma

  12. 主横向水密舱壁

    main transverse watertight bulkhead

  13. 下向梯段式长壁回采

    underhand longwall

  14. 使用注射器直接向耳孔壁注水。

    Use a syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal.

  15. 低头向暗壁, 千唤不一回。

    Lowering my head, I looked at the wall. Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back.

  16. 这种被称为无向方向室壁运动。

    Such undirected orientation is called kinesis.

  17. 轴向薄壁组织散生或傍导管生。

    The axial parenchyma tissue was diffused or paratracheal.

  18. 壁山,以开放的姿态向世界敞开胸怀。

    Mural hill, open wide bosom to the world with open stance.

  19. 胎座2, 向内的周壁, 凸出的稍, 2半裂。

    placentas 2, parietal, projecting slightly inward, 2cleft.

  20. 驾驶室得前壁应该有向前倾15度角。

    Front wall of wheel house shall have a forward slop of 15 degree.

  21. 驾驶室的前壁应该有向前倾15度角。

    Front wall of wheel house shall have a forward slop of 15 degree.

  22. 做蝶泳转身时,你要径直游向池壁。

    The butterfly turn, you want to come straight into the wall.

  23. 周向应变沿壁厚的分布趋于均匀。

    And they make the circumferential strain distribution along wall thickness going even.

  24. 装牛奶的硬纸盒壁常常向外弯曲。

    The sides of a cardboard carton of milk will often curve outwards.

  25. 管胞直径,胞壁厚度自髓心向外增加。

    The tracheid diameter and the thickness of cell wall increase from pith to bark.

  26. 径向谐波传动柔轮壁厚的计算

    The calculation of wall thickness for flexible gears in the transmission of radial harmonic waves

  27. 径向移动床反应器内贴壁现象的研究

    Phenomenon study of pinning in a radial moving bed reactor

  28. 它的四周是圆形的砖壁抛光与向南开放。

    It is surrounded by a circular wall of polished brick with an opening to the south.

  29. 超深连续墙槽壁侧向变形影响因素分析

    Study on Factors Influencing Slope Metamorphosis of Deeper Continuous Guide Wall

  30. 寸口桡动脉助弯曲振动与管壁轴向张力

    Axial tension of vessel wall bending movement of radial artery at wrist.


语本汉许慎《〈说文解字〉序》:“鲁恭王坏孔子宅,而得《 礼记》、《尚书》、《春秋》、《论语》、《孝经》……而世人大共非訾,以为好奇者也,故诡更正文,乡壁虚造不可知之书,变乱常行,以燿於世。”段玉裁注:“此谓世人不信壁中书为古文,非毁之,谓好奇者改易正字,向孔氏之壁凭空造此不可知之书,指为古文。”