


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……





汉语拼音:tóng dào










  1. 同一思想;同一原则。

    《孟子·离娄下》:“ 孟子 曰:‘ 禹 稷 颜回 同道。’” 朱熹 集注:“圣贤之道,进则救民,退则修己,其心一而已矣。” 汉 王充 《论衡·齐世》:“帝王治世,百代同道。”

  2. 行为相同。

    《孟子·公孙丑上》:“﹝ 公孙丑 ﹞曰:‘ 伯夷 、 伊尹 何如?’﹝ 孟子 ﹞曰:‘不同道。非其君不事,非其民不使;治则进,乱则退, 伯夷 也。何事非君,何使非民;治亦进,乱亦进, 伊尹 也。’”《史记·樗里子甘茂列传》:“﹝ 苏代 对曰﹞今 秦 楚 争彊而公党於 楚 ,是与 公孙奭 、 甘茂 同道也,公何以异之?”

  3. 志同道合。亦指志同道合的人。

    唐 张谓 《夜同宴用人字》诗:“平生颇同道,相见日相亲。” 唐 李涉 《六叹》诗序:“録之私斋,以示同道。” 宋 欧阳修 《朋党论》:“大凡君子与君子,以同道为朋。” 元 无名氏 《渔樵记》第四折:“原来是同道人 杨孝先 。” 王西彦 《古屋》第五部二:“我知道在人生意义上,你我彼此之间的意见很不同,所以必须另求一位同道的人。”

  4. 犹同行。行,行业。

    《七国春秋平话》卷下:“ 孙子 曰:‘看咱同道面,你若肯降我么?’”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二:“你两家同道中又是对手,正好做一对儿夫妻。”

  5. 同路。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·<竖琴>前记》:“同路人者……是一时同道的伴侣罢了。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十:“他同道的一个 俄国 女郎说道:‘可怕得很!可怕得很!’”



  1. The universal order and the personal order are nothing but different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle.


  2. Hung over as the top was pleased to have such a fellow, and sincerely wish Gong Xinglun Painting a glorious future.


  3. he's been asked more than once by sniffy fellow classicists why he would bother with such a frivolous project.


  4. I was most impressed by the great skill and dexterity with which our Chinese colleagues performed these procedures.


  5. And you know what? I'd say that 90% of my mentors and peers don't live in Austin, Texas. They live on the internet.


  6. For the map makers, we honor your willingness to trudge through some difficult moments to carve a map for your fellow humans to follow.


  7. So let me disclose more , if only for the benefit of those , like me, who are in the habit of collecting coins .


  8. It for the first time proposes that the Sertoli cell cytoskeleton can be detected in semen, with a view . . .


  9. The Obama administration, struggling to fulfil its own promises of change, should be more understanding of its Japanese counterpart.


  1. 但作为同道哥们

    But as a bystanding dude.

  2. 他不是我的同道。

    He is not of my set.

  3. 房室共同道

    atrioventricular communis.

  4. 圣灵同道文化空间

    The Cultural Space of the Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit of the Congos of Villa Mella

  5. 我喜欢的天气。我赞同道。

    My kind of day, I agreed.

  6. 听着,我和大学不同道

    Look, me and college are a bad match.

  7. 这对夫妻志同道合。

    This couple cherished the same ideals and followed the same path.

  8. 现在我才知道他是同道中人。

    Now I realizehe's just a party brother.

  9. 你完全正确,乔治赞同道。

    You're absolutely right, agreed george.

  10. 君子以同道为朋, 小人以同利为友。

    As a fellow gentleman friend, villain to make friends with Lee.

  11. 是啊,可怕,不是吗?她赞同道。

    Yes, dreadful, isn't it,'she agreed.

  12. 那教官惊喜得刮目相看,引为同道。

    Surprised and delighted, the instructor looked at him with new respect and considered him one of his own.

  13. 在他生病期间很多同道往看看了他。

    Many comrades went to see him during his illness.

  14. 你们组织的活动将与其他同道们策划的活动互为补充。

    The events that you host will complement events being planned by others.

  15. 是的,他的确似乎很仰慕她。管家赞同道。

    Yes, he does seem to admire her,'admitted the housekeeper.

  16. 信任陌生人独自旅行也教会你信任和你同道的男男女女。

    Traveling alone also teaches you to trust your fellow men and women.

  17. 宇宙的布局和个人的布局只不过是同道的不同表达。

    The universal order and the personal order are nothing but different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle.

  18. 目前的事态并不令人满意。海瑟姆赞同道。

    It's not an agreeable state of affairs,'concurs Heitham.

  19. 而与现在得先生, 则是生活上得志同道合。

    While my husband and I are living our lives.

  20. 我想, 每个认真的科研同道都会有类似的经历吧。

    I suppose that every serious researcher should have had similar experience.

  21. 天气完美。伙伴同道。我感谢上帝给我们这麽好的一天。

    Ita perfect day for riding. Great weather. Great camaraderie.

  22. 我猜现在没有别的选择了。卡莱尔冷着脸赞同道。

    I guess there's no other choice, Carlisle agreed, his face grim.

  23. 通过两则验案的分析给同道治疗此类疾病以借鉴。

    Through the analysis of two knotty cases the author the clinical doctors to treat the disease.

  24. 通过两则验案得分析给同道治疗此类疾病以借鉴。

    Through the analysis of two knotty cases the author the clinical doctors to treat the disease.

  25. 你是哪种鸟人呢?投下你的选票看看你有多少同道吧!

    What type of birder are you? Cast your vote to define your birding self!

  26. 但是,华理克和他的夫人凯,却乐此不疲的让同道中人难堪。

    By contrast, Mr Warren and his wife, Kay, revel in making their coreligionists uncomfortable.

  27. 同道,是指同修间若有错误的行为,可彼此更正,相互惕励。

    The process of spiritual cultivation is to and rectify conduct and behavior.

  28. 爱不仅仅是彼此凝望, 爱更要志同道合望向同一方向。

    Love is not just gazing at each other, but looking forward in the same direction.

  29. 许多福音派教徒认为在志同道合者得领导下会更适合。

    Many evangelicals plainly feel more comfortable backing one of their own.

  30. 对你来说,在体育场上结识的伙伴最是和你志同道合啦!

    You like your friends to be athletic and always ready to play.


  1. 问:同道拼音怎么拼?同道的读音是什么?同道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同道的读音是tóngdào,同道翻译成英文是 people engaged in the same trade or occupation...

  2. 问:同道的拼音怎么拼?同道的的读音是什么?同道的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同道的的读音是,同道的翻译成英文是 fellow

  3. 问:同道者拼音怎么拼?同道者的读音是什么?同道者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同道者的读音是,同道者翻译成英文是 fellow-traveler

  4. 问:同道中人拼音怎么拼?同道中人的读音是什么?同道中人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同道中人的读音是tóngdàozhōngrén,同道中人翻译成英文是 people having a common interest, preference, goa...

  5. 问:同道滑跑拼音怎么拼?同道滑跑的读音是什么?同道滑跑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同道滑跑的读音是tóng dào huá pǎo,同道滑跑翻译成英文是 peloton race

