




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:zú bù chū hù








  • 【解释】:脚不跨出家门。
  • 【出自】:明·凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十五:“却说苏盼奴自赵司户去后,足不出门,一客不见,只等襄阳来音。”
  • 【示例】:据我个人的经验,我们那里的土话,和苏州很不同,但一部《海上花列传》,却教我“~”懂了白。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作宾语;指不常出门


  1. In such a weather of sleet, people would rather stay indoors for a whole day than going out if there was nothing urgent and imperative.


  2. After I decided that Martin and I could not go on with the drilling we were fairly tent-bound, but at least the chat was good.


  3. On such a sleety day, people, without an emergency, would rather stay indoors all day long.


  4. A variety of communication methods, such as 400 calls, online QQ, contact phone all day for you to open an order.


  5. Another is the sheer convenience of being able to trawl through hundreds of profiles without having to leave the comfort of your home.


  6. JACK: Sorry. You just seemed like, you know, kind of an indoor girl.


  7. I've got a lot of urgent work to do at home and will have to go into purdah for a couple of weeks.


  8. You'll be able to shop all over the town and never leave your home.


  9. The underdeveloped logistics causes a large number of vehicles to stay indoors, which greatly reduce the frequency of a vehicle fault.


  1. 如今她几乎足不出户。

    She is now practically housebound.

  2. 约翰在生病期间足不出户。

    During his illness, John stayed indoors.

  3. 足不出户购物已经成为现实。

    Shopping at home has become a reality.

  4. 杰克在生病期间足不出户。

    During his illness, Jack stayed withindoors.

  5. 杰克在生病期间足不出户。

    During his illness, Jack stayed withindoors.

  6. 总是足不出户对她没有好处。

    It isn't good for her to be cooped up all the time.

  7. 足不出户,方便快捷,不需要等候。

    Never leave home, convenient and quick, do not need to wait.

  8. 我们足不出户,却像在周游世界。

    We travel the world while staying in the same place.

  9. 她因年老体弱而足不出户。

    She's old and infirm and has to keep to the house.

  10. 足不出户享受香港购物天堂的折扣!

    Patrons enjoythe discount shopping paradise!

  11. 足不出户,学生便可以解决一切需求。

    A student can have every need met without leaving the dormitory.

  12. 并且我实际上足不出户 差不多三天了

    And I actually didn't leave my house for about three days.

  13. 足不出户, 轻点鼠标, 商品自动送到家。

    Never leave home, dub mouse, commodity sends automatically excellent.

  14. 家庭主妇足不出户就能够购物和付账了。

    Housewives can do their shopping and pay bills without leaving their homes.

  15. 我们可以在家里医疗,或者足不出户购物。

    We can have the medical examination or do shogppin without leaving our homes.

  16. 我让他足不出户能认识更多的朋友。

    I let him stayed indoors can know more friends.

  17. 连日来足不出户,精神状态一直令人担心。

    Ah Mui has never left her home since Gor Gors death, and people always worry about her emotional condition.

  18. 我恐怕只能算是一个足不出户的神游者。

    I'm afraid I'm only an armchair traveller.

  19. 无聊琐碎之谈足不出户除了一周只购物一次

    Vacate his apartment but for shopping once a week

  20. 麦琪整天足不出户, 乔治开车去高尔夫球场。

    Maggie is isolated all day in the house. George takes their car to the golf course.

  21. 阳台大些,让老人即使足不出户也能晒太阳。

    Somes the balcony is big, although never leave home to also can bask, let an old person.

  22. 他俩自小患有自闭症,常常躲在家里,足不出户。

    He from small get an autism, usually hide at home, keep the house.

  23. 我可以让您足不出户就得到您所需的一切物品!

    I can let you confine self within doors getting all articles needed by you right away!

  24. 一张照片,一个脏字,让我足不出户,臭名远扬!李家萍。

    Bad reputation created by a picture and a dirty word!

  25. 再三思量,你足不出户也可以找到自己的梦中情人。

    On second thought, you can still look for the person of your dreams without leaving your house.

  26. 足不出户享受天然般的温泉浴, 仿佛有点天方夜谭了。

    Never leave home to enjoy the hot spring bathing, as if a natural arabian night.

  27. 她们整天劳作, 挣的钱刚够糊口。她们足不出户, 没有朋友。

    By working all day they just made enough money to live on, but they never went out and they had no friends.

  28. 所有这些事情的处理足不出户,甚至连一句话都不用说。

    All this without moving or saying a word.

  29. 杰克对不起,我以为你是那种足不出户的女孩子呢。

    JACK Sorry. You just seemed like, you know, kind of an indoor girl.

  30. 互联网令我们可以足不出户地自我教育,正确决策。

    The internet empowers us to educate ourselves and make more informed choices and decisions without leaving our couches.


  1. 问:足不出户拼音怎么拼?足不出户的读音是什么?足不出户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:足不出户的读音是zúbùchūhù,足不出户翻译成英文是 to never leave one's home


足不出户意为脚不跨出家门。出自 明·凌蒙初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十五,形容不与外界接触。