







汉语拼音:zuò wèi








  1. 位置;座次。

    《史记·天官书》:“紫宫、房心、权衡、咸池、虚危列宿步星,此天之五官坐位也。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲·音律》:“其高踞词坛之坐位,业如 泰山 之稳,磐石之固。”《红楼梦》第三八回:“把那大团圆桌子放在当中,酒菜都放着,也不必拘定坐位。”

  2. 供人坐的地方(多用于公共场所)。如:票已售完,一个坐位都没留。

  3. 泛指椅子凳子等可以坐的东西。如:搬个坐位来。



  1. He shrugged and walked away as he said, "Ok, we'll see what kind of acrobatics you pull off this time. "


  2. In fifth grade, your idea of a good friend was the person who saved seat on the back of the bus for you.


  3. When he returned to his seat, he said he had an upset stomach and pulled a blanket over himself.


  4. He picked a seat by the door, and I spread on the seat the expensive fur lined coat that he had made especially for me.


  5. He walked up to my seat, - I wish he wasn't so solemn and stiff, Uncle, - and said, "Oh! "


  6. When an old man was sitting on, however, I seem to his seat, the active man thank me.


  7. Children are usually easy to move, and the nurse may be able to simply raise a child to the sitting position.


  8. The driver tried to interfere, but he pinned him down in his seat with one elbow, and put on full speed.


  9. That was when he noticed his wife looking around in her seat .


  1. 半卧位, 半坐位

    semireclining position

  2. 卧位和坐位

    Supine position and sitting position.

  3. 坐位斜扳法

    the rotating and pressing manipulation in sitting position.

  4. 请为我定一坐位。

    Please secure a seat for me.

  5. 给就餐者安排坐位

    Seating the Dinner

  6. 给老师留几个坐位。

    Reserve several seats for the teachers.

  7. 重新安排戏院的坐位

    renew the seating in the theatre

  8. 请给他搬个坐位来。

    Please get her a seat.

  9. 我可以或许指定坐位吗?

    Could I get my seat assignment?

  10. 那个坐位下午有人订了。

    It was reserved this afternoon.

  11. 他们已定得前面的坐位。

    They have secured front places.

  12. 我想要靠近窗边的坐位。

    I think I will take the seat near the window.

  13. 导游草拟出了一个坐位表。

    The tour guide roughs out a seating plan.

  14. 你要靠窗的还是靠过道的坐位?

    Would you like a window or aisle seat?

  15. 我看睹有两个坐位空着。

    I see two empty seats.

  16. 服务员把我们带到了坐位前。

    The usher showed us to our seats.

  17. 坐位体前屈测量方法的研究

    Research on the Test Method of Anteversion on Seat.

  18. 我要走了,你坐我的坐位吧。

    You can have my seat, I'm going now.

  19. 坐位骨盆显像的改进及价值

    The Modification and Value of Caudal View in Pelvic Bone Imaging.

  20. 那里有一个四人用得坐位。

    There's a table for four over there.

  21. 那里有一个四人用的坐位。

    There's a table for four over there.

  22. 我们在火车上的坐位是背靠背的。

    Our seats on the train were back to back.

  23. 晚上好,你们晚餐预订坐位了吗

    Good evening. Do yo have reservation for dinner

  24. 坐到后面的坐位去, 维克多!

    Setz dich auf den hinteren Sitz , Viktor.

  25. 坐位很宽舒,勉强要躺躺也可以。

    There were plenty of empty seats. Had he wanted to,He could have lain down.

  26. 坐位作业腰部疲劳的肌电图研究

    Study of EMG on lower back fatigue in sedentary working.

  27. 我把坐位让给附近的一位盲人。

    I gave my seat to a blind man nearby.

  28. 这不是我得坐位, 那我得座位在哪呢

    It is not my seat. Then where is my seat

  29. 这不是我的坐位,那我的座位在哪呢

    It is not my seat. Then where is my seat.

  30. 他们把礼堂的坐位容量从1500扩大到2000。

    They expanded the seating capacity of the auditorium from1500 to2000 people.


  1. 问:坐位拼音怎么拼?坐位的读音是什么?坐位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐位的读音是zuòwèi,坐位翻译成英文是 seat

  2. 问:坐位皮面拼音怎么拼?坐位皮面的读音是什么?坐位皮面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐位皮面的读音是zuò wèi pí miàn,坐位皮面翻译成英文是 leather covering