







汉语拼音:shēng yùn








  1. 见“ 声韵 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 声韵 ”。亦作“ 声均 ”。指乐调。

    《三国志·魏志·杜夔传》:“ 夔 令 玉 铸铜鐘,其声均清浊多不如法。”《晋书·律历志上》:“考以正律,皆不相应;吹其声均,多不谐合。”《晋书·乐志上》:“ 泰始 九年,光禄大夫 荀勗 始作古尺,以调声韵。” 唐 杜牧 《今皇帝陛下一诏徵兵不日功集河湟诸郡次第归降臣获睹圣功辄献歌咏》:“听取满城歌舞曲,《凉州》声韵喜参差。” 宋 张先 《木兰花》词:“楼下雪飞楼上宴,歌咽笙簧声韵颤。” 元 彭芳远 《满江红·闻笛》词:“ 江 南路,晴又阴,声韵改,泪盈襟。”

  3. 指诗文的韵律。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·章句》:“然两韵輒易,则声韵微躁;百句不迁,则唇吻告劳。” 宋 朱弁 《曲洧旧闻》卷五:“ 章楶 质夫 作《水龙吟》,咏杨花,其命意用事,清丽可喜, 东坡 和之,若豪放不入律吕,徐而视之,声韵谐婉。” 明 李东阳 《孔氏四子字说》:“ 陈白沙 诗极有声韵。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷三:“曰‘声依永’,言声韵之贵悠长也。” 吴庚舜 《浅谈李贺》:“ 李贺 的作品,声韵和谐。”

  4. 指文词声律和文字音韵学上的声、韵、调等。

    《南齐书·文学传·陆厥》:“ 汝南 周顒 ,善识声韵。” 南朝 梁 慧皎 《高僧传·经师·昙迁》:“﹝ 曇迁 ﹞常布施题经,巧於转读,有无穷声韵。” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·声韵》:“时 王融 、 刘绘 、 范云 之徒,皆称才子,慕而扇之,由是远近文学,转相祖述,而声韵之道大行。” 田北湖 《论文章源流》:“识字之初,苦於形体之辨别,声韵之异同,惟恃记问。”按,我国 南朝 时文士受转读佛经之启发,创为四声之说,在文学史和语言学史上都有影响。参阅 陈寅恪 《四声三问》。

  5. 借指诗歌或其他韵文。

    元 辛文房 《唐才子传·杨发》:“﹝ 发 ﹞工诗,亦当时声韵之伟者。” 象升 《<振素庵诗集>序》:“自余束髮受书,即酷嗜声韵之学,间有拟作,輙稚钝弗能工。” 章炳麟 《<韵文集>自叙》:“自壹郁无与语,时假声均以寄悲愤。”

  6. 指说话或呼喊的声调。

    《北齐书·元文遥传》:“ 文遥 歷事三主,明达世务,每临轩,多命宣勑,号令文武,声韵高朗,发吐无滞。”《魏书·崔光韶传》:“ 光韶 性严毅,声韵抗烈,与人平谈,常若震厉。” 清 陈维崧 《念奴娇·咏玫瑰花》词:“拂晓 谢娘 帘阁畔,忽逗卖花声韵。”

  7. 泛指和谐动听的声音。

    明 沉德符 《野获编·礼部一·笏囊佩袋》:“凡大朝会时,百寮俱朝服佩玉,殿陛之间,声韵甚美。” 清 陈维崧 《玉烛新·咏烛》词:“兰心剪瘦,谁听得,掉却玉釵声韵。” 老舍 《二马》第三段五:“大街两旁的树在凉风儿里摇动着叶儿,沙沙的有些声韵。”



  1. From the beginning, it was evident that this boy was to be drawn to writing and the sound of words.


  2. After graduation, while teaching, study hard while writing, research writing Phonology.


  3. The issues of the acoustical expression of focus words in the two language groups are discussed.


  4. The present paper describes the phonetic system of Hejie dialect, mainly including its tones, phonetic characteristics and syllabary list.


