


1. 亲 [qīn]2. 亲 [qìng]亲 [qīn]有血统或夫妻关系的:~属。~人。~缘。双~(父母)。~眷。婚姻:~事。因婚姻联成的关系:~戚。~故。~邻。~朋。称呼同一地方的人:乡~。本身,自己的:~睹。~聆。~笔。感情好,关系密切……





汉语拼音:qīn nì








  1. 见“ 亲暱 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 亲昵 ”。亲密昵爱。

    《左传·昭公三十二年》:“我一二亲昵甥舅,不皇啟处,於今十年。”《世说新语·言语》“ 顾长康 拜 桓宣武 墓” 刘孝标 注引 南朝 宋明帝 《文章志》:“ 愷之 为 桓温 参军,甚被亲暱。” 宋 文莹 《玉壶清话》卷八:“ 洎 不免强颜附之,后稍亲暱。”《扫迷帚》第一回:“ 心斋 幼时,随母至舅家,盘桓动经数月,与 资生 极为亲暱。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部题叙:“两只瘦骨嶙嶙的长手,亲昵地抚摸着站在她身前寸步不离娘的 宝娃 的头。”

  3. 指亲近的人。包括亲属、亲戚、亲信等。

    《左传·襄公十四年》:“是故天子有公,诸侯有卿,卿置侧室,大夫有贰宗,士有朋友,庶人、工、商、皂、隶、牧、圉皆有亲暱,以相辅佐也。”《晋书·会稽文孝王道子传》:“ 道子 使宫人为酒肆,沽卖於水侧,与亲昵乘船就之饮宴,以为笑乐。” 宋 欧阳修 《赠太尉夏守贇谥议》:“多事之际,其勤最著,或奔走自效,不暇过於私家,亲暱虽至,未尝敢请恩泽。” 清 唐甄 《潜书·两权》:“文武之课,一级不苟迁,一级不苟降。有罪必刑,战后必诛,虽亲暱不赦。” 清 谢重辉 《春来》诗:“亲昵稀来往,人事欣无餘。”



  1. The bulls have began to close, some play played some lazy, leisurely down, some of your head up, the wind took them to a distant Shen huan.


  2. They walked with joined hands, and it could be perceived that this was the act of simple affection.


  3. She told him to stop taking liberties, ie treating her with too much familiarity .


  4. Games took place in different places, from the intimacy of the place of the living room, noisy environment and vegetable market.


  5. You had an intimate relationship with your father: You're able to maintain intimacy now.


  6. The point is to create an atmosphere where differences and fears surface in a way that creates more intimacy instead of less.


  7. The first two years of marriage are critical for building a sexual style that includes shared pleasure and deeper intimacy.


  8. She said trust and intimacy were crucial to a successful relationship.


  9. I also see a shift among youth, away from the kind of narrow definitions of what is intimacy or acceptable intimacy.


  1. 她对他非常亲昵。

    She was very affectionate with him.

  2. 他对她十分亲昵。

    He behaved towards her with great familiarity.

  3. 他亲昵地吻了丈夫一下。

    She kissed him affectionately.

  4. 鲍勃对凯特过分亲昵。

    Bob behaved towards Kate with too great familiarity.

  5. 用作表示亲昵的称呼语

    Used as an affectionate name when speaking to sb

  6. 他的过分的亲昵冒犯了她。

    His excessive familiarity offended her.

  7. 四壁虽颓唐,却依然亲昵。

    Tuitang walls though, but still intimate.

  8. 有时候她和我十分亲昵。

    Sometimes, she would be quite familiar with me.

  9. 亲我会怎样像亲昵妹妹。

    How kissing me might be like kissing your sister.

  10. 何其亲昵, 肯定和迫切乃尔!

    What affection, confidence and eagerness!

  11. 他亲昵地碰了碰她的面颊。

    He touched her cheek familiarly.

  12. 他过分的亲昵使她不舒服。

    His excessive familiarity made her uncomfortable.

  13. 人们亲昵地称威廉为比利。

    William was affectionately known as Billy.

  14. 废话连天的流氓, 来时亲昵无比。

    Palavering rascals, who come hail fellow well met.

  15. 他的亲昵行为吓走了所有的女同事。

    His intimacy scared off all female colleagues.

  16. 亲昵关系会给予孩子内心一种安全感。

    Loving relationships will give a child an inner sense of security.

  17. 亲昵的拍抚充满柔情地拍或抚弄下巴

    An affectionate pat or squeeze under the chin.

  18. 我看见他们在戏院里亲昵地坐在一起。

    I saw them sitting cheek By jowl in the theatre.

  19. 她们亲昵的样子看起来像是姐儿俩。

    From the way they treat each other they look like sisters.

  20. 词的重叠可以加强语气, 有的可以表示亲昵。

    Overlap of words can strengthen mood and some of them can express affectionate.

  21. 这些明星在现实生活中有着亲昵关系。

    The stars were having an offstage relationship.

  22. 洛莉还是象一具僵尸那样对待他的亲昵。

    Lorrie didn't stop going dead every time he touched her.

  23. 洛莉还是象一具僵尸那样对待他得亲昵。

    Lorrie didn't stop going dead every time he touched her.

  24. 他们老两口儿还像初恋那会儿那样亲昵。

    The old couple still dote on each other just as when they first fell in love.

  25. 没有像父爱般的亲昵, 没有显得过于激动。

    There was no fatherly affection, no display of sentiment.

  26. 友谊和亲昵关系之间的界线很难界定。

    The borderline between friendship and intimacy is often hard to define.

  27. 拥抱是的, 亲昵的行为可以传达爱意, 增进情感。

    Cuddle yes intimacy is very important and reflects love and deep feelings.

  28. 爱玲听了这种亲昵的话儿脸有点发红了。

    Aileen flushed a little at his familiarity.

  29. 女人们倾向于更亲昵的言行而不像男人们那样。

    Women tend to get intimacy differently than men do.

  30. 两个人简直一样,正因为一样所以双方才始而亲昵。

    They were both the same, and it had produced first the intimacy.


  1. 问:亲昵拼音怎么拼?亲昵的读音是什么?亲昵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亲昵的读音是qīnnì,亲昵翻译成英文是 very intimate

  2. 问:亲昵疗法拼音怎么拼?亲昵疗法的读音是什么?亲昵疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亲昵疗法的读音是qīn nì liáo fǎ,亲昵疗法翻译成英文是 intimate therapy

  3. 问:亲昵言语拼音怎么拼?亲昵言语的读音是什么?亲昵言语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亲昵言语的读音是qīnnìyányǔ,亲昵言语翻译成英文是 intimate speech




【拼音】qīn nì




【基本解释】 非常亲密,关系十分密切。

【示例】柳青 《创业史》第一部题叙:“两只瘦骨嶙嶙的长手,亲昵地抚摸着站在她身前寸步不离娘的宝娃的头。”


【详细解释】 1.亲密昵爱。 《左传·昭公三十二年》:“我一二亲昵甥舅,不皇启处,於今十年。” 《世说新语·言语》“ 顾长康 拜 桓宣武 墓” 刘孝标 注引 南朝 宋明帝 《文章志》:“ 恺之 为 桓温 参军,甚被亲暱。” 宋 文莹 《玉壶清话》卷八:“ 洎 不免强颜附之,后稍亲暱。”《扫迷帚》第一回:“ 心斋 幼时,随母至舅家,盘桓动经数月,与 资生 极为亲暱。” 2.指亲近的人。包括亲属、亲戚、亲信等。 《左传·襄公十四年》:“是故天子有公,诸侯有卿,卿置侧室,大夫有贰宗,士有朋友,庶人、工、商、皂、隶、牧、圉皆有亲暱,以相辅佐也。” 《晋书·会稽文孝王道子传》:“ 道子 使宫人为酒肆,沽卖於水侧,与亲昵乘船就之饮宴,以为笑乐。” 宋 欧阳修 《赠太尉夏守贇谥议》:“多事之际,其勤最著,或奔走自效,不暇过於私家,亲暱虽至,未尝敢请恩泽。” 清 唐甄 《潜书·两权》:“文武之课,一级不苟迁,一级不苟降。有罪必刑,战后必诛,虽亲暱不赦。” 清 谢重辉 《春来》诗:“亲昵稀来往,人事欣无馀。”