








讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……



汉语拼音:kǒu chū kuáng yán








  • 【解释】:嘴里说出狂妄自大的话。指说话狂妄、放肆。也指胡说八道。
  • 【出自】:明·施耐庵《水浒传》第七十二回:“宋江听得,慌忙过来看时,却是‘九纹龙’史进,‘没遮拦’穆弘,在阁子内吃得大醉,口出狂言。”
  • 【示例】:刺客姓李名景纯,直隶正定府人。身体短悍,面貌凶恶。手脚系以铁锁,依然~,侮蔑政府。


  1. I wanted to turn and shout for Clarissa, but they were watching me, I knew, and I had blustered so much up there I was ashamed.


  2. The voice of a "ranter" triumphantly consigning a Barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway.


  3. He prefers to live in a tent, is always accompanied by a crowd of beauty and talks widely.


  4. In the Brazilian team to rely on penalty shootout victory over arch-rival, the proud Turio bluster, "Maradona could be hand, why not? "


  5. While men bluster and boast, Christ calmly governs all history toward its God-appointed end.


  6. The ravings are gone to where this is emits hair head fellow in having the audacity mouth .


  7. Even more unexpected is that the perpetrators had talked wildly: "I was well-known Wang Hao, I am world champion, how can you fight with. "


  8. Hayek may overestimate his reach- "I am the creator of products, kingdoms and empires, " he says-


  1. 这是哪里冒出来得毛头小子, 竟敢口出狂言。

    The ravings are gone to where this is emits hair head fellow in having the audacity mouth.

  2. 这是哪里冒出来的毛头小子,竟敢口出狂言。

    The ravings are gone to where this is emits hair head fellow in having the audacity mouth.

  3. 突然口出恶语

    spat out an insult.

  4. 双方口出恶言。

    Insults were hurled back and forth.

  5. 他口出污言。

    Obscenities belched out of him.

  6. 他对我口出恶言。

    He made many abusive remarks to me.

  7. 他口出淫秽的语言。

    Obscenities belched out of him.

  8. 口出恶言, 加禁一周。

    Add another week for blasphemy.

  9. 口出恶言,加禁一周。

    Add another week for blasphemy.

  10. 分手时不要口出恶言。

    Not breaking up, wagged her vicious tongue.

  11. 口出谗谤的, 是愚妄的人。

    And whoever utters slander is a fool.

  12. 这个老头大发脾气,口出威胁。

    The old man fumed and threatened.

  13. 他不知天高地厚口出狂言,一定会吃亏的。

    He will suffer from boasting and having no idea of his limitations.

  14. 他突然口出恶语, 让她十分伤心。

    He spat out an insult and hurt her feelings.

  15. 双方都口出恶言, 因而彼此感情极为恶化。

    Hot words passed on both sides and ill blood was plentifully bred.

  16. 隐藏怨恨得, 有说谎得嘴, 口出谗谤得, 是愚妄得人。

    Lying lips conceal hatred, and whoever utters slander is a fool.

  17. 隐藏怨恨的,有说谎的嘴。口出谗谤的,是愚妄的人。

    Whoever hides hatred has lying lips, And whoever spreads slander is a fool.

  18. 但我们该注意我们口出的话会引发别人的某些反应。

    But we should be aware that our words trigger certain responses in others.

  19. 隐藏怨恨的,有说谎得嘴,口出谗谤的,是愚妄的人。

    Lying lips conceal hatred, and whoever utters slander is a fool.

  20. 几杯酒下肚,他总要口出大言,吹嘘自己的经历。

    After a few drinks, he always becomes boastful about his experience.

  21. 彼得对那个男孩口出恶言, 在所有同学面前咒骂他。

    Peter spat out hateful words at the boy, execrating him in front of all his schoolmates.

  22. 但是负面的刺激, 如惩罚或口出恶言, 则会让员工受挫。

    But negative motivation, such as punishment or verbal abuse, upsets employees.

  23. 那口井喷出大量的天然气。

    The well expelled great quantities of gas.

  24. 那口井喷出大量得天然气。

    The well expelled great quantities of gas.

  25. 这个新的开始让诗人的口唱出新歌。

    This new beginning has put a new song on the lips of the psalmist.

  26. 与人相处, 口不出恶言, 就是保护他人, 也保护自己。

    To refrain from hurtful words is to extend care toward others and ourselves.

  27. 瓶身中央开一个口作为出水口, 出水口接上一个出水单向阀。

    I opened a bottle as a central outlet, outlet connected to a water valve.

  28. 恶人的口, 吐出恶言。

    But the mouth of the wicked pours out evil.

  29. 恶人的口,吐出恶言。

    But the mouth of the wicked pours out evil.

  30. 这口油井开始出油了。

    The well has come in.


  1. 问:口出狂言拼音怎么拼?口出狂言的读音是什么?口出狂言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口出狂言的读音是kǒuchūkuángyán,口出狂言翻译成英文是 Speak an arrogant speech.


【成语】口出狂言【注音】kǒu chū kuáng yán【释义】嘴里说出狂妄自大的话。指说话狂妄、放肆。也指胡说八道。