




1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……



汉语拼音:xīn zhèng






  1. 新的政令;新的施政纲领。

    宋 苏轼 《郊祀庆成诗》:“化国安新政,孤臣反旧耕。” 清 吴伟业 《读史偶述》诗之三:“讶道年来新政好,近前一卷是《尚书》。” 章炳麟 《驳康有为论革命书》:“所谓新政者,亦任其迁延堕坏而已。” 邹鲁 《四川光复》:“以新政涂人耳目,而吏治日窳。”



  1. The administration of police was one important content of Xingzheng reform in Late Qing, and it had mad a profound influence.


  2. In operation, to take "a few bricks, the bottom dwelling insurance, housing security benefits, " the relocation of the New Deal.


  3. It remains true, however, that the New Deal did not cure unemployment, just as its critics maintain.


  4. Finally, the point must chat about this incident with a bit of real estate between New Deal.


  5. But the Fair Deal programs fell victim to the same public and congressional conservatism that had crippled the last years of the New Deal.


  6. A shift from traditional food aid to a broader concept of food and nutrition assistance must be part of this New Deal.


  7. Guangzhou consumer is always in a rational and mature known, the political impact of the implementation of Guangzhou is not great.


  8. Just how much the New Deal spending helped the recovery is still debated.


  9. It is no exaggeration to say that the last time the government expanded this much, this quickly, was under FDR's New Deal.


  1. 房地产新政

    new policy for real estate.

  2. 洋务新政时期

    the period of Westernization Movement and the New Deal.

  3. 胡佛与新政

    Herbert Hoover and the New Deal.

  4. 出口退税新政

    new export rebate policy

  5. 大萧条和新政

    The Great Dession and the New Deal.

  6. 解读新政策

    interprete the new policy.

  7. 民国广西新政

    new administration of Republic of China.

  8. 组成新政府

    the formation of a new government.

  9. 解读铝业新政

    An Explain for the New Deal of Aluminum Industry

  10. 社会养老保险新政

    the new endowment insurance policy

  11. 时代呼唤边贸新政

    Time Calls for New Policy of Border Trade

  12. 他们正在推出新政。

    They are putting forward new policies.

  13. 研拟新政策

    formulate a new policy.

  14. 政府即将实施新政。

    The government is going to implement the new policies.

  15. 新政策的效力

    the efficacy of the new policy.

  16. 新政策的制定

    the formulation of new policies.

  17. 出口退税新政解读

    Elaborations on Tax Refund Policies

  18. 他们拥立新政权。

    They put in a new regime.

  19. 新政协会议筹备会

    preparatory meeting of the new CPPCC conference

  20. 新政府财政困难。

    The new government is in financial difficulties.

  21. 新政的开始和结束。

    Readings in Fraser, and Gerstle, The Rise and Fall of New Deal Order.

  22. 新政策弊大于利。

    The new policy does more harm than good.

  23. 新政策弊大于利。

    The new policy does more harm than good.

  24. 王安石变法, 推行新政。

    Wang Anshi and initiated new policies.

  25. 新政府于战后成立。

    A new government was set up after the war.

  26. 这些新政策有些意义。

    The change makes some sense.

  27. 新政府提高了利率。

    The new government has pushed up interest rates.

  28. 他们希望组建新政府。

    They hope to form the new government.

  29. 他们极力拥护新政权。

    They beat the drums for the new regime.

  30. 新政府面临诸多挑战。

    The new government is facing a number of challenges.


  1. 问:新政拼音怎么拼?新政的读音是什么?新政翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新政的读音是xīnzhèng,新政翻译成英文是 A new deal, policy.

  2. 问:新政治家拼音怎么拼?新政治家的读音是什么?新政治家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新政治家的读音是Xīnzhèngzhìjiā,新政治家翻译成英文是 New Statesman

  3. 问:新政治经济学拼音怎么拼?新政治经济学的读音是什么?新政治经济学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新政治经济学的读音是,新政治经济学翻译成英文是 New political economy

  4. 问:新政策评论小组拼音怎么拼?新政策评论小组的读音是什么?新政策评论小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新政策评论小组的读音是xīn zhèng cè píng lùn xiǎo zǔ,新政策评论小组翻译成英文是 New Policy Review Team