  5. In studying Chinese, one must first learn to distinguish between initial consonants and vowels.


  6. The first chapter describes a comprehensive Quanzhou County (Caiwan Town) dialect's rhyme tune systems and their phonological features.


  7. We first hear, then analyze, the amazing transitions, triads, all iterations and turns of phrase.


  8. There are both similarities and differences in the collocation of consonants and vowels between Beiliu dialect and Putonghua.


  9. The second chapter describes the phonology transfer system of Yunxian dialect.


  1. 声韵调特点

    Phonology transfer characteristics.

  2. 声韵调及特点

    Musical tone and its characteristics.

  3. 声韵调及其特点

    Intials and finals of phonetics in Weng County

  4. 声韵调配合关系

    syllable form

  5. 运动性声韵障碍

    Motor dysprosody

  6. 理解性言语声韵障碍

    Comprehension dysprosody

  7. 关于英汉声韵对比研究

    The Contrast Study about English and Chinese Phonology.

  8. 甘肃汉语方言声韵调及特点

    The Initial, Final and Tone of a Syllable and their Features in the Gansu Chinese Dialect

  9. 论宋词声韵的历史特征

    On the Historical Characteristics of Rhyme Schemes in Ci Poems of the Song Dynasty

  10. 论李贺的古体诗创作及其声韵特色

    Aesthetic feature of poem style and poetical rule in poetry of Li He

  11. 汨罗长乐方言的声韵调结构及其拼合特点

    Features of Phonetic System and Syllable Structure of the Changle Dialect in Miluo County

  12. 我推荐你读一些介绍诗歌声韵知识的书。

    I recommend that you read some books on sound meter.

  13. 我推荐你读一些介绍诗歌声韵知识的书。

    He is a famous Confucian, and has made intensive research of Confucian books.

  14. 连叠具有使语义强化,声韵和谐得表达效果。

    Reiterative can intensify the meaning and make the rhythm harmonious.

  15. 连叠具有使语义强化、声韵和谐的表达效果。

    Reiterative can intensify the meaning and make the rhythm harmonious.

  16. 论唐代七言古体边塞诗的声韵特征

    About the Metrical Specialty of QiYan Ancient Style Poem about Border Area in Tang Dynasty

  17. 毕业后,一边教学,一边刻苦钻研古文,研究文字声韵。

    After graduation, while teaching, study hard while writing, research writing Phonology.

  18. 嘉兴话的声韵调系统中,有声母31个,韵母42个,声调9个。

    In phonetic system,there are 31 initials,42 finals and 9 tones.

  19. 这个孩子从一开始就表现出对写作和声韵的出类拔萃。

    From the beginning, it was evident that this boy was to be drawn to writing and the sound of words.

  20. 海水的蓝色浓得吓人, 舐岸的微波吐出群鱼喋嗡的声韵。

    The sea was terriblely blue the mild wave, licking the seashore, droned like the mumble made by a horde of fish.

  21. 由于这是一种不完全吸收,所以入声韵不可能形成促音。

    Because this is a kind of incomplete absorption, so entering tone rhyme may not form of sound.

  22. 词人往往运用词的声韵特点进行状景寄怀,托物寓情。

    Ci writers often make use of the qualities of sounds to express emotions at the sight of some particular scenes or objects.

  23. 词人往往运用词的声韵特点进行状景寄怀,托物寓情。

    Ci writers often make use of the qualities of sounds to express emotions at the sight of some particular scenes or objects.

  24. 著有孟子字义疏证, 声韵考, 戴氏水经注, 勾股割圆记等。

    He is regarded a master of textual criticism in Anhui Province during the Reign of Qianlong and the Reign of Jiaqing.


  1. 问:声韵拼音怎么拼?声韵的读音是什么?声韵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声韵的读音是shēngyùn,声韵翻译成英文是 The initial and final of a Chinese syllable....

  2. 问:声韵学拼音怎么拼?声韵学的读音是什么?声韵学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声韵学的读音是shēngyùnxué,声韵学翻译成英文是 phonology


