


1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……


表示敬意的礼节:~手(古代男子跪拜礼的一种)。~忏。礼~。回~。恭敬地:~托。~谢。~读。~别。~谒(a.拜见;b.瞻仰陵墓、碑碣)。行礼祝贺:~年。~寿。用一定的礼节授与某种名义或职位,或结成某种关系:~将(jiàng )。~相(xiàn……



汉语拼音:jié bài








  1. 谓结为异姓兄弟或姐妹。

    《古今小说·史弘肇龙虎君臣会》:“我有一个结拜的哥哥。” 丁玲 《母亲》一:“ 曼贞 又叫了 腊梅 来帮忙,一家人都晓得这天姑太太请酒,结拜姊妹。”



  1. In the custom of men who have pledged blood brotherhood, each called the other, not by the other's name, but by his own.


  2. In the year 207AD, Liu Bei with his sworn brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei traveled to Longzhong to ask Zhuge Liang to assist him.


  3. So he found someone with whom he pledged an oath of brotherhood, and the two of them went into the mountains to dig for ginseng.


  4. Later, they decided to be sworn brothers and became more intimate than before .


  5. Women's book was found at the beginning, women of high transmission of the book and her silver 6 cents sworn sisters most alive.


  6. they used to be were sworn brothers and friends , but now they have become sworn enemies.


  7. Now we are Brothers Three, said the Pilgrim boy.


  8. To appreciate the wood to help all the house of sand nine poverty, sand and MaXiong were determined and wood nine become sworn.


  9. And the name of the game gang, sworn name, you become the most personal network of people the most avantgarde!


  1. 二, 草亭结拜

    Swearing to Be Brothers in a Pavilion

  2. 我们是结拜好兄弟!

    We are good adopted brothers!

  3. 他是我的结拜兄弟。

    He's my sworn brother.

  4. 李,邓,马三人结拜为兄弟。

    Lee, Tang and Ma were three sworn brothers.

  5. 林冲和鲁智深是结拜兄弟。

    Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen were sworn brothers.

  6. 依靠早先的传统成为了他的结拜兄弟

    according to an early tradition became his sworn brother

  7. 喂,他是像我结拜兄弟一样的人。

    Dude, he’s my brother from another mother.

  8. 根据一条过去的传统, 他成为他的结拜兄弟。

    According to an early tradition became his sworn brother.

  9. 根据一条过去的传统,他成为他的结拜兄弟。

    According to an early tradition became his sworn brother.

  10. 根据一条过去得传统,他成为他得结拜兄弟。

    According to an early tradition became his sworn brother.

  11. 我给了我师傅一张,哥哥一张,刚结拜的妹妹一张。

    I gave me a mentor, a brother, a sister has just sworn.

  12. 后来,两人结拜为兄弟,更是时时刻刻,形影不离。

    Later, they decided to be sworn brothers and became more intimate than before.

  13. 小张和小王因为感情好而结拜为异姓兄弟。

    Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang became sworn brothers because of their affection.

  14. 小张和小王因为感情好而结拜为异姓兄弟。

    Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang became sworn brothers because of their affection.

  15. 李怀, 邓子敬与马二灿三人为结拜兄弟。

    Lee, Kin and Ma were three sworn brothers.

  16. 他们结拜过后就彼此换贴,成了不离不弃的好兄弟。

    After they swore to be brothers, they exchanged cards and became good brothers who would never betray one another.

  17. 他们结拜过后就彼此换贴,成了不离不弃的好兄弟。

    After they swore to be brothers, they exchanged cards and became good brothers who would never betray one another.

  18. 他俩是极好的朋友,也学着古人的样子焚香结拜了兄弟。

    The two best friends burnt incense and swore to be brothers in the way ancient people did.

  19. 他俩是极好的朋友,也学着古人的样子焚香结拜了兄弟。

    The two best friends burnt incense and swore to be brothers in the way ancient people did.

  20. 这麽样子,于是乎他就把这个结拜的兄弟,推到山涧里头去了。

    Thinking in this way, he pushed his sworn brother into a mountain torrent.


  1. 问:结拜拼音怎么拼?结拜的读音是什么?结拜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结拜的读音是jiébài,结拜翻译成英文是 swear friendship

  2. 问:结拜兄弟拼音怎么拼?结拜兄弟的读音是什么?结拜兄弟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结拜兄弟的读音是jiébài xiōngdì,结拜兄弟翻译成英文是 blood brothers; sworn brothers


旧时中国社会交际习俗,没有血缘关系的人结为兄弟姐妹,基于共同利益的个人或集团,以磕头换帖、同饮血酒、对天盟誓的方式结为兄弟姐妹,以共同的信仰和誓言来约束和维护共同的利益关系。非亲属关系的人因感情深厚或有共同目的而相约为平辈兄弟姐妹,称为“义兄”、“义弟”、“义姐”、“义妹,如今北方地区则大多称为“干哥哥”、“干弟弟”、“干姐姐”、“干妹妹”;晚辈为“义子”、“义女”,如今北方地区则大多称为“干儿子”、“干女儿”;长辈为“义父”、“义母”,如今北方地区则大多称为“干爹”、“干娘”,属干亲。清代吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第23回:“你说起结拜,我说个笑话给你听。” 示例:清·曾朴《孽海花》第19回:“我们老人家给总管连公公是~,是他通的信。” 用法:作宾语、定语;用于交往等 近义词:义结金兰引 反义词:绝交。