




往,去:~京。~会。~任。~约。~宴。投入(某种境地),参加(某种行列):~战。~敌(加入对敌作战)。~难(nàn )。~义。古同“讣”,讣告。……



汉语拼音:kāi fù







  1. 开往;前往。

    徐怀中 《西线轶事》二:“九四一部队也奉命完成了一级战备,随时可以开赴前线。”



  1. We must be under the order of the general to leave for the front.


  2. Sea Shepherd has pledged to be there too. This was the closest Japan has come in 25 years to ending its Antarctic whaling programme.


  3. how they marched to the front in the Vietnamese military uniforms without military ranks.


  4. Mr. Hasan told the neighbor, Patricia Villa, that he was leaving for Iraq or Afghanistan and would not be back for six months.


  5. Messrs Bush and Rumsfeld chose instead to send less than half the needed soldiers and gave no proper thought to the aftermath.


  6. To participate in the American Red Cross during World War I battlefield rescue teams to move into the European theater.


  7. The general marched his army to the battlefield.


  8. But his repression has split the army and drawn elite units to the capital to defend his regime, giving Al Qaeda more room to operate.


  9. On 14 November 1943, the USS Iowa was on her way to North Africa, carrying Roosevelt to the summit meeting.


  1. 军队开赴前线。

    The army marched to the frontline.

  2. 全体立刻开赴前线!

    All to the front in no time!

  3. 部队准备开赴战场。

    The troops prepared themselves to go into battle.

  4. 将军让部队开赴战场。

    The general marched his army to the battlefield.

  5. 军队借着月光开赴前线。

    The troops pushed on to the front by moonlight.

  6. 从全英国征兵开赴战场。

    Men were recruited from all over Britain to go to war.

  7. 从全英国征兵开赴战场。

    Men were recruited from all over Britain to go to war.

  8. 我们营也奉命开赴了前线。

    Our battalion was ordered up, too.

  9. 他的部队被命令开赴前线。

    His troop was ordered to move to the front line.

  10. 秒,以加强和准备开赴时刻。

    Seconds to step up and ready to go at all times.

  11. 我们必须奉将军之命开赴前线。

    We must be under the order of the general to leave for the front.

  12. 今天开赴杜伊斯堡, 他们在星期一首演

    The side travels to Duisburg today, they debut Monday

  13. 他告诉我他参加了海军陆战队,下周将要开赴伊拉克。

    He told me he'd joined the Marines and was heading to Iraq the following week.

  14. 为支援西藏的建设,中央组织了援藏讲师团开赴西藏。

    The central government sent a lecture group to Tibet to facilitate the development of Tibet.

  15. 他跑步开赴,但很快就累得慢下来成了步行。

    He at a run but soon tired and slowed to a walk.

  16. 我们得弟兄已经开赴战场, 为什么我们还在这里投闲置散?

    Our brethren are already in the field!Why stand we here idle?

  17. 将有50位球迷跟随蓝衣军团一起开赴第比利斯。

    Approximately fifty fans greeted the Azzurri upon their departure to Tbilisi.

  18. 我们的弟兄已经开赴战场, 为什么我们还在这里投闲置散?

    Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle?

  19. 三个营的部队奉命开赴前方, 加强防线上的一个薄弱环节。

    Three battalions were ordered up to strengthen a weak point in the line.

  20. 为什么德国军舰开赴所罗门群岛,德国军队奔赴斯威士兰?

    Why German warships in the Solomon Islands and German troops in Swaziland?

  21. 他们携带着现代化武器装备,以最短的时间开赴到作战地点。

    They were equipped with modernized weapons and arrived in the combat places in the shortest time.

  22. 卡车队试图冲过几帮劫匪的火力网开赴英军基地。

    The trucks tried to drive to the British base, running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen.


  1. 问:开赴拼音怎么拼?开赴的读音是什么?开赴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开赴的读音是kāifù,开赴翻译成英文是 to march to; to be bound for


词目:开赴拼音:kāi fù注音:ㄎㄞ ㄈㄨˋ词性:动词解释:开往;前往。例句:徐怀中 《西线轶事》二:“九四一部队也奉命完成了一级战备,随时可以开赴前线。”