







汉语拼音:lòu dī






  1. 漏壶滴下的水点。

    辽 王徽 《然灯夜述怀》诗:“夷身幸入 华胥 境,甚惜今朝漏滴残。” 明 孟称舜 《死里逃生》第四折:“天上定盘浑不错,人间漏滴果无差。”



  1. n.
  2. draining

  1. 滴漏冷凝器

    trickling condenser.

  2. 滴漏计时器

    water clock.

  3. 阀门排气口连续滴漏

    Valve drips continually from the vent

  4. 阀门持续从排气口滴漏。

    B. Valve drips continually from the vent.

  5. 油从曲轴箱的下部滴漏

    Oil leaking from underside of crankcase

  6. 他拧紧水龙头,水不再滴漏了。

    He gave the tap a firm twist, and the dripping stopped.

  7. 小心点,你滴漏的都是纳税人的钱。

    Careful. That's our tax dollars you're dripping.

  8. 从排气口处必须没有水持续滴漏。

    Water must not drip continuously from vent.

  9. 主机淡水加热器的蒸气阀有滴漏。

    The steam valve of main engine fresh water heater leaked.

  10. 当复原的时候将会变成一个滴漏。

    It will to an hour glass while recharging.

  11. 之后不久, 门框开裂, 窗台浸水, 厕所还滴漏。

    Soon after, the door frames surfaces, the ledge inundate, toilets also eventually.

  12. 要留意观察高压管线的活动弯头是否有滴漏。

    Chiksan sections in high pressure lines should be watched for leaks.

  13. 吹制玻璃术发明后,滴漏计时器便开始使用。

    After glass blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use.

  14. 愚昧的儿子是父亲的祸患, 妻子的争吵如雨连连滴漏。

    A stupid child is ruin a father a wife's quarreling a continual dripping of rain.

  15. 过滤器碗状的一种厨房用具,有孔,用来滴漏。

    A bowlshaped kitchen utensil with perforations for draining off liquids and rinsing food.

  16. 过滤器碗状得一种厨房用具,有孔,用来滴漏。

    A bowlshaped kitchen utensil with perforations for draining off liquids and rinsing food.

  17. 首先, 我要把一天的时间珍藏好, 不让一分一秒的时间滴漏。

    First, I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills sand.

  18. 滴漏状细胞

    hourglass cell.

  19. 化学滴漏物

    chemical spill.

  20. 下皮的滴漏状细胞

    hourglass cells of hypodermis

  21. 油正在一滴滴漏掉。

    The oil was dropping away.

  22. 在冲洗通廊间内的滴漏盘要保护整个运输链免受冲洗。

    Sanitary pans within the rinse enclosure should protect the entire conveyor from rinses.

  23. 水一滴一滴地从龙头漏出来。

    The water leaked from the tap drop by drop.

  24. 雨正大滴大滴地从屋顶漏下来。

    The rain was leaking in large drops through the roof.

  25. 水从漏孔滴下来。

    Water dribbled from the leak.

  26. 水从漏水的龙头滴下来

    Water dribbled from the leaky faucet.

  27. 汽油从油槽漏隙滴下。

    Gasoline dribbled from the leak in the tank.

  28. 水正从漏水的笼头滴下来。

    Water is dripping from that leaky faucet.

  29. 气液相变在盥洗室天花板滴漏分析中的应用

    Applying the Principle of the Vapor Phase Transformed into Liquid Phase to Analyze the Phenomenon that the Washroom Ceiling Drips

  30. 她用手指沾了一滴漏出来的液体, 尝了一下味道。

    She touched a drop of the leakage with her finger and tasted it.