如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……
汉语拼音:zhù cí
亦作“ 助辞 ”。助字。今指独立性最差、意义最不实在的一种特殊虚词,包括结构助词,时态助词,语气助词。
宋 王谠 《唐语林·文学》:“又:‘伤人乎,不问马’,今亦云: 韩文公 读不为否,言大德圣人岂仁於人,不仁於马?故贵人所以前问,畜贱所以后问。然‘不’字上岂更要助词,其亦曲矣。” 清 龚自珍 《大誓答问第十》:“《周书》二十篇,有此文法,有此助辞乎?” 郭绍虞 《中国文学批评史》四之六二:“由 中国 的语文法言,至 唐 宋 以后而助词之作用特别突出,所以丰神摇曳,能够曲折帮助语言的神态。”
And partical cash in advance is often used in combination with other forms of payment.
助词预付现款,常用于结合其他形式的支付。" And " Yi " as a modal particle, used for the first sentence, which is equivalent, " but ", " Only, " " dimension.
而“繄”作为语气助词,多用于句首,相当于“惟”、“唯”、“维”。It is rarely used as a noun, conjunction, auxiliary verb or particle. There is only one instance of noun and auxiliary verb respectively.
“为”作名词、连词、助词、语气词的例子为数很少,其中名词、助词仅各一见。He object of the verb with that word in front of the body followed by accusative particle.
他动词跟宾语,即前面的体词后面跟宾格助词。used to indicate a pause : life is getting better now . | these students all like literature pieces.
助词用在句中停顿的地方,表示例举或对举:如今呢,比以前的生活好多了|这几个同学都喜欢文学创作。Observation and statistics of the language material is the starting point of generating the dynamic auxiliary word "le" .
语料的观察和统计是进行动态助词“了”生成研究的出发点。Function words include six kinds: adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections , and onomatopes.
虚词包括副词,介词,连词,助词,叹词和象词六类。Korean is Agglutinative Language, so it mainly depends on the ending and the auxiliary to display the grammar relations.
韩国语是黏着语,所以主要依靠语尾和助词等来表现语法关系。It also as the auxiliary, appears at the end of the words, signing the plural number.