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1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá]考察:检~。调~。~验。~访。~阅。古同“槎”,水中浮木。查 [zhā]姓。同“楂”。古同“渣”,渣滓。……
汉语拼音:chá kān
《元典章·台纲二·照刷》:“如因后事发露或查勘后却有漏报,该刷卷宗首领官吏情愿当罪。”《明史·宦官传二·陈增》:“ 万历 十二年, 房山县 民 史锦 奏请开矿,下抚按查勘,不果行。”《红楼梦》第一○三回:“且説 贾雨村 陞了京兆府尹,兼管税务。一日,出都查勘开垦地亩。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·后记》:“今天我自己查勘了一下:我从在《新青年》上写《随感录》起,到写这集子里的最末一篇止,共历十八年,单是杂感,约有八十万字。” 洪深 《青龙潭》第三幕:“如果现在报了上去,省里派人下来查勘,把田里的青苗,拍一张照相呈上去,县长的报告,就成为不尽不实了。”
Juno will spend about a year surveying Jupiter and seeks to look beneath its swirling clouds to explore what lies below.
朱诺号将用大约1年的时间查勘木星,并试图看到其翻飞盘旋的云层以下的部分,探索那云层底下的真面目。more than this , he expected to explore its woods and rivers and seek again for the mysterious fountain of youth.
除此之外,他还想查勘那里的森林和河流,再一次寻找那神秘的青春泉。Major liability claims should be reviewed for adequacy of investigation and accuracy of reserve.
对於重大责任损失查勘之适当性和损失準备之正确性应特别注意评估。For survey must be given to Agent as mentioned hereunder.
应立即通知下述代理查勘。Global China Insurance Co. Automobile Insurance survey will damage assessment post internship for 5 months.
泛华保险公估有限公司车险查勘定损岗实习5个月。In the debate over cloning, will religious views ultimately matter?
在这场关于克隆的争论中,宗教是否能查勘最终的原因呢?With the last government survey, conducted in 1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels.
据1998年政府所做的最新查勘,那里有30亿到160亿桶原油储量。As they survey the economic wreckage, nations around the world are wondering what they can do to prevent this from happening again.
在查勘经济残骸的同时,世界各国想知道的是,它们能做些什么来防止这种情况再度发生?examination of the condition of a house, etc.