


1. 芫 [yuán]2. 芫 [yán]芫 [yuán]〔~花〕落叶灌木,开紫色小花,有毒;供观赏,花蕾可入药。芫 [yán]〔~荽〕一年生或二年生草本植物,叶和茎有特殊香气,可用来调味;果实球形,亦有香气,用做香料,亦可入药。俗称“香菜……





汉语拼音:yán suī






  1. 又名“胡荽”,俗称“香菜”。一年生草本植物。叶互生,羽状复叶,茎和叶有特殊香气,花小,白花。果实圆形,可做香料,也可入药。嫩茎和叶可以用来调味。

    元 秦简夫 《东堂老》第三折:“卖菜也,青菜白菜赤根菜,芫荽葫萝卜葱儿呵。” 原甸 《沙爹诗人自画像》:“让这尺方体积的空气,有芫荽粉的馥郁。”



  1. Herbs like basil, thyme, cilantro and oregano are some of the best and easy-to-grow-from-seeds gift herbs.


  2. Coriander seeds yield cilantro, also known as Chinese parsley, a staple herb in Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, and Indian cooking.


  3. Brewers in the United States swapped tips on finding the best sources for key ingredients like coriander oil and citric acid.


  4. The manna was like coriander seed and looked like resin.


  5. Mix seasonings with ginger and garlic, mix evenly, pour over chicken. Sprinkle chopped cilantro over the top.


  6. Take out seal lions and ginger from the pan, add a bit salt, gourmet powder, coriander and sesame oil.


  7. Most cooking is done with fresh ingredients and frequently employs garlic or chillies with plenty of lime juice, lemon grass, or coriander.


  8. Chablis Premier Cru has very attractive and intense aromas reminiscent of coriander, orange, lemon and many other intriguing flavors.


  9. Believe it or not, we call it "Tiger Food. " It's green pepper, cilantro, and cucumbers.


  1. 洋芫荽子酸

    petroselinic acid.

  2. 拌入腰果和芫荽。

    Stir in cashew and parsley.

  3. 放上芫荽,即可上桌。

    Serve with coriander placed on the fish.

  4. 反式洋芫荽子酸

    petroselidic acid

  5. 岩芹酸, 洋芫荽子酸

    Petroselie Acid

  6. 采种芫荽高产栽培技术

    Cultivate Technique of High yield for Coriander Seed Collecting

  7. 糖和芫荽粉各1茶匙

    1 tsp. each of sugar and ground coriander.

  8. 用芫荽或欧芹和樱桃装饰。

    Garnish with coriander and cherry.

  9. 芫荽真空冷冻干燥工艺的研究

    Research on vacuum freezedry technology of coriander

  10. 这种甜酒的主要味道来自芫荽。

    Goldwasser derives its predominant flavor from coriander.

  11. 制种芫荽和甜菜套种栽培技术

    Cultivation techniques of relay intercropping Sugar beet and coriander for seed production.

  12. 配料炸干葱,葱叶,芫荽和面包块。

    Garnish Fried Shallots, Chopped Onion Leaves, Coriander and Croutons.

  13. 喜欢的话可以用西红柿丝和芫荽装饰。

    Pour over the chicken. Decorate with coriander and tomato shreds if desired.

  14. 这麽哪彷佛芫荽子,又好像珍珠。

    The manna coriander seed and looked like resin.

  15. 加入芫荽, 再盖好, 赞绍酒, 原锅上桌。

    Add coriander. Cover pot. Splash wine over. Serve in pot.

  16. 蒜头磨成蒜茸。芫荽洗净,剁成细末。

    Ground garlic to form grated garlic. Wash and chop finely coriander.

  17. 天然调味香料芫荽籽精油的研究进展

    Research progress in the essential oil of natural spice, coriander seeds.

  18. 我们要采购胡椒粉丁香, 咖哩粉粉, 茴香, 芫荽。

    We want to buy Cinnmaon, Pepper Cloves, Curry Powder, Fennel, Coriander.

  19. 这吗哪仿佛芫荽子, 又好象珍珠。

    The manna was like coriander seed and looked like resin.

  20. 这吗哪彷佛芫荽子,又好像珍珠。

    The manna was like coriander seed and looked like resin.

  21. 上碟,用洋芫荽叶同柠檬片装饰。

    Remove and garnish with parsley leaves and slices of lemon.

  22. 芫荽病叶细胞超微结构的观察与分析

    Observating and Analysing the Coriander Infected Leaves'Ultrastructure

  23. 光线照射下芫荽和蕹菜常温贮藏效果比较

    Storage Quality Comparisons of Coriander and Water Spinach Between Red Light and Darkness at Room Temperature

  24. 食用前以花瓣及芫荽叶随意装饰即可。

    Decorate with rose buds and coriander leaf before serving.

  25. 剁碎它并且加入一些芫荽及一束龙蒿。

    Roughly chop greens along with leaves of a half bunch parsley and a bunch tarragon.

  26. 混合着芫荽, 丁香, 橡苔和龙涎香得香水。

    A chypre, spicy harmony with notes of Coriander, Clove, Oakmoss and Ambergris.

  27. 以意大利芫荽装饰,伴白饭或意大利粉进食。

    Garnish with Italian parsley, serve hot with rice or pasta.

  28. 关火后加入意粉拌匀,加入洋芫荽即可享用。

    Turn off the heat add linguine and toss well garnish with parsley. Serve.

  29. 如遇菜蔬枯竭期盐青椒, 咖哩, 芫荽或者辣酱。

    If desired season with salt pepper, curry, parsley, or hot sauce.

  30. 加10毫升橄榄油和意大利芫荽碎便可上碟。

    Add10ml olive oil and chopped parsley. transfer to plate.


  1. 问:芫荽拼音怎么拼?芫荽的读音是什么?芫荽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芫荽的读音是yánsuī,芫荽翻译成英文是 Coriandrum sativum

  2. 问:芫荽属拼音怎么拼?芫荽属的读音是什么?芫荽属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芫荽属的读音是yánsuī shǔ,芫荽属翻译成英文是 Coriandrum

  3. 问:芫荽族拼音怎么拼?芫荽族的读音是什么?芫荽族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芫荽族的读音是yánsuī zú,芫荽族翻译成英文是 Coriandreae

  4. 问:芫荽油拼音怎么拼?芫荽油的读音是什么?芫荽油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芫荽油的读音是yuán suī yóu,芫荽油翻译成英文是 coriander oil

  5. 问:芫荽醇拼音怎么拼?芫荽醇的读音是什么?芫荽醇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芫荽醇的读音是,芫荽醇翻译成英文是 linalol



芫荽,别名胡荽、香菜、香荽。为伞形科植物鞠荽Coriandrum sativum L.的全草,伞形花笠,芫荽属,一、二年生草本植物,是人们熟悉的提味蔬菜,状似芹,叶小且嫩,茎纤细,味郁香,是汤、饮中的佐料,多用于做凉拌菜佐料,或烫料、面类菜中提味用。药用价值:起表出体外又可开胃消郁还可止痛解毒,《本草纲目》称“芫荽性味辛温香窜,内通心脾,外达四肢”。原产地为地中海沿岸及中亚地区,现大部地区都有种植。