







汉语拼音:jù liǎn








  1. 谓急于敛取赋税。聚,通“ 骤 ”。

    《论语·先进》:“ 季氏 富於 周公 ,而 求 也为之聚敛而附益之。” 刘宝楠 正义:“ 胡氏 绍勋 拾义,解聚字为骤,谓急於敛取。”

  2. 犹收集。

    《周礼·天官·太宰》:“以九职任万民……八曰臣妾,聚敛疏材。” 郑玄 注:“疏材,百草根实可食者。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·德行》:“ 遗 已聚敛得数斗焦饭,未展归家,遂带以从军。” 唐 柳宗元 《辨<文子>》:“不知人之增益之歟?或者众为聚敛以成其书歟?” 冰心 《寄小读者》十八:“同伴中有人发起聚敛实物果品,赠给二等三等舱里那些穷苦旅客的孩子。”

  3. 搜刮财货。

    《礼记·大学》:“百乘之家,不畜聚敛之臣,与其有聚敛之臣,寧有盗臣。”《晏子春秋·问上五》:“薄身厚民,故聚敛之人不得行。” 宋 苏轼 《思治论》:“文吏之所至,则治刑狱;而聚敛之臣,则以货财为急。”《封神演义》第九八回:“ 紂王 聚敛吸民脂,不信当年放 桀 时。” 章炳麟 《驳康有为论革命书》:“己居 尧 、 舜 、 汤 、 文 之美名,而使佞幸小人间接以行其聚敛,其酷有甚于加税开矿者。” 郭沫若 《李白与杜甫·杜甫的功名欲望》:“兵甲器仗、宫闱仓库等哪一样不是从老百姓那里聚敛来的?聚敛时有多少吏人能不用‘鞭挞’?” 吕澂 《中国佛学源流略讲》附录《禅宗》:“ 唐 代遭遇了‘ 安 史 之乱’,统治阶级为了应付军费,多方聚敛。”



  1. I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power, and I amassed in my own treasure-house the money due to my king.


  2. 49Joseph stored huge quantities of wheat, like the sand from the sea, so much that they lost count of the amount.


  3. Many wonder if the authorities could not spend the money more wisely, or not collect so much in the first place.


  4. Joseph collected all the food produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt and stored it in the cities.


  5. According to the Sihong official said, to the late was the name of the name of Shi Guobao to amass money.


  6. Why struggle to amass riches only to see them dissipated through death duties and passed to distant relatives?


  7. After amassing fortunes, early employees start walking out the door.


  8. To adopt policy to severely punish people amassing properties by means of corruption while remaining in government posts.


  9. Exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the convergent and discriminant validity of the variables in the model.


  1. 聚敛大陆边缘

    convergent margin

  2. 聚敛板块边界

    convergent plate boundary

  3. 聚敛性问题

    convergent question.

  4. 聚敛性生产

    convergent production.

  5. 增生聚敛板块边界

    accreting convergent plate boundary

  6. 板块间聚敛率

    Convergence rates between tectonic plates

  7. 人们总是热衷于聚敛财富。

    People are always enthusing about fortune collecting.

  8. 它聚敛财富他们一次又一次。

    And it has amassed them fortunes time and time again.

  9. 聚敛大量的财富并赢得老百姓的尊重

    Amassing great wealth and winning respect from commoners.

  10. 他们通过掠夺殖民地聚敛了大笔的财富。

    They amassed huge wealth by plundering the colonies.

  11. 这个团体把下级团体的所有钱款都聚敛了起来。

    This group aggregates all the bundles from the lower level groups.

  12. 这个团体把下级团体的所有钱款都聚敛了起来。

    This group aggregates all the bundles from the lower level groups.

  13. 我们不断聚敛物质财富,却逐渐丢失了自我价值。

    We have multiplied our po e io, but reduced our values.

  14. 我们不断聚敛物质财富,却逐渐丢失了自我价值。

    We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.

  15. 那些在征集所得税之前聚敛了大量财富的家庭。

    families who amassed great fortunes in the days before income tax.

  16. 尽一切自制百万富翁采取同样的步骤, 聚敛财富

    Do all selfmade millionaires take the same steps to amass their fortunes

  17. 夏天聚敛的,是智慧之子。收割时沉睡的,是贻羞之子。

    He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.

  18. 在纽约,不到八年,他就聚敛了五百万美元。

    In New York he had amassed five million dollars in less than eight years.

  19. 那些在征集所得税之前聚敛了大量财富的家庭参见同义词

    families who amassed great fortunes in the days before income tax. See also Synonyms at reap

  20. 夫好货,天下之贱士也,以蠡之贤,岂聚敛积财者?

    Good husband, under the base and also to the hen gathereth Lin, accumulate wealth ?

  21. 北祁连山加里东期聚敛作用的构造转换及其成矿响应

    Caledonian Convergent Transformation and Metallogenetic Response in the North Qilian Mountains

  22. 另据泗洪官方称,到后期有人打着石国豹名义聚敛资金。

    According to the Sihong official said, to the late was the name of the name of Shi Guobao to amass money.

  23. 逆断层和聚敛型扭断层下盘圈闭条件分析及勘探意义

    Analysis of Footwall Trap Conditions of Reversed Fault and Convergent Torsion Fault and Its Significance of Exploration


  1. 问:聚敛拼音怎么拼?聚敛的读音是什么?聚敛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:聚敛的读音是jùliǎn,聚敛翻译成英文是 to gather wealth illegally; to levy heavy tax...

  2. 问:聚敛财富拼音怎么拼?聚敛财富的读音是什么?聚敛财富翻译成英文是什么?

    答:聚敛财富的读音是jùliǎn cáifù,聚敛财富翻译成英文是 amass a vast illegal fortune



【聚敛】:1.聚集,聚在一起。2.(动)重税搜刮(民财)。[构成] 偏正式:聚〔敛[例句] 地主恶霸横征~;人民苦不堪言。(作谓语)