


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……









汉语拼音:dé cháng suǒ yuàn



  1. The next few days will determine whether President Hosni Mubarak is forced out or gets his way and clings on to power until September.


  2. I hope and wish that this year all our expectations and aspirations to meet together in Europe will be fulfilled.


  3. We went through a whole year together for that target and now it's happened.


  4. CA: Well, it looks like I'm reflecting the audience's opinion to say, Julian, be careful and all power to you.


  5. At the age of 11, he had read Samuel Eliot Morison's celebrated biography of Columbus three times.


  6. Imagine they got their way entirely, forcing Mr Obama and his party to accept deep cuts in spending without raising taxes at all.


  7. It is as if God was saying, you opt for the darkness of sin and shame, you have it.


  8. Ensuring this happens is as great a challenge for these governments as protecting their tottering banks and slashing their budget deficits.


  9. Another couple to get engaged over the holidays: Bell and longtime boyfriend Dax Shepard.


  1. 他就得偿所愿了

    everything he wants.

  2. 所有人都得偿所愿。

    We all got who we wanted.

  3. 莫特很快得偿所愿。

    Hey presto, Mr Mott got his wish.

  4. 她认为做母亲得偿所愿。

    She finds motherhood very rewarding.

  5. 有时在生活中你得偿所愿。

    Sometimes you get what you want in life.

  6. 我猜英雄终于得偿所愿了。

    So I guess the hero got what was coming to him after all.

  7. 你得偿所愿了啊,不是,我没

    You got what you wanted. No, I didn't.

  8. 这诗人一生求名,但从未得偿所愿。

    The poet has pursued fame all his life, but has never experienced it.

  9. 如今她已经得偿所愿,于是体系继续瓦解。

    Now that she has got everything she wanted, the system continues to unravel.

  10. 他们有可能得偿所愿,但随后就会后悔。

    They are likely to get what they wanted and regret it.

  11. 可以让你得偿所愿的神奇词语不是请是没错。

    The magic word for getting what you want isn't please it's yeah.

  12. 你需要恰如其分地运用勇气和毅力,才能得偿所愿。

    Once you have courage and willpower, you can have whatever you want.

  13. 如果底特律得偿所愿,那么每个人都会有一套说辞。

    If Detroit gets money, then everyone would have a case.

  14. 而他们最终也确是透过他得偿所愿,他们遇见了基督。

    And through him, they met Christ which of course was what they really wanted to do.

  15. 如果得偿所愿的话,雷德格雷夫将创造其他耐力型运动员不曾有过的记录……而且,如果他再要求别人看见他碰赛艇就开枪打死他的话,他可能是认真的了。

    In which case, Redgrave will have set a mark no other endurance athlete has achieved... and will probably really mean it if he asks to be shot if he's seen near a boat again.

  16. 如您所愿。

    As you please.

  17. 随她所愿吧。

    Let her.

  18. 随她所愿吧。

    Let her.

  19. 我相信做我所愿。

    I believe in doing whatever it takes.

  20. 显然没如你所愿。

    Apparently not.

  21. 它终于如我所愿。

    It has turned out just as I wished.

  22. 如你所愿的计划。

    Plans that are conformable to your wishes.

  23. 心之所愿,无所不成。

    Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

  24. 如我们所愿,正是吉兆

    It is as we hoped.The omens are good.

  25. 如我们所愿,正是吉兆。

    It is as we hoped. The omens are good.

  26. 这或许正如勒奈特所愿

    Or so Lynette had hoped.

  27. 心之所愿,无事不成。

    Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

  28. 这或许正如勒奈特所愿。

    Or so Lynette had hoped.

  29. 希望你的生日如你所愿。

    I hope your birthday was all that you hoped for.

  30. 这不正如你所愿吗?

    This is what you want, isn't it?


