




牵引,拉,拽:~车。~船。~累(lěi )。~儿带女。耷拉着:~着辫子。延长时间:~延。~欠。~债。……




牵引,拉,拽:~车。~船。~累(lěi )。~儿带女。耷拉着:~着辫子。延长时间:~延。~欠。~债。……



汉语拼音:yī tuō zài tuō



  1. A hearing has been delayed for some of the suspects accused in a week-long torture of a West Virginia woman.


  2. her tone dragged on as she twisted her scarf from her neck.


  3. The next smallest parts, the GT216 and GT218, very small chips, are hugely delayed, perhaps to finally show up in late June.


  4. This year's autumn seems unwilling to come to us, the time of his arrival, again and again.


  5. A mom of a troubled teen finally got him to a psychologist after putting it off.


  6. Don't put off what you know you need to do just because it's not urgent, and you can always get to it someday.


  7. Engineering measures that might have prevented the calamity were not carried out, tests of safety equipment delayed.


  8. Salaries are often so meagre and paid so late that charities working in prisons sometimes offer food and soap to warders as well as inmates.


  9. But a number of those projects are stalled by legal and licensing delays.


  1. 可是这次会议他们一拖再拖。

    They, however, delayed the meeting again and again.

  2. 他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。

    He keeps putting off going to the dentist.

  3. 每次交课程论文,她总是一拖再拖。

    She always procrastinates when a paper is due.

  4. 她的语气一拖再拖, 她双绞线从她脖子上的围巾。

    her tone dragged on as she twisted her scarf from her neck.

  5. 再者,球队新星乔文科的续约问题也是一拖再拖。

    Furthermore, the team nova Qiao liberal arts supplementary contract question is also repeatedly delays.

  6. 但各部门的协调问题导致了燃油税出台一拖再拖。

    But the question of coordination led to the introduction of tax dragged on.

  7. 我们得生活计划被一拖再拖, 却不主动选择, 积极应对。

    We have deferred life plans instead of choosing and doing our passion.

  8. 我们的生活计划被一拖再拖, 却不主动选择, 积极应对。

    We have deferred life plans instead of choosing and doing our passion.

  9. 我只能先拖一个,然后回头再拖另外一个。

    I had to pull one, leave it, and go back and get the other one.

  10. 站起来,冲水,再拖拖蹭蹭回到床上。

    I get up, flush, and shuffle back to bed.

  11. 她无法再拖动她的脚一步。

    She could not drag her feet another step.

  12. 一拖又拖现代舞蔓藤花纹的一只脚的脚趾,而对其他纺。

    A dragging arabesque turn in modern dance drags the toe of one foot while spinning on the other.

  13. 不要再拖了。

    Don't delay any more.

  14. 记着别再拖了。

    But be sure not to delay it any more.

  15. 手术不能再拖了

    We can't put the surgery off any longer.

  16. 我的车抛锚了,能用你的车给我拖一拖吗?

    My car's broken down; will you give me a tow?

  17. 好了,我们不能再拖了

    All right.We mustn't dawdle.

  18. 雷吉娜,我没法再拖了

    Regina, I can't delay this anymore.

  19. 你不需要我再拖你后腿了。

    You didn't need me piling more on.

  20. 我想我没办法再拖着不说了。

    I guess I can't put off saying it anymore.

  21. 我们不想把这件事再拖下去了!

    We do not intend to put up with this sort of thing for much longer.

  22. 我们尽快把它完成吧,不要再拖了。

    Let's get it over with as soon as possible, rather than drag it out.

  23. 别再拖了!这也许是你成功最大阻碍。

    Stop procrastinating! That is probably your greatest impediment against you success.

  24. 请不要再拖下去了,那会让我更加为难

    Please, don't make it harder than it is for me to do this.

  25. 一拖公司你应该赚钱, 但不要不顾客户的命啊!

    A drag Corporation You should money, but do not take their clients life ah!

  26. 这位可怜的老人穿希破烂不堪的鞋子一步一拖地走。

    The poor old man shuffled off in his worn shoes.

  27. 这位可怜得老人穿希破烂不堪得鞋子一步一拖地走。

    The poor old man shuffled off in his worn shoes.

  28. 如果这场战争再拖上两年, 欧洲的犹太人都得死光。

    If the war goes on two more years, every Jew in Europe will be dead.

  29. 这样一拖就是一星期,直接造成业主家的地板全部浸水变形。

    Such a delay is a direct result of home owners all inundate floor deformation.

  30. 即便是和他关系最密切的顾问都认为他不应该再拖下去了。

    Even his closest advisers believe he should hang back no longer.


《一拖再拖》是由陈姿乔作词陈颖见作曲,洪卓立演唱,收录在其2010年发行的专辑《Precious Moment》中。