


1. 佛 [fó]2. 佛 [fú]3. 佛 [bì]4. 佛 [bó]佛 [fó]梵语“佛陀”,是对佛教创始人释迦牟尼的简称,亦是佛教徒对修行圆满的人的称呼:~爷。~像。借花献~。指“佛教”(世界主要宗教之一):~家。~寺。~老。~经。~……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:fó jiā







  1. 诸佛之净土。


  2. 谓属于佛教者。如佛教的学术思想、佛教僧侣等。

    《朱子语类》卷七六:“佛家有函盖乾坤句,有随波逐流句,有截断众流句,圣人言语亦然。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷一:“即是道家青牛骑出去,佛家白马驮将来,也只是靠这几个字,致得三教流传,同於三光。” 郭沫若 《残春》四:“譬如佛家说:‘三界无安,犹如火宅。’这个我们明明知道,但是我们对于生的执念,却是日深一日。”



  1. I don't pray and stuff, but I do read a lot of the Buddha's writings. I guess you could call me a nightstand Buddhist.


  2. But no one can tell what kind of buddha world indeed is in Wang's poem, and whether he is really a buddhist or not.


  3. Many philosophies from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism have emphasized the significance of a balanced environment.


  4. Although Confucianism is dominant in Tu Fu s thoughts, influences from Taoism and Buddhism are not to be neglected.


  5. In the practical application of Buddhist cultivation, the concept of Oneness may even lead to the level of Grand Perfection Enlightenment.


  6. See the Buddhist holy places, and far to see iron temple, incense quite sheng. Run!


  7. When Buddhist idea's ideally shared by all non-Buddhists, The whole world will be in splendor of Great Vehicle bathing.


  8. The Buddhist view is, when people die, the best thing is to fill them with light, happiness and hope, not pain and vexation.


  9. Datong, China's traditional culture, Confucian thought, the Buddhist ideal of nirvana, peace ideas can reduce the killing.


  1. 佛家出世情怀

    Buddhism spirit standing aloof from worldly affairs.

  2. 佛家逻辑与论辩

    Buddha Logic and Debate

  3. 因为佛家讲空性。

    This is because central to Buddhist thought is the concept of the emptiness.

  4. 论苏辙的佛家思想

    On the Buddhist Thoughts of Su Che

  5. 墨家逻辑与佛家逻辑之比较

    Comparative Studies on the Mohist and Buddhist Logic

  6. 佛家崇尚解脱, 追求涅磐境界。

    The Buddhism yearns for vimukta, and goes after nirvana realm.

  7. 道家,佛家文化中的慈善思想

    The Philanthropic Thinking in the Culture of Taoism and Buddhism

  8. 佛家讲究四大皆空、慈悲为怀。

    Buddhists teach that all space-directions are void and compassion is the principle of life.

  9. 不,但是我受佛家哲学的影响。

    No, but I'm influenced by Buddhist philosophy.

  10. 佛家中道思想对苏轼的影响

    The Influence of the Buddhist Thought of Following the Middle Course on Su Shi

  11. 他通过研读佛家经典来领会佛家思想。

    He tries to comprehend Buddhist ideas by studying the Buddhist classics.

  12. 他通过研读佛家经典来领会佛家思想。

    He tries to comprehend Buddhist ideas by studying the Buddhist classics.

  13. 入了佛门就要遵守佛家的戒条。

    Once converted to Buddhism, one is supposed to follow Buddhist rules.

  14. 入了佛门就要遵守佛家的戒条。

    Once converted to Buddhism, one is supposed to follow Buddhist rules.

  15. 进了佛门就要遵守佛家的戒规。

    Once you convert to Buddhism, you are supposed to follow e Buddhist rules and regulations.

  16. 在佛家看来,它更有驱邪避祟的功能。

    According to Buddhism, sachets have the functions of exorcising evil spirits.

  17. 而佛家说, 一心迷是真身, 一心觉则是佛。

    And the Buddhists say, as one fan who is really bringing Cox is the Buddha.

  18. 而葛文达也已离开苦行僧,成为佛家弟子。

    While Govinda had already left to become one of the buddha's followers.

  19. 佛家却是要将这棵大树连根拔起。

    Buddhism will pull up the tree by the root.

  20. 次间,则镌刻有佛家万字纹样联接。

    Interglacial, then there is Buddhism million characters engraved patterns connected.

  21. 可以说, 佛氏无反对佛家之心, 有扶助佛学之愿。

    So we could say Xiong wants to help Buddhism but not to destroy it.

  22. 早期的佛教伦理学要求佛家弟子培养四种情感

    Early Buddhist ethics calls for practitioners to cultivate four mental states

  23. 佛家讲“放下屠刀,立地成佛”是让人向善。

    The Buddhist saying"put away the knife, and the butcher becomes a Buddha immediately" is meant to instruct people to behave in a good way.

  24. 然而,不得不说,佛家的思想境界确实比我们高不少。

    However, have to say, the realm of thought is higher than us a lot.

  25. 看到佛家圣地了,远远看见铁林寺,香火 蛮盛得。

    See the Buddhist holy places and far to see iron temple,incense quite sheng. Run!

  26. 同样,清代侠义公案小说亦深受道家思想和佛家思想的影响。

    Similarly, the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels are deeply Taoism and Buddhism thinking of the impact.

  27. 本文是对海德格尔与佛家思想的关系的一个尝试性探讨。

    This article is a tentative investigation of the relationship between Heidegger and the Buddhistical thought.

  28. 早在宋代,“盂兰盆法会”不仅是佛家的盛事,也是各界百姓乞福、逛街、狂欢、聚会的节日。

    As early as the Song dynasty, the Buddhist Ghost Festival was a great event, not only for Buddhists, but also for men of all walks of life to get together, pray, stroll along the street and celebrate.


  1. 问:佛家拼音怎么拼?佛家的读音是什么?佛家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佛家的读音是fójiā,佛家翻译成英文是 Academic thoughts of Buddhism; a Buddhist mo...

  2. 问:佛家拳拼音怎么拼?佛家拳的读音是什么?佛家拳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佛家拳的读音是,佛家拳翻译成英文是 Fut Gar