


1. 增 [zēng]增 [zēng]加多,添:~加。~多。~添。~益。~生(a.同“增殖”;b.古代科举制度中生员名目之一)。~产。~长(zhǎng )。~援。~殖。~辉。~减。~删。……





汉语拼音:zēng bǔ








  1. 增加补充。

    《后汉书·胡广传》:“其九箴亡闕,后 涿郡 崔駰 及子 瑗 又 临邑侯 刘騊駼 增补十六篇。” 明 唐顺之 《牌》:“原有一千人,必须沙汰疲弱,增补精壮。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·掌故·康熙壬午江南试官》:“或创始纂辑,或后来增补,而其中缺漏伪误,均所不免。”中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·魏兰<浙案纪略>序》:“上卷纪事本末,凡四章……并增补 刘光汉 内叛诸事。” 巴金 《纪念雪峰》:“ 许广平 同志的手抄稿,上面还有 鲁迅先生 亲笔修改的手迹,关于我的那句话就是先生增补上去的。”



  1. The bottom line of all these reports was that supplements of vitamin E could not be relied upon to protect against heart disease and stroke.


  2. This alone is enough to give the disk lift and with the addition of the rocket engine its vertical acceleration would be extremely rapid.


  3. EXAMPLE: The rental agreement for the house near the river was the usual contract except for a rider about water damage that had been added.


  4. In Bould's opinion, games in his own age group could become a vital supplement to his overall progression.


  5. THIS volume is a reprint of Studies in Ancient History as published in 1876, with notes added only where they appeared to be indispensable.


  6. Practical cosmologists would like to see direct evidence for the reionization epoch before adding the missing chapter to their textbooks .


  7. 'People have always been free to walk around the apple orchard unescorted, ' she added.


  8. Half the population uses some sort of dietary supplement, and that figure is on the rise.


  9. It features a flexible, practical and easy to arrange, add to, check.


  1. 增补议事备忘录

    supplementary memorandum

  2. 要求增补按金

    Margin call

  3. 人员略有增补。

    The staff has been slightly augmented.

  4. 增补租约。附补租约

    supplementary tenancy agreement

  5. 增补号表示有脱漏。

    The mark denotes an omission.

  6. 增补维生素后病变改善。

    She returned to baseline after vitamin supplementation.

  7. 浙江木犀科植物增补

    Notes on Oleaceae from Zhejiang Province

  8. 公司给他增补了退休金。

    The company gives him a supplement to pension.

  9. 本协定可以修正和增补。

    Amendments and additions may be made to this Agreement.

  10. 他们又被增补了一些任务。

    They are supplemented with a number of assignments.

  11. 翻译中的增补意译和共情意译

    Literal Translation and Empathy Liberal Translation

  12. 附有索引得增补卷已经出版。

    A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.

  13. 附有索引的增补卷已经出版。

    A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.

  14. 标题云南素馨属植物得增补。

    Notes on the genus Jasminum from Yunnan.

  15. 标题云南素馨属植物的增补。

    Notes on the genus Jasminum from Yunnan.

  16. 指频繁更新、修改和增补的软件。

    Software characterized by frequent updates, fixes, and patches.

  17. 文章题目云南素馨属植物的增补。

    Notes on the genus Jasminum from Yunnan.

  18. 欢迎各缔约国提出意见、增补和纠正。

    Comments, additions and corrections from States Parties are welcome.

  19. 一本好字典应定期的增补新的内容。

    New contents should be added to a good dictionary at regular intervals.

  20. 我在忙着给我的书增补更多的例句。

    I'm busy spatchcocking more examples into my book.

  21. 你也可以使用一个备忘录文件作为增补。

    You can also use a tickler file to supplement this.

  22. 他给这本字典的增补部分写了总结。

    He has written a summary for the supplement to a dictionary.

  23. 汉译英是往往还需要增补必要的冠词。

    The ear is the organ which is used for hearing.

  24. 汉译英是往往还需要增补必要得冠词。

    The ear is the organ which is used for hearing.

  25. 批评者说增补剂需要更多的监管。

    Critics say supplements need more oversight.

  26. 批评者说增补剂需要更多得监管。

    Critics say supplements need more oversight.

  27. 他谋取了一份夜间的工作以增补收入。

    He supplemented his earnings by taking a night job.

  28. 为此目的,应增补各会员国的宪法和法律。

    The constitutions and laws of Member States would have to be updated for that purpose.

  29. 本合同未尽事宜, 可由双方增补作为合同附件。

    What is left unmentioned in the contract may be added there as an appendix.

  30. 根据别本的增补、删改也以同样的方式显示。

    Addition or deletion based on differnt versions are also shown in the same way.


  1. 问:增补拼音怎么拼?增补的读音是什么?增补翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补的读音是zēngbǔ,增补翻译成英文是 augment; supplement; to add

  2. 问:增补者拼音怎么拼?增补者的读音是什么?增补者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补者的读音是,增补者翻译成英文是 enlarger

  3. 问:增补供水拼音怎么拼?增补供水的读音是什么?增补供水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补供水的读音是zēng bǔ gōng shuǐ,增补供水翻译成英文是 supplemental supply

  4. 问:增补单元拼音怎么拼?增补单元的读音是什么?增补单元翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补单元的读音是zēng bǔ dān yuán,增补单元翻译成英文是 supplementary unit

  5. 问:增补条约拼音怎么拼?增补条约的读音是什么?增补条约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补条约的读音是zēngbǔtiáoyuē,增补条约翻译成英文是 supplementary treaty

  6. 问:增补法官拼音怎么拼?增补法官的读音是什么?增补法官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补法官的读音是zēng bǔ fǎ guān,增补法官翻译成英文是 additional judge

  7. 问:增补申请拼音怎么拼?增补申请的读音是什么?增补申请翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补申请的读音是zēng bǔ shēn qǐng,增补申请翻译成英文是 additional application

  8. 问:增补证书拼音怎么拼?增补证书的读音是什么?增补证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补证书的读音是zēng bǔ zhèng shū,增补证书翻译成英文是 certificate of addition

  9. 问:增补详图拼音怎么拼?增补详图的读音是什么?增补详图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补详图的读音是zēng bǔ xiáng tú,增补详图翻译成英文是 clarification drawing

  10. 问:增补专利证书拼音怎么拼?增补专利证书的读音是什么?增补专利证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补专利证书的读音是zēng bǔ zhuān lì zhèng shū,增补专利证书翻译成英文是 patent of addition

  11. 问:增补亏空支付制拼音怎么拼?增补亏空支付制的读音是什么?增补亏空支付制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补亏空支付制的读音是zēng bǔ kuī kōng zhī fù zhì,增补亏空支付制翻译成英文是 deficiency payment system

  12. 问:增补换行符选项拼音怎么拼?增补换行符选项的读音是什么?增补换行符选项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增补换行符选项的读音是zēng bǔ huàn háng fú xuǎn xiàng,增补换行符选项翻译成英文是 append LF option





注音:ㄗㄥ ㄅㄨˇ同义词: 补充、增加、增添

反义词: 裁减、削减、减少