











汉语拼音:yú qíng yú lǐ







  1. For the player and the team, it makes sense to let him go, and for the club it makes financial sense to take what is offered for the player.


  2. Could never do you justice in reason or rhyme


  1. 他寄情于自然,是在逃避现实吗?

    He expresses feelings to the nature, is the flight from reality?

  2. 我与这众花嬉玩, 若寄情于你的影子。

    As with your shadow I with these did play.

  3. 离开了家以后, 他对家人的思念只能寄情于照片了。

    After leaving home, he could only place his feelings for his family on photos.

  4. 离开了家以后,他对家人的思念只能寄情于照片了。

    After leaving home, he could only place his feelings for his family on photos.

  5. 离开了家以后,他对家人得思念只能寄情于照片了。

    After leaving home, he could only place his feelings for his family on photos.

  6. 她站在那儿, 尽量想寄情于花香和渐渐深沉的悦目暮色。

    There she stood, trying to soothe herself with the scent of flowers and the fading, beautiful evening.

  7. 兰亭诗中的情与理

    Sense and Reason in Lanting Poem

  8. 第二章论述情与理的互补平衡。

    The second chapter is concerned with the complementary balance of sense and sensibility.

  9. 论谢灵运山水诗创作中的情、理冲突

    The Conflict Between Emotion and Reason in Xie Linyun's Landscape Poetry

  10. 精神官能症就是起源于那个原初情感情境。

    The neurosis arose from the original affective situations.

  11. 身体,思想,情志全有赖于阴阳的共同影响作用。

    The body, mind and emotions are all subject to the influences of yin and yang.

  12. 最后一点是我们早已知道的男人比女人更热衷于婚外情。

    The last lesson is one we knew already more men are interested in adultery than women.

  13. 如此庞大的政府预算取之于民, 理应用之于民。

    Such a large government budget, being taken from the people, should naturally be used for the people.

  14. 物理系隶属于理学院。

    The Department of physics is in the Faculty of science.

  15. 媚态之于女人是由情而生。

    Obsequiousness of the woman is born from love.

  16. 四端七情理气之争

    Debate on four essential points and seven sensations of Li and Chi

  17. 浅谈树立寓教于情的职业观

    Simple Discussion on Establishing the Vocational Sense of Mixing the Feeling into the Teaching.

  18. 画家融情于画,更借诗直抒胸臆。

    Painter financial situation in painting, poetry speak by Xiong Yi.

  19. 总是倾情于兰的孤独而不为人知的馨香。

    Qing Qing Yu Lan is always lonely and unknown fragrance.

  20. 洛杉矶很快会有大地震是很合情理得。

    It'stands to reason that L. A. will soon have a major earthquake.

  21. 料斗有两个型号,这取决于理胚机的型号。

    Depending on the unscrambler size, the silo is available in two sizes.

  22. 在承认与一个女人的婚外情后,他于上周辞职。

    He resigned last week after admitting to a relationship with a woman other than his wife.

  23. 愿大家分享此感恩之情并将之表达于对其他有情的态度上!

    May all share this thankful feeling and express it in one's attitude toward other sentient beings!

  24. 粟甚至成为诗歌创作的一部分, 或寓情于景或咏物明志。

    And even becoming a part of poetry, or hidden their feelings in scenery, or praise things and show ambition.

  25. 理情治疗团体

    rational emotive therapy groups.

  26. 理情行为治疗

    Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy by Albert Ellis.

  27. 那位老人满是羡慕之情,他吃惊于一个人能演奏得这么好。

    The old man was full of admiration and surprised that a man could play so well.

  28. 他表现主体情思时主要运用比兴象征和寓情于景两种方法。

    He mainly applied the two rhetorical methods of symbolic metaphor and combining emotion with scenery to displaying principal part of tender regards.

  29. 呵,恐怖的感觉多吓人,我屈服于它是多难为情!

    Oh, how awful terror is, and how shamefully I gave way to it!

  30. 作平面平行运动的刚体相对于瞬心的动量矩定理

    Theorem on change of the moment of momentum of the rigid body about the instantaneous velocity centre