







汉语拼音:dú yī







  1. 没有可以相比的;唯一。

    燕谷老人 《续孽海花》第三三回:“他的武艺工夫,真是海内独一。” 毛泽东 《湖南农民运动考察报告·十四件大事》:“ 湘潭 等县,地主权力完全推翻,形成了农民的独一权力。”



  1. In the case of the former case the only solution is to replace the font, the location of the word.


  2. the only restricted is also part of the paper---EPSON wants you to its driver can choose its own paper!


  3. When he was 15, he understood that he was the only person who can kill the Dark Lord, Voldemort.


  4. pictures and designs should be registered, and to be the only legitimate users , to avoid as food unnecessary disputes security issues.


  5. With the system of matching supplies with actual demands, however, opportune production is only one of the links in the whole business flow.


  6. Yet Bunning is best understood as the Hall ofFame pitcher he was -- one man alone on his mound, and a cantankerouscompetitor to the end.


  7. I'm not the only one, To crash into the sun, and live to fight another day.


  8. It has no meaning but you shall have the wisdom to give that perspective and definition unto you brother.


  9. Elijah did not need wild rituals, fancy words, or vivid mental images to get God's attention. He prayed a simple prayer to the one true God.


  1. 冰淇淋之皇是独一的帝。

    The only emperor is the emperor of icecream.

  2. 彰显了独一真神的荣光。

    Reflecting the glory of the one and only God.

  3. 发明利润是独一的底线吗?

    Is profitability the only bottom line?

  4. 这非那个村落独一的店肆。

    This is the only shop in the village.

  5. 这是这个村落独一的店肆。

    This is the only shop in the village.

  6. 其谈判的授权是独一的和必要的。

    Its mandate to negotiate is unique and necessary.

  7. 这就是我们在新约的独一祝福。

    This is our unique New Testament blessing.

  8. 薄薄得膜层就是咱们独一得家园。

    Thellos thellon, membranous layer of life is our only home.

  9. 薄薄的膜层就是咱们独一的家园。

    Thellos thellon, membranous layer of life is our only home.

  10. 圣经是首要且独一的神学来源。

    Scripture is the primary and unique source of theology.

  11. 该厂独一可用的燃料是煤。

    In this factory the only fuel available is coal.

  12. 只有尊崇独一的真神才会蒙福。

    Worshiping the true God is only way to be blessed.

  13. 由此也得回全会独一得金质复制惩。

    One for the whole Assembly a unique copy Gold Award.

  14. 安拉是宽恕的主,安拉是仁慈,安拉是独一仁爱的主。

    Allah is Ghefor, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin.

  15. 你说, 爱是独一, 我们那么幸运, 我们矢志不渝。

    You say, love is only one, we so lucky, our commitment.

  16. 我独一喜欢的黄种人就是辛普森一家。

    The only yellow people I love are simpsons.

  17. 这被以为是他们对来世的独一但愿。

    It was believed to be their only hope for the afterlife.

  18. 每一个投票人会收到一个独一得选票号码。

    Each voter receives a unique ballot code.

  19. 每一个投票人会收到一个独一的选票号码。

    Each voter receives a unique ballot code.

  20. 换句话说,获致乐成是我独一的愿望。

    In other words, to achieve success is my only desire.

  21. 由此也得回全会独一的金质复制惩。

    One for the whole Assembly a unique copy Gold Award.

  22. 这一术语强调了耶稣基督绝对独一得特征。

    The term stresses the absolutely unique nature of Jesus Christ.

  23. 这一术语强调了耶稣基督绝对独一的特征。

    The term stresses the absolutely unique nature of Jesus Christ.

  24. 这是如今我们给孩子用得独一的牙刷。

    This is now the only toothbrush well buy for our toddler.

  25. 封面必然是图片和刊不实的独一组分。

    Cover art is by no means a simple picture and journal of combined.

  26. 你我分手了,独一的默契就是彼此不联系了。

    You I broke up, only is not contact with the tacit understanding each other.

  27. 寂寞和孤单成为他当前生命里独一的颜色。

    Loneliness and solitude becomes the sole color of his remaining life.

  28. 有时, 抵挡黑暗的独一办法就是发出慈祥的光芒。

    And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compbuttion.

  29. 你们仍然是国际社会独一的多边裁军谈判机构。

    You remain the single multilateral disarmament negotiating body of the international community.

  30. 我们独一的太阳系似乎要被死寂的世界给淹没了。

    Our own solar system appears to be chocked with dead worlds.


  1. 问:独一无二拼音怎么拼?独一无二的读音是什么?独一无二翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独一无二的读音是dúyīwú'èr,独一无二翻译成英文是 unparalleled

  2. 问:独一味拼音怎么拼?独一味的读音是什么?独一味翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独一味的读音是dúyíwèi,独一味翻译成英文是 Lamiophlomis rotata

  3. 问:独一味属拼音怎么拼?独一味属的读音是什么?独一味属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独一味属的读音是dúyíwèi shǔ,独一味属翻译成英文是 Lamiphlomis

  4. 问:独一圣洁拼音怎么拼?独一圣洁的读音是什么?独一圣洁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独一圣洁的读音是dúyīshèngjié,独一圣洁翻译成英文是 Una Sancta


独一,指没有可以相比的;唯一。语出燕谷老人 《续孽海花》第三三回:“他的武艺工夫,真是海内独一。”