







汉语拼音:gǎn jí




到集市上去买卖货物。有的地 区也叫赶场、赶墟。



  1. 乡僻之地,贸易有定期。及期,买者卖者从四方前来,集于一定的地点买卖,俗称“赶集”。

    明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·地部一》:“ 岭 南之市谓之虚…… 山 东人谓之集。每集则百货俱陈,四远竞凑,大至骡、马、牛、羊、奴婢、妻子,小至斗粟、尺布,必於其日聚焉,谓之‘赶集’。” 清 刘书年 《沂水桑麻话》:“ 沂邑 集场甚多,著名者三十餘处,尚有义集、小集不计其数,通工易事,莫便於赶集。”《老残游记》第十九回:“每月三八大集,几十里的人都去赶集。” 知侠 《铁道游击队》第四章:“ 齐村 是 枣庄 西边八里路的一个大镇子,今天逢大集,四乡的庄稼人都到这里赶集。”



  1. Analysis of the stone with you today about the early to go to the market network in the SEO was an SEO strategy.


  2. Part of the "Old West, " New Mexico was a place known for cowboys and cattle drives.


  3. It was like any festival fair, with unlicensed and not too sanitary vendors of foodstuff of all kinds doing brisk business.


  4. In the autumn , the cattle have to be rounded up and counted .


  5. On one occasion, the wife of Zengzi fair go, the children are also going to cry.


  6. That local single Flying dreams men and women can be in this day, find out the market.


  7. One day as he was driving home from the market, he dropped his knife.


  8. Going to the market and drinking a bowl of sheep's haslet soup also is an enjoyment.


  9. Household Changan van, own fair use, kilometer number is a real number 30000 kilometer, car accident, has been open, a hand cart.


  1. 星期一是赶集日。

    Monday is market day.

  2. 我们明天去赶集。

    Tomorrow we will be going to the village fair.

  3. 她赶集去出售自制品。

    She went to market to sell what she had made.

  4. 赶集办年货, 遇见兔大哥。

    The market, meet the rabbit elder brother often do.

  5. 我们去赶集,麦特,妻子说。

    Let's go to the fair, Matt, his wife said.

  6. 赶集网也不是啥都有啊

    Try to find that on Craigslist.

  7. 明天将是村民们赶集的日子。

    Tomorrow will be the market day for the villagers.

  8. 星期四是普瓦捷的赶集日。

    Thursday is market day in Poitiers.

  9. 现在可还不是赶集过节的时光。

    We are not yet in the time of fairs and festivals.

  10. 今天又不是演杂技的日子, 又不是赶集的日子。

    This is neither a fair nor a market day.

  11. 你爸真没白教你,赶集怎么办?

    Your father's taught you well. What about the street fair?

  12. 天气很好, 我们决定步行去赶集。

    It was such a delightful day that we decided t ride shanks mare to the fair.

  13. 小镇在赶集那天总是热闹非凡。

    The town's always busy on market day.

  14. 天气非常好, 我们决定步行去赶集。

    It was such a delightful day that we decided to ride shankss mare to the fair.

  15. 星期四是普这个小镇得赶集日。

    Thursday is market day in this town.

  16. 星期四是普这个小镇的赶集日。

    Thursday is market day in this town.

  17. 秋天得把牛群赶集起来,进行清点。

    In the autumn, the cattle have to be rounded up and counted.

  18. 老人牵着驴, 带着他的孙子去赶集。

    The old man takes his grandson and a donkey to the market.

  19. 老人牵着驴,带着他得孙子去赶集。

    The old man takes his grandson and a donkey to the market.

  20. 我的钱包在赶集时被人偷走了。

    My purse was stolen in the fair.

  21. 你赶集的时候, 当心卖假草药的江湖医生。

    When you go to the fair, beware of the quacks selling spurious medicinal herbs.

  22. 我们沿着村子得大街走去, 村民们正在那里赶集。

    We walked down the village street, where they were having market day.

  23. 我们沿着村子的大街走去, 村民们正在那里赶集。

    We walked down the village street, where they were having market day.

  24. 卖货和赶集都由奥克替她一肩挑了。

    Oak had attended all sales and fairs for her.

  25. 到了赶集的日子,白族风味的商业气息更加浓烈。

    The Bai zest for business in even more obvious at the great market day scenes in Dali, Wase and Shaping.

  26. 我们的话题不知不觉的从上古谈到现在赶集的事。

    The subject, therefore, insensibly changed from the business of antiquity, to that which brought us to the fair.

  27. 一辆颠簸赶集的马车上一只小牛目露哀伤。

    On a wagon bound for market There's a calf with a mournful eye.

  28. 一天, 他驾驭着马车从家去赶集, 他掉了他的刀。

    One day as he was driving home from the market, he dropped his knife.

  29. 我们沿着村里的大街向前走去, 村民们正在那里赶集。

    We walked down the village street, where they were having market day.

  30. 赶集时喝碗羊杂割汤也算是改善了一回口味。

    Going to the market and drinking a bowl of sheep's haslet soup also is an enjoyment.


  1. 问:赶集拼音怎么拼?赶集的读音是什么?赶集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赶集的读音是gǎnjí,赶集翻译成英文是 go to market

  2. 问:赶集网拼音怎么拼?赶集网的读音是什么?赶集网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赶集网的读音是GǎnjíWǎng,赶集网翻译成英文是 ganji.; com provides the local users with the con...


