







汉语拼音:bái guàn






  1. The storks have been building their nests on poles placed by bird enthusiasts to help them breed.


  2. It is also an ideal place for white cranes, swans and many other rare birds to spend their winters due to its humid weather.


  3. the main factors of foraging habitat selection of Oriental White Stork are water factor, food factor and hidden factor in autumn.


  4. Storks aren't the only targets, so are swans and ducks, the newspaper said.


  5. The results showed that during different season's differences of plant types in foraging habitat of Oriental White Stork is obvious.


  6. Amazing thing is: There is no Green Lake mallard white stork, even the birds are rare.


  7. The most detail behavior ethogram of adult and nestling of captive Oriental white stork was recorded.


  8. Every October, white storks fly to the South to spend the winter.


  9. White stork is migratory birds, like on the roof or large nests in the trees.


  1. 狐狸与白鹳

    The Fox and the Stork.

  2. 农夫与白鹳

    The Farmer and the Stork.

  3. 东方白鹳栖息地

    wetland in ecology

  4. 是白鹳身上掉下来的

    From the stork that dropped him

  5. 东方白鹳的内脏解剖观察

    The Visceral Anatomy of the Oriental White Stork

  6. 农夫和白鹳挤牛奶的女工

    The Stork and His Friends

  7. 笼养东方白鹳繁殖行为观察

    Observation of the Eastern White Stork Breeding Behavior in Cage

  8. 笼养东方白鹳的繁殖生态研究

    A Study on Ecology of the Oriental White Stork in Reproductive Period in Captivity

  9. 国鸟白鹳,一种著名的观赏珍禽。

    National bird The white stork, one kind famous watches the rare bird.

  10. 天津北大港水库发现大群东方白鹳

    A Large Flock of Oriental White Stocks Founded at Beidagang Reservoir in Tianjin, China

  11. 对东方白鹳种群恢复对策进行了研究。

    Meanwhile, the resumption methods of Siberian White Stork were studied.

  12. 东方白鹳脾和胸腺的显微结构观察

    Microstructural Observation of Spleen and Thymus of Oriental White Stork.

  13. 长沙笼养东方白鹳繁殖行为的初步研究

    Study on the reproduction behavior of ciconia ciconia boyciana raised in cages in changsha.

  14. 越冬地东方白鹳繁殖生物学的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the breeding biology of the oriental white stork Ciconia boyciana in its wintering area

  15. 东方白鹳繁殖期生境选择与行为观察

    Reproductive habitation selection of Oriental white stork and reproductive behavior observing

  16. 人工饲养东方白鹳繁殖期行为的时间分配

    Time Budget of Captive Oriental White Storks in Breeding Season

  17. 东方白鹳迁地保护研究现状及发展趋势

    Present Status of Exsitu Conservation Research of Oriental White Stork and Developmental Trend.

  18. 十月的时候,白鹳会陆续飞往南方过冬。

    Every October, white storks fly to the South to spend the winter.

  19. 十月的时候,白鹳会陆续飞往南方过冬。

    Every October, white storks fly to the South to spend the winter.

  20. 东方白鹳与家禽腔上囊的形态学比较

    The Morphological Comparison of the Bursae Cloacalis between the Oriental White Stork and the Fowl

  21. 东方白鹳迁徙活动受风速、气温、降雨等天气影响。

    The causes of effecting migration include wind speed, temperature, raining, and so on.

  22. 挠力河流域东方白鹳生境质量变化景观模拟

    Landscape simulating of habitat quality change for oriental white stork in Naoli River Watershed

  23. 圈养条件下东方白鹳幼雏代谢率的初步测定

    Metabolic Rate of Chicks of Oriental White Stork in Captivity

  24. 白鹳是候鸟,喜欢在屋顶或高大的树上筑巢。

    White stork is migratory birds, like on the roof or large nests in the trees.

  25. 夏季东方白鹳觅食生境选择的主因子表现为隐蔽因子

    the main factor of foraging habitat selection of Oriental White Stork is hidden factor in summer

  26. 例如在春季,白鹳从在非洲的过冬巢穴返回到低地国家。

    In the spring, the storks return to the Low Countries from their winter nests in Africa.

  27. 人工饲养白鹳、黑鹳卵壳成分分析及超微结构观察

    Elemental Composition and Ultrastructure of Eggshells of White Storks and Black Storks on Condition of Artificial Rearing

  28. 建立笼养条件下东方白鹳成体和幼体较为详细的行为谱。

    The most detail behavior ethogram of adult and nestling of captive Oriental white stork was recorded.

  29. 令人惊异的是湖上没有青凫白鹳,连飞鸟也不多见。

    Technical Method of Improving Green Head Mallard the Hatch Ratio.


  1. 问:白鹳拼音怎么拼?白鹳的读音是什么?白鹳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白鹳的读音是báiguàn,白鹳翻译成英文是 A white stork , body length up to over 1 meter, white...



白鹳是德国的国鸟。白鹳(学名:Ciconia ciconia)是大型涉禽。其羽毛以白色为主,翅膀具黑羽,成鸟具细长的红腿和细长的红喙。仅有两个亚种,大小略有不同。嘴长而粗壮,在高树或岩石上筑大型的巢,飞时头颈伸直。白鹳在欧洲是非常有名的鸟,常常在屋顶或烟囱上筑巢。为食肉动物,其食性广,包括昆虫,鱼类,两栖类,爬行类,小型哺乳动物和小鸟。觅食地大部分为具低矮植被的浅水区。一夫一妻制,但非终生。雌鸟通常每年产4枚卵,孵化需33~34天,58~64天后出巢。分布于欧洲,非洲西北部,亚洲西南部和非洲南部。其为长途迁徙性鸟类,在撒哈拉以南至南非地区或印度次大陆等热带地区越冬。在欧洲,白鹳有“送子鸟”之称,被认为是吉祥鸟。