




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:kǒu dà






  1. 谓夸口。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷二:“不是咱家口大,略使权术,立退干戈。”



  1. Terror of the lecher , hope of the mad recluse : The Sky ! Black cover of the great cauldron In which boils vast, imperceptible Humanity .


  2. The air clears a bit once you've deplaned, but the horizon still contracts, pollution closing off the New Delhi sky like a dome.


  3. I lay shivering and gasping in my warm bed for several minutes, trying to break free of the dream.


  4. Isabella had been diagnosed with cancer a few months earlier and is now shaking and gasping for air. She is in pain.


  5. "I'm hungry, " said the little white rabbit, so they stopped playing and ate a large patch of dandelions.


  6. The pot was a big pot; Mr. Mouse was a little mouse. He could not take the pot down from the fire. he fell into the pot and was killed.


  7. Heat a wok or large skillet until hot. Add 4 ounces of the oil and stir-fry the pork, stirring with a spatula to break it into small pieces.


  8. The thin and dark young guy give me a piece of chicken to my bowl while he is chewing with a full month.


  9. Highland barley liquor and fragrant buttered tea have brewed the kind of lover's prattle that burns hot .


  1. 那口大箱子占了太多的地方。

    The big box takes up too much room.

  2. 猛吸几大口。

    Take several deep inhalations.

  3. 他吹出一大口气。

    He blew out a big breath of air.

  4. 她吸足了一大口气。

    She took a gulp of air.

  5. 我深吸了一大口气。

    I took in a large gulp of air.

  6. 大口水壶, 瓷或白坯瓷制

    ewer, of porcelain or china

  7. 老虎却很自然地张开了血盆大口。

    The tiger was naturally opened toothy maw.

  8. 他站起来,深深吸了一大口气。

    He stood and sucked in a great draught of air.

  9. 大口水壶, 除瓷或白坯瓷外的陶瓷制

    ewer, of ceramic other than porcelain or china

  10. 鼓出一大口气, 将其吹回各自府第。

    Plumping up a mouseful air, sending them to where they came from.

  11. 当他终于离开时, 他们松了一大口气。

    They all heaved a sigh of relief when he finally departed.

  12. 一个身穿劳教服脚上还有水泡人还这么大口气。

    That's big talk for a woman Standing in an orange jumpsuit With blisters on her feet.

  13. 当她跟我谈起这种事时,吓得我倒吸了一大口气。

    I feared to hyperventilate when she talked such a thing to me.

  14. 我妹妹抬起头吸一大口气, 撩开她乱糟糟的褐色卷发。

    My sister lifts her head to get a gulp of air, pushing her mess of brown curls out of the way.

  15. 口也大,上下颌有很多细小的牙齿。

    I also, on the mandibular many small teeth.

  16. 口内大干,以致病人咀嚼和吞下食物,都有困难。

    The mouth is so dry that it is difficulty for the patient to masticate and swallow food.

  17. 从总体上看,万年冰洞洞体具有口小肚大的特征。

    In the general, this ten thousand ice cave has the features of a smaller entry and a bigger middle part.

  18. 口咽腔大,粘膜上皮为复层鳞状上皮,内含少量杯状细胞。

    The buccalpharynx cavity was large, and its mucosa was composed of stratified squamous epitheliums with a few goblet cells.

  19. 口密度很大。

    Japan has a high density of population.

  20. 他们的口耳鼻是大还是小的?

    Do they have big or small mouths, ears and noses?

  21. 广口瓶有个大口, 有时候还有两个把手。

    A jar has a wide mouth and sometimes has two handles.

  22. 雨水流进这口大桶。

    The rain water drains into this big vat.

  23. 这口大钟占居太多的空间。

    The big clock takes up too much room.

  24. 口大开, 舌位低平, 不圆唇。

    A The mouth is wide open. The tongue is flat and at its lowest position. The lips are not rounded.

  25. 大渡河金口大峡谷旅游资源优势与旅游产品创新设计

    The Advantages of Tourism Resources and Innovative Design of Tourism Products in Dadu River Jinkou Grand Canyon

  26. 这个老头大发脾气,口出威胁。

    The old man fumed and threatened.

  27. 丹江口水库是亚洲最大的人工湖。

    Danjiangkou reservoir is the largest artificial lake in asian.

  28. 口笔译者应尽最大努力做到准确。

    Interpreters and translators shall take all reasonable care to be accurate.

  29. 前筋膜已被更改, 以腾出空间给一个大中心进气口。

    The front fascia has been altered to make room for a large center air intake.

  30. 大口吃饭, 小口饮酒

    eat with pleasure, drink with measure