


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……





汉语拼音:guò yǐ






  1. 见“ 过与 ”。



  1. But, as me with you, I resolved to trust you to set my wishes above your gratification.


  2. Even so, it never occurred to me that you could get paid to do calculus.


  3. However, it may not be sufficient enough to present this information to the end user in such a basic format.


  4. But also from my years of experience, I am more relaxed than I was at the beginning of my career.


  5. He said, "However, in light of Jason Jiang's style and with the current speed of expansion of Focus Media, this day is coming soon. "


  6. I'm at a party in a mansion There's a lot of high fashion, And I'm cooler than I've ever been So what you think about that?


  7. He said both had been tested at checkpoints to ensure that they met government specifications.


  8. But in the name of Allah, swear, I all do not know you.


  9. He said sth. about a very humble subject in a very particular way that captures people's imaginations.


  1. 木炭被滤过以提取碱液。

    Wood ashes are leached to extract lye.

  2. 你考虑过以教书为职业吗?

    Have you ever thought of going in for teaching?

  3. 犹太人过以逾越节家宴来庆祝逾越节。

    Jews traditionally observe Passover with a feast known as a Seder.

  4. 车辆已改装过以适应沙漠的环境。

    The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert.

  5. 越过以令人满意的速度越过指定距离

    To traverse a given distance with satisfying speed.

  6. 这块木头用防腐剂处理过以防止腐烂。

    The wood is treated with preservative to prevent decay.

  7. 这些设施已经改造过以方便轮椅使用者进入。

    The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users.

  8. 我看过以他得回忆录改编成电影得预告片。

    I watched a trailer for the screenplay of his memoirs.

  9. 我看过以他的回忆录改编成电影的预告片。

    I watched a trailer for the screenplay of his memoirs.

  10. 过去,人们曾试过以一条时间轴来显示新闻故事。

    Showing news stories on a timeline has been tried before.

  11. 即便如此,我也从未有过以微积分为职业的念头。

    Even so, it never occurred to me that you could get paid to do calculus.

  12. 它甚至可能已经被故意更改过以破坏程序的安全性。

    It could even have been deliberately modified in an effort to subvert your programs security.

  13. 卡沃尔从来就没有想过以自己新创造的产品谋取名声。

    Carver never cared getting credit for the new products he created.

  14. 难道他们没有描述过以爱之名去行动会伴随着响应?

    Have they not reported that when it is done with love, that there is a response?

  15. 制法1。将猪获净后用热水烫过以除去肥脂和腥味。

    Clean the pork and scald in hot water to remove the fats and raw meat taste.

  16. 拖网捕鱼时, 巨大得网被缓缓地在水下拉过以捕捉鱼群。

    In trawl fishing, huge nets are slowly pulled below the water to collect fish.

  17. 拖网捕鱼时,巨大的网被缓缓地在水下拉过以捕捉鱼群。

    In trawl fishing, huge nets are slowly pulled below the water to collect fish.

  18. 他说两种包都已在安检点测试过以确保它们符合政府标准。

    He said both had been tested at checkpoints to ensure that they met government specifications.

  19. 她以过失控告制造商。

    She sued the manufacturer for negligence.

  20. 这一议案以过半数票而通过。

    The measure received a majority.

  21. 裁判应以过半数的法官作出。

    The decision shall be taken by the majority of the judges.

  22. 试样以过氧化钠熔融分解,热水浸取,酸化,定容。

    The sample was molten and decomposed with sodium peroxide, leached and acidified with hot water and constantvolumed.

  23. 以过硫酸铵为引发剂,在超声波辅助下引发丙烯酸单体聚合。

    Under ultrasonic polyacrylic acid was synthesized with ammonium persulfate as initiator.

  24. 目前蔬菜得热烫终点以过氧化物酶作为指示剂来确定。

    Presently, Peroxidase is employed as indicator for blanching treatments of vegetables.

  25. 目前蔬菜的热烫终点以过氧化物酶作为指示剂来确定。

    Presently, Peroxidase is employed as indicator for blanching treatments of vegetables.

  26. 你观察过吗物以类聚,人以群分?

    Have you ever observed that birds of a feather flock together?

  27. 一种以过氧化氢和氯化钙为原料,制备过氧化钙的方法。

    The invention relates to a calcium peroxide preparation method using hydrogen peroxide and calcium chloride as raw materials.

  28. 保管者以过山车的比喻讲出来是为了让你觉得它很有趣。

    The reason the Keepers give the metaphor of a roller coaster is to make sure you think of this in terms of fun.

  29. 分布过散会以用能你少减投机的数量。

    More diversity reduces amount you can speculate with.

  30. 我已校阅过并以黄色标示出我所修改之处。

    I had revised it, and marked my revision in yellow